Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters


Four days and one long night later. [Saturday Morning] Rebecca and Matt had formulated a solid plan, been able to produce it on paper, and explain it very thoroughly to both Jax and Loretta. Turns out Matt actually had the same lunch time as both Rebecca and Loretta, so it was not hard to develop there escape plans during the day. Not only did they have a good amount of time at lunch, but Matt had told Loretta to join arts and crafts so they’d have more time to go over there strategies. The only person missing from there meetings was Jax, and this was due to no fault of his own. He was way too dangerous, or so his doctors believed, to be let out of his cell for any reasons other then therapy and meds.

Which brings me to my next topic. They were upping Jax’s medications. And this was not only scaring Rebecca, but it was partially very frightening to Jax. Any person out on the streets would believe he was on a form of Ecstasy, perhaps the more legal type of Valium. Of course, it stopped him from his random outburst of screams, crying, and hurting himself. But it also stopped him from being able function properly or to even listen and concentrate on what Rebecca was saying. [More then just his usual ADHD.] His levels of intelligence seemed to drop tremendously and the thought of trying to escape with Jax in his current state of mind right now did NOT encourage Rebecca’s plans. She had even thought of setting there escape date back for when he would begin to get used to his medications or when they would take him off it. But Matt told her firmly neither things would happen. Whatever he was on they were not going to take him off of, and it was made to make him act like that for a reason. The medications wouldn’t change.

Rebecca wondered what Jax could have done during one of his therapy sessions for his doctor to believe he should be on such drugs. But surely enough news got around to Matt [he seemed to know everything] and he informed Rebecca, Jax’s usual doctor had passed away. [He was very old.] And Jax’s new doctor would not be as patient as his last. This doctor was going to get information from Jax one way or another and even suggested electro-therapy as part of his treatment. It was tearing Rebecca apart to come back to her cell and have to be there for him after the continuous torture of different drugs, shock therapy, and God only knows what. She had to get him out. They were killing him, it was time for drastic measures.

Although neither Loretta or Matt had actually met Jax yet, they still cared for him and believed Rebecca when she said he was hurting. Matt was smart, slick too. Especially when it came to trading for things. Like the drug Ipecac. [Used for patients who need to, but can’t vomit.] He had managed to get his hands on some and smuggle it all the way to Rebecca. Where she was able to get it all the way to her cell and shoved down Jax’s throat.

And here she was. Five in the freakin morning and Jax going through his final stages of your home-made ‘de-tox.’ He was shaking, sweating, and crying. Balled up in Rebecca’s arms, waiting for the pain to go away. She promised Jax that they’d get whoever did this to him. His awareness coming back to him he only nodded his head to her as he continued to pull at his scalp, hoping it would somehow overweigh the pain coursing through his veins.

It wasn’t long until Jax finally had fallen asleep, which then meant Rebecca could, but she knew it would be day time soon and she’d be forced to eat another awkwardly-intense silent breakfast with her doctor. Crane decided that sense she did not have a taste for the food served downstairs, she eat at least one meal a day and with him. To monitor both her intake of food and changes in her behavior.

Rebecca realized after a certain amount of time that she was indeed right. Her food had been drugged and she had no idea with what. Unlike Jax, she had the ability to make herself throw up without the help of drugs. Sadly though without the nutrition of food she was getting weaker. Things were not going well at all. Her and Jax were at there weakest and for some reason she couldn’t help but think Crane was also behind Jax’s messed up medications. Like he had planned it. That maybe he knew about her and Matt’s plans. This only made her sicker with worry. Rebecca had never been so scared and nervous with problems hitting her all at once. [Besides when she had first arrived, but then again she wasn’t all that scared when she entered the asylum.]

She needed help. With no one but her own God to call on, she prayed. Cradling Jax in her arms as she whispered to the heavens.

Job 14:7 “How much longer must I endure grief in my soul, and sorrow in my heart by day and by night? How much longer must my enemy have the upper hand of me? Look and answer me, my God! Give my eyes light, or I shall sleep in death. Let my heart rejoice in your saving help. Let me sing to Jesus, for the goodness he has shown me. Please, I pray. Help me.”

