Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters

Doctor visit, and a new friend.

Rick struggled as he brought Rebecca to her feet and pushed her back through the hall. She didn’t like being near him anymore. She was getting tired of him, of this. She had to get out of this place, and she had to get Jax out too. It was clear he was going more insane being locked in this institution then he’d been if he was out. This was her chance. To soak in all the information she could, and bring it back to Loretta by lunch time. She would tell her everything she saw and everywhere she had been. And… hey! wait! Where are we going anyways?

“Where are you taking me?” Rebecca asked angrily trying to pull her arms away from Ricks monstrous grip.

“Calm down Rebecca, its just breakfast.” Howard said trying to ease her worry. She didn’t want his comfort. As a matter of fact, she didn’t care about either of them. Not now, not anymore. Just as long as they did there job, and stayed out of her way. She had to find a way to get a master key and clearance card.

Rebecca looked to Ricks belt. He did not have a master clearance card, only the set of keys to get through to the maximum security section of the building and into her and Jax’s cell. She looked to Howard. He had no keys, but found he had weapons. A tazor and a police officer-like club stick used for hitting people with.

Her guards would not be the key to her escape. In fact she thought better to avoid them as much as possible during her get away. Which made her wonder, would Jax be able to keep up with her? Or perhaps would she have trouble keeping up with him? Would they even be together at all during the break-out? This plan was going to take some time and she only had… 6 more days to pull it together.

Coming to the hospital parts of the asylum they made a hard right turn, away from the direction of the cafeteria.

“I thought you said we were going to breakfast.” Rebecca asked confused.

“Oh we are. Your doctor requested you eat with him this morning.” Howard answered unlocking another hall door to go into the next hallway.

“My doctor?”

“Crane…” Rick said smart-alecky as if she had forgotten.

“Yeah, I know who my doctor is, thanks. I’m just wondering why he would want to have breakfast… with me…” Rebecca trailed in bewilderment.

“Beats the hell out of me kid. But have fun.” Howard said pushing her lightly by the shoulders and into another room. Rick and Howard stayed behind and shut the door behind her.

Rebecca looked around. She was in an office. A nice office. With streak-less windows starring back at her from across the room. Regardless of the prison-like bars that clung to them just outside the glass, she couldn’t help but admire the window. It had been the first clear view of the outside world from inside the building she had seen sense she arrived.

There was a desk in front of her. Made with dark wood and with a black name plague resting at the edge. In all capital letters it read DR. JONATHAN CRANE. Rebecca’s psychiatrist. She was in his office.

A rush of panic overwhelmed her and she immediately felt the urge to turn full speed back to the door and run out, but no doubt in her mind told her it was locked. There was no way out. No other exit. That was, until she turned her attention to another door that stood to her right. She was going to approach it and give it an attempt as her escape, but just in the same second she had wanted to, it flung open. Revealing her black-suited, white crisp tie wearing, wannabe genius of a doctor Crane. Holding a tray with multiple plates and two cups, wobbling slightly as he carried them to the desk.

“Ah, Rebecca. How are you this morning?” Crane asked clearing a space for the tray and cups. He sat down, motioning for her to do the same in the arm chair that sat across the desk from him.

Rebecca looked at him, utterly confused. She questioned every motive that might be in him to invite her to breakfast. Had he heard about her unwillingness to eat in the cafeteria? Or was he up to something? Knowing him, he was always up to something.

Slowly, Rebecca sat down, her gaze never leaving Cranes. She didn’t trust him, or the situation. Best not to have him leave her sight.

“So? How are you?” Crane asked waiting for her reply. He leaned forward distributing the plates from the tray.

“…Terrible… Why am I in here?” She asked watching him push a plate full of eggs and bacon in her direction, followed by a cup of orange juice and a bowl of hash browns. Whether he was up to something or not she couldn’t deny that everything in front of her looked absolutely delicious. And she hadn’t eaten one thing sense she got here.

Crane chuckled. Taking a bite of his toast.

“Howard told me you weren’t too fond of the food Arkham provides to the inmates. He said you requested to be outside during your lunch time.”

“So…?” Rebecca said picking up a fork and heading to the hash browns first. She didn’t care anymore that it might be poisoned or lethal in some way. Her stomach was dying for food. And it was indeed very good food, she wouldn’t pass up the opportunity even if it was offered by Crane.

