Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters

Casual Conversation

“Well, in all honesty, I can’t really tell you why I’m here…” Rebecca tried to explain.

Matt had already begun to work on a new drawling of hats. Using pastels instead of crayons and shading in various spots on the small paper. Rebecca decided to try her hand at drawing something and reached for a piece of paper from the stack in front of Matt, picking up a pencil in the process, and began to scribble away.

“And why is that?” Matt replied not looking up from his paper.

“Because! I don’t know why I’m here.” Rebecca did not look up either but continued starring at Matt out of the corner of her eye. She watched as his eyes widened in disbelief.

“I highly doubt that. Was it the Bat?”

“The Bat? You mean Batman? Why would I have anything to do with him?” Rebecca asked confused.

“I know of many inmates who’s reasons for being here involve the Batman. Tends to be the reason for a lot of peoples problems. Doesn’t he?”

“I wouldn’t know.” Rebecca answered truthfully. She didn’t think it was right to judge someone before you knew them, before you really knew them. And sense she had never met the guy, she couldn’t do such.

“Tell me, Rebecca, how old are you?”

“Fourteen. Why do you ask?” She had actually gotten pretty into the star lined city setting she was drawing and stopped watching Matt’s reactions out of her peripheral.

“I thought you looked young. Discouraging isn’t. Even Gotham’s youngest are starting to loose it.”

“Um, excuse me. I’m not crazy. Okay? And what about you, huh? You don’t look that old.”

“Ah, good point. I’m nineteen. Going on twenty in a month.”

“Wow, really?” Rebecca did not think he looked 20, but he did look older then 17. It was believable.

“Yes really. And I’m hoping to be home in time for my birthday. You see I have a certain special someone, you might call it, waiting for me back at home.”

Rebecca was instantly deflated. Although she couldn’t quite figure out why. Sure she wouldn’t have thought someone as attractive as him would ever look in her direction. Not only that but he was a great deal older then her. It was morally wrong on every level and Rebecca knew this. But how much harm could flirting do?

“Don’t you?” Matt’s piercing voice asked bringing her back to reality.

All at once, she started throwing all affectionate thoughts to the very person she had been fighting with only hours ago. This reminder, however, hit an unknown emotion in her, and she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“Yes. I have a boyfriend.” [Wait, what!?] Your too young to have a boyfriend. “His names Jax.” [His names what?!!] “He’s my cellmate.”

“You, have a boy as a cellmate? Very unlikely, never be allowed. How’d that happen?” Matt’s voice was stern. As if he thought she was lying. Which she was, but not about the boy as a cellmate.

“Well, I don’t think I have to explain much when I say who my doctor is.” Rebecca said thinking of how the other people in the building react to her psychiatrist.

“Ahh, Crane is it?” Matt answered through a toothy grin. Rebecca, did actually take the time to look at him now.

“How’d you know?”

“I know a lot.”

“More then most evidently.”

“Evidently…” Matt trailed. This is when Rebecca spotted a good opportunity. And just what Matt might have been hinting at that she hadn’t caught at first.

He wanted to be home for his birthday. She was still on her mission, and this guy might just be a very big component to helping her escape. She’d just have to figure out the right way to propose the idea, and then even see if he’d agree to go along with her. Not only did he appear to be above the regular intelligence of the other inmates, [and probably most of all the guards.] He looked tall, and naturally he was bigger then her, which meant he was stronger. If she was going to escape, she was going to need him.

“So… You want to get home before your birthday? Are they letting you out anytime soon?” She watched as Matt’s lips curved into a grin. He was folding his paper now, intensely into his work again, but very well focused in the conversation as well.

Rebecca couldn’t recall seeing his wristband before, but now it struck her as something she should have been searching for the moment she sat down next to him. In a nice highlighter yellow his read MEDIUM RISK PAITENT in all capital letters. Warning Rebecca, that he might indeed inflict harm onto her if given the opportunity. She kept in mind, to not get on his bad side.

“I’ll be getting out soon. Very soon…”

“How soon?”

“Oh, maybe within a week or a couple days or something.”

“Really?? Because, um, I’m kind of hoping to be leaving here within a few days too. And so are a few other people, were leaving together. And if you…”

“I’d be delighted.” Matt smiled.

Rebecca smiled back at him and she couldn’t have been more proud of herself in that moment. She had a new ally. She had done it.

“Well looks like its time to go,” Matt said as Rebecca watched the inmates begin to be individually taken away with there guards back to there cell. “Shall we continue tomorrow, same time?”

“Of course.” Rebecca agreed. Matt smiled.

“Well, till then.”

“Till then.” And Matt was brisk-fully taken away with his two female guards and walked, his head held high above the rest of the other patients, out of the room.

“Ready?” Rebecca turned around to see Howard’s big sweaty face ready to take her into his grasp and drag her back to her cell.


Rebecca had a new member on there team and not only was he tall and physically in shape, but he was smart. Which meant he could develop a safe and accurate escape route through the building. A task Rebecca thought neither Jax or Loretta had the brain power to even comprehend how to do.

Now she’d be working with someone that had the same motives, reasoning and logic skills as she did. Defiantly making things a little easier. Oh and his stunning features was nearly a form of luck, something she could get used to fast. Not to say that she didn’t already love Jax’s adorable, cute face. But Matt’s took on a whole other persona of model type qualities. This being locked up thing, was beginning to get fun.