As if Rebecca was a saint, or an angel with powers from God, her door immediately opened. She spun on her knees, dropping Jax’s body to the ground as a familiar looking guard entered there cell.

“Your mother delivered another care package.” The guard dropped it on the floor and brisk-fully left the room, locking the screeching door behind him.

Rebecca jumped towards the package and ripped it open with excitement. And to her amazement she found her help inside. Nothing but food and she’d have to manage it wisely to keep both her and Jax strength up for tonight. It would be Sunday at the stroke of midnight and that’s when the four of them were to act. All meeting up on the 7th floor, of sector E2, on the other side of gate E. Assuming they would meet there tonight, everything would be in order.

If everything was to go as planned Jax’s guards would be coming for him at exactly 10PM tonight to give him his night-time medications. As much as it hurt Rebecca to injure, possibly kill, one of the only nice guards in the asylum, he was the only one with all the correct keys her and Jax would need to meet up with Matt and Loretta on the 7th floor. From there Matt would by then, or so he says, have the next sets of keys they needed to get out. And if Rebecca’s and Matt’s calculations are accurate, then when her and Jax would leave their cell, there should be no guards in sight. Matt had managed to time the guards and there certain hall-monitoring duties. In which routes they walked and in what directions their backs would be turned down different hallways. If Jax and Rebecca were to hit all there points, have no trouble with the doors and locks, they would be perfectly leaving or entering a hall just as one guard would be exiting or coming up on the hallway they had just left. [Perfection.]

That was until they met up with Matt. Up until that point they had no idea what the rest of his plans really were. Rebecca had briefly seen the route they would be taking to get out, which would surprisingly be the front exit right out the lobby, and she had no clue how they were supposed to pull it off. [Pretty ballsy.] And the camera’s, Rebecca had no clue how they would get around that. But Matt assured her that he had it all figured out.

Rebecca scanned through the various items of food packed into the tiny cardboard box. There were 6 large pieces of bakers bread. A dozen chocolate chip cookies. Two bottles of water. Two granola bars. Two apples. A pop tart and one small piece of homemade strawberry short cake. Rebecca’s eyes gleamed with praise to her mother. There was more then enough to satisfy her and Jax’s appetite for today.

In the same instant she was ready to wake Jax up, her door opened again, and not to the last kind face that entered only moments ago. This pair of faces were all too familiar and seemed to glow a bright red in the surrounding dark that inhabited the room. As if there blood were boiling up beneath the skin in their faces. [Steroids?]

Rick lunged at her violently. Barely giving her time to react, or even breath before he had her in his grip. Howard entered the room following his partner and grabbed for the other pair of Rebecca’s limbs as she tried to squirm, wiggle, and scream her way out of their grasp.

She knew it was way to early for breakfast, and with the way they were acting, they were on drugs. This was not right, and where ever they were taking her, she was not supposed to be going. She had to get away.

“Jax!” She screamed. But just as quickly as his name had left her mouth, she was hit over the head and practically knocked unconscious. Her vision blurred in and out as she watched them drag her now very limp, light body out of her cell and close it behind them.

Howard and Rick laughed wickedly as they pulled her down the hallway. Rebecca tried with all her strength to get away, but found with her new head injury and lack of eating in the past days, all she could do was lift her head occasionally and watch as the horror unfolded in front of her.

The numbness in her body stilled and she could begin to feel the very edges of her toes as they skidded along the dirty cement floor through the asylum. With each yank to her small body, a new bruise was formed on her knees, where she tired hard to keep the rest of her weight, but found they could not withstand it, and would drop immediately. Forcing her lower body to trail on the ground as her drugged-up guards hauled her to there ordered destination.

Whistling ringed in and out of Rebecca’s eardrums as it bounced off the hall way walls and resounded into the unoccupied air, echoing into the different corridors as they traveled. The melody sounded harsh, and eerie. Its tune crawling up the back of her spine, painfully plucking at her nerves causing her to shiver.

She dropped her head to right and saw as Crane came strolling down the other end of the hallway. The sharp tune coming closer and closer with each step he took towards them.