“So, I wanted to make sure you got fed. Your guards informed me you hadn’t eaten sense you got here. I was concerned. You think its wrong for a doctor to be concerned for his patient?”

“No, I think its wrong for a doctor to lock up a very low risk patient in the maximum security holding cells with an extremely high risk, not to mention MALE, inmate. What, afraid I might escape? Or is that just how you get your kicks?” Rebecca had finished the hash browns and was now sipping at her orange juice waiting for Cranes reply. She watched as his smile dissipated and he wiped his face with his napkin.

“You have quite an imagination Rebecca. I assure you its mine and the staff at Arkham’s first priority to make sure that you feel safe and secure. If you’re requesting I have you moved to a new cell then I’ll gladly place you somewhere else if you like.”

“No, I don’t need a new cell. I’m perfectly comfortable with where I am thank you.”

“Are you sure? I apologize that you felt…”

“I’m sure.” Rebecca said cutting him off. She stabbed at her eggs, pushing them to the far side of her plate. [Gross.] And eagerly picked up the bacon, devouring it in seconds.

“Well then. Is there anything you’d like to talk about while were here?” He asked noticing she didn’t eat her eggs. Rebecca shook her head.

“Nope.” She didn’t want to talk to him. She just wanted to eat and get the hell out. Not a thing in the world did she want to discuss with him.

“Really? I heard your mother came to visit you.” He smirked. Rebecca stopped. Oh how that was the completely wrong nerve to be striking with her. She loved her mother. Her mother was her weak point. An enemies advantage.

“What time is it?” Rebecca asked changing the subject. She gulped down the rest of her orange juice and pushed her plates away from her to show she was finished.

“9:13 Which reminds me I saw you requested craft activities. That starts in a few minutes.”

“So am I allowed to go?” She said anxious. Not only was she totally ready to get out of his office, but also ready to get back to her true mission, and find some other guards who had the keys she needed to get out. Crane leaned back, smiling.

“Of course.” he then leaned forward and pressed a black button on the top of his desk. Soon enough his door opened and both Howard and Rick were walking inside taking her by the arms.

“Have fun.” Crane said watching as they took her out. She smiled, menacingly back at him.

“I will.” And gently, Rick and Howard pulled her out of the room. The door shutting with the press of Crane’s button behind them.

And out they went. Back down the hospital hallways and through different locked and barred doorways. Rebecca taking extra care to remember each one she went through and taking mental photographs of each key or clearance pass used. Her perfect 20/20 vision being able to read the tiny numbers that lie printed into each key. K011 being the first key for door eleven, lock one, in the south hallway on floor 7. Lock two for door eleven used the same key, only turned upside down. Which upon entering led you to another set of barred doors. These required a different key. But on the same key ring from which K009 came from. This key was rusted and easy to spot out of all the others. Its number J012. Which then was also turned upside down to open the next set of doors. Taking them to the end of the 7th floor hallway and pressing a button for the elevator.

“So what'd you and Crane talk about?” Howard asked as they waited for the metallic elevator doors to open. [How nosey.]

“My nightmares.” Rebecca answered back swiftly.

“Your nightmares?” Rick butted in.

“Yes, my nightmares. I told him all about the one where I rip someone’s skin off there body, then dismantled the oppressive establishment. I went on strike.” [Did I mention how much Rebecca loved cartoons?]

They wanted crazy, so she gave it to them. Surely one of them would run off and tell Crane she was beginning to make no sense, but she honestly did not care. She was quite certain Crane knew for a fact she wasn't crazy, and confusing Rick and Howard far beyond making them suspect she was trying to escape would come in handy. Un-doubtfully they would begin to think, what a dumb, sad, little, crazy girl. She couldn't even comprehend how to escape this building, or even begin to understand why she was there in the first place. Thus, the game falling directly into her hands. Rick and Howard were probably too dense to even think that far ahead anyway. They would not be a threat in this way. But running into Rick sometime during her, and other inmates escape, defiantly brought some frightening images to mind. But isn't that why she had Jax? [Tehe.]

Rebecca, to wrapped up in her own thoughts to realize where she had been taken, found herself in front of a doorway. She looked back down the hallway. Rick and Howard were still with her but no longer holding her arms. She read the blue out-reached door sign that had white number 2 painted across it. She was at crafts.

