Keep the Change You Filthy Animal

Please Don't Go

I dreaded this, I literally wanted to smash my face into a wall a million times. On the road all day and night, sit around while his annoying boy band played shows for these stalker girls that god knows what they imagine about them. 

It was day four and I had no idea where the hell I was in the United States. It was right then and there I knew my life was on the verge of falling apart. 

"Are you lost?" The voice startled me. 

"Lost? I guess I'm lost in like geography wise but besides that I'd just rather be dead."

The beautiful boy just stared blankly at me, as if I was some crazy lunatic, yeah I give him props to that. He should be scared of me. 

"I'm the lead singer of All Time Fags sister, regretfully."

"I didn't know Alex had a sister." Did he have to start smiling like I was about to change his whole universe. Ughhh. 

"Would ya look at that, his mom and dad decided to spawn another Gaskarth. Woopty fucking do."

His face suddenly reverted back to that lunatic gaze. That's right boy fear the lunatic. 

"John!" Alex... "You should probably get going to sound check."

"Yes Johnny boy, please move along and go waste someone else's life." I smirked at that and went back to my phone. 


"Yes big brother?" I didn't even bother to let my eyes leave my phone. 

"Please try and be nicer to my friends. I know it will be a challenge but it will make my life so much easier, that way I don't have to bother informing them why my sister is such a bitch."

"Yes please enlighten them with the story of how my boyfriend of four years was killed tragically in a car crash and it has made me turn into this cold hearted bitch." Crushed that heart of his. 

With that I watched with pleasure as my brother walked away. Did I mention the reason behind my views on life? Oh well now that we are all caught up on that situation. Yes it was about a year ago that the love of my life, Jeremy Fletcher, was killed instantly in a car accident. The accident has provoked into my drinking habit, at least I can admit I have a problem.
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Filler. Next one will be longer. I promise. Also this was written on my iPhone while I waited for my carpool at work. So please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes. I will be sure to review it when I get home.