“No!” She tried to scream, but it only came out as a whisper. Her body seemed so much more weaker then she had remembered.

- - -

When Jax awoke his thoughts immediately rushed to Rebecca and thinking of embracing her. He was cured and no longer sick. He felt great, with only the feelings of exhaustion and hunger still looming in his body.

He needed to hug her, to feel her, to thank her. She had stayed with him all night and the pervious day. She really did care for him and tried her best to keep him healthy and alive. Jax knew he had to do the same for her. He felt compelled, and not only that but he wanted to. He wanted to keep her safe and alive just the way she did for him. He needed her.

“Rebecca?” Jax sat up, looking around confused. He looked at his watch. [You know the invisible one on his wrist.] It was only six. Way to early for her to be at breakfast. Visitors? Not at this hour. Her doctor?

“Her doctor!” Jax’s heart raced. The last few days came rushing back to him like a strike of anxiety stabbing his heart. Dr. Crane was the new doctor who took over for Stoubs until they could find a permanent replacement. He flinched just at the thought of what her doctor had done to him.

The first day, Jax was put on his regular sedatives and interviewed by Crane. Jax was suspicious of the man the moment he walked into the room. Jax refused to talk to him. He was a creep and Jax could tell. [He’d had a lot of practice with his home-life and all.] It was easy for Jax to tell who was good, and who was not. He had very easily, and without question, noted his new doctor as someone who was NOT a good person.

The second day, they got into an argument. How dare Crane bring Rebecca into this! [Crane knew he liked her. He used it against him.] How dare he read Stoubs records on Jax! [Everything he told Stoubs was for him, and only him.] and God Damn it! [“How dare he threaten to bring my father into this!”] Rage built up inside him. He tore the straps holding him down to the chair right off, and lunged across the table. Growling and hissing in anger, he grabbed for Cranes throat. Wanting to rip it out, artery after artery. His guards were holding him down and tranquilizing him within the same few moments. [It wasn’t a good therapy session.]

Of course Dr. Crane did not know exactly who he was bringing into the conversation by referring to, ‘Him.’ Jax had always referred to his father as just ‘Him.’ It made things easier and kept them thinking in circles. Jax knew it would only make them think he was crazier, but it was much better then them really finding out who Jax father was. He couldn’t imagine what would happen if someone figured it out.

The third day nobody spoke, and when Jax had finally been able to block him out, Crane decided to act. [It was the perfect time.]

“Jax, would you like to see my mask?”

[What?] Jax was intrigued, not exactly sure what the doctor was up too. He turned to him, and watched as he pulled a brown, torn up old bag over his head. With black slits for the eyes and mouth. Shielding Cranes burning blue eyes and twitching smirk behind it.

Jax went to speak. Wondering what the hell this man was trying to do. Was he crazy? Jax knew what crazy was, but this was just… plain weird. Crane smiled. Pressing the small button down inside his brief case. A large puff of white smoke was shot into the air. Jax coughed and shook his head.

“What the hell was that!?” Jax asked still coughing.

He looked up and starred outward. Completely in shock as to the sudden change in the area surrounding him. It was completely different and all the sounds around him seemed to combine with each other. Making one loud continuous ring inside his head. [Sort of like screaming.] But he did not yell out. He simply squinted and looked into the smoke. He saw Crane. But looked past him. He was in a grave yard. He had been here before. A long time ago.

His sights spun violently. His pupils shouting for entrance past his irises. [What was this drug?] Jax had felt something like this before. [His father used to work with drugs.] But this was different. Was he going to die? Jax calmed his breaths and listened to his heart beat. He knew a regular heart beat was from 100 to 170 beats per-minute. He listened closely, trying hard to hear past Crane’s annoying laughter. [What was so funny?] He had about 200 beats per-minute and was slowly trying to bring it down. 200 wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t good either.

Finally starting to calm his breaths, and ignore everything else around him, [He was very good at blocking things out.] Crane’s voice, his laughter started to change. It made Jax nauseous. It made him cringe, he flinched closing his eyes tight. His hands grabbing to rip out his hair again.