“They just started, so you'll be in there for a little bit over 30 minutes. Please don't cause any trouble.” Howard seemed to plead more then ask. Which struck her as strange because she hadn't once caused a disruption in her small time at Arkham. But then remembered he was probably beginning to get a little weary. Her talking about ripping skin off and oppressive establishments and all. [xD]

“I'll be good.” Rebecca smiled. Howard nodded, and they lead her inside. Letting the 'instructor' of arts and crafts take her, then walking out once she was in his custody. And, why yes. HIS. The arts and crafts instructor was a man. But anyone with a brain could clearly see he was gay, and on every level. This comforted Rebecca though. It was nice to see a man who wasn't looking at her like a piece of meat, or even paying attention to her at all. He was nice, but clearly not interested in what she did at all. He simply advised her to sit anywhere she like, that all the other patients were nice and to create anything she wanted. It was just mandatory that she turn in all artworks and equipment used to make them, at the end of class. She nodded, thanking him and turned back to the massive table in which all the other patients were already sitting at. Drawling, coloring, and cutting away at different pieces of paper and molding clay.

She wanted to choose her seat carefully, noticing the difference in the way each person looked and how they were reacting to their artwork. One guy, near the back seemed to cut and tare, and practically throw his paper in frustration. Not a good person to sit by. Another woman, just starred down at her paper. As if waiting for it to do something. Laziness, thought Rebecca. The mind can only create what the body will put forth. Stupid woman. She would not sit by her.

Rebecca looked around, back and forth, and around the square table. Finally coming to a stop when she saw a young man sitting all alone, very absorbed into his own work. Not seeing or caring about the other inmates in the room. She liked him. Not only was he fairly cute, but he looked sane. Which was hard to say. [I mean look at the building were in.] He also looked hardworking. Rebecca admired this quality in people and began her march to the seat next to him.

Walking closer she found he was wearing a hat of sorts. It was black and looked like something back from the 18 hundreds. A type of top-hat looking sort of thing. Although Rebecca was not completely sure. Her knowledge of hats only ranged so far. But coming closer she saw he had a large crop of messy auburn-brown hair growing underneath his hat. It seemed almost multicolored. All blending somewhere between blonde and orange. More orange she decided.

He looked tall, but it was hard to tell sense he was sitting down. His lips seemed to move up and down in repetitive motions as if he were talking to himself. But no words could be heard. His eyes moving at lightening fast speeds across his paper, as if trying to decipher something. But this didn’t bother Rebecca. In fact, if anything, encouraged her more to approach him. He sure was interesting, and the closer she got. The more attractive he became. She sat down.

“Hi, my names Rebecca. What’s yours?” She smiled brightly.

He didn’t look up. He didn’t budge, tense, or show the tiniest bit of awareness towards her presence. Was he this far gone into his own art? Or was he simply just insane? Suddenly he smiled. His hand coming to a halt on his paper. He pulled himself up straight and turned to Rebecca. Gleaming in his grin.

“Matt.” He answered politely. His smile was beautiful. With sharp white teeth sparkling slightly behind his perfectly creased lips.

Rebecca felt almost compelled to faint. But thought better of it and simply beamed back up at him. She couldn’t help but notice though, his overly blood-shot, rubbed red, eyes. They looked really teary. But behind the water held back by his eyelids, she could make out a pair of ocean blue irises. A deep blue, not like Crane's. This blue was warming, and friendly. Not icy and cold like her doctors. And although they were very hard to find under all bulging blood veins wrapped around his pupils, they were amazing, and defiantly worth the search.

“Its nice to meet you.” He spoke. “Are you new here?” He asked turning in his stool to face her. He had put his pencil down and now had his full attention turned to her.

“I am. I just got here Saturday.”

“Thought so. I've never seen you in here. Do you see any scissors near?” He asked going back to his drawling.

“Oh, um,” Rebecca looked around. Grabbing the scissors that lay on the far end of the table to her left. “Here you go.” she said handing them to him.

“Thanks. So as you were saying. You're new? Where did you come from and how did you get here?”

“Well…” She watched as he cut vigorously at his paper. She looked at what he had drawn, and it surprised her. Not only because its not exactly something the average person draws, but the fact that it was kind of creepy. They were all a bunch of hats. Hundreds of hats. All over his paper in different colors shapes and sizes. Peculiar, she thought.

“Oh and may I make a suggestion. Start at the beginning, and when you come to the end…” He chopped his paper in half, and shook the remaining shreds off revealing an amazing kaleidoscope pattern portrait of hats. “…Stop.”