“No, not now.” Jax could tell ‘he’ was coming. ‘He’ couldn’t, not right now. Crane was just trying to scare him. It wasn’t his mind doing this, it was the drugs.

Usually Jax just saw ‘him’ when he was alone, and knew it was just his suppressed memories haunting him when ‘he’ did come to torment him. Just childhood trauma, that was all it was.

Jax hands closed tightly around his ears to block out the twisted laughter filling the graveyard. He had to stay calm, it wasn’t his dad. He just had to breath. [“Just breath. Relax, its all fake.”]


His head shot up in terror.

“Rebecca!!” he called out into the field of tombstones.

“HELP!” her violent screams of agony tearing him apart. He had to get to her, to save her. Where was she!?

Jax freaked and tried to stand up. Forgetting the restraints holding him down, he was quickly pulled back to his chair by them. He screamed, roaring to Crane to let him out. He had to get to Rebecca. But Crane was gone, and only the laughter from his father remained. He was going crazy, he was loosing it.

Jax pulled, jumped, ripped, and tried everything he could to get out. His heart beat racing way too fast. Now it pounded through his chest. It was all becoming too much. The stress on his body, the drugs, her screams. He needed to get out. He tried harder, and harder. Small tears formed in his eyes, through his shouts and screaming, it turned to sobs and his efforts to get out, slowed to defeat.

The laughter becoming deafening now, and with no ways to get free, he screamed. He screamed bloody murder, with it being his last defense. He screamed so loud, everyone on the same floor had heard him. It even began to scare Crane. He screamed till his head turned red, almost purple. He ripped at his hair and dug his nails into his skull. Jax screamed till he passed out.

From then on, he remembered nothing. He remembered vaguely Rebecca, being there from him in their cell. Crying and holding him for hours on end. Then shoving a strange tasting liquid down his throat. It made him puke for hours and the blood vessels in his eyes had even popped. [One of the most painful experiences of his life.] Making the whites of his eyes blood red. Of course not that he knew this. He had no mirrors. But he did have a box. [“Hey wait?! A box?”]

Jax cautiously approached the brown packing box, crawling on his knees as he made his way over to it. It had pink duct tape on it. [What a bright color, Jax thought.] And it was addressed to Miss Rebecca Lorten in nice cursive writing. It was… cute. A word Jax did not use freely. At least not when describing inanimate objects. But it seemed right. Rebecca was such an adorable girl, it only made sense that everything associated with her and her former life be as cute as her. Jax smiled, just thinking about her made him happy. He wanted to see her. =[

Noticing a large amount of food inside the box he couldn’t help but eat some. He hadn’t had real food in 5 years. He ate 2 pieces of the big fluffy bread, [That he noted he had never had before.] Three chocolate chip cookies, [His mom used to make cookies like these.] And an apple. He finished with drinking one of the bottles of water and deep in thoughts.

Up until Crane had drugged Jax, he remembered everything that had happened before. Rebecca had explained to him that they were escaping and that they were to do so this Sunday. Midnight of Saturday. If Jax was right, today was Saturday. That was tonight. That is, if Rebecca’s ready. Not in the way that she would be afraid to go back to the outside world. Just in the sense of if she was strong enough to. [Assuming Crane wasn’t in the process of killing her right now.]

But leaving was not something she would fear. Jax knew she would never be afraid of something like that. [Not the way he would.]

Oh, but don’t get me wrong. Jax wanted nothing more then to get the hell out of this place. But he had many ghost from his past waiting for him outside. Like, what exactly would happen with him and Rebecca when they got out. Would he ever see her again? Where would he go? What would he do? Should he try to find his mother? What if his dad comes looking for him? Jax quickly shrugged off his nervousness remembering that its nothing like him to care about things.

“Wait, does that mean… am I thinking… clearly?” Jax couldn’t remember what exactly it was like to feel sane, but for the first time in this institution he couldn’t help but feel, normal. He liked it. It was nice and peaceful to say the least. But he couldn’t spend his time soaking it up right now. He knew Rebecca was in trouble. [He could feel it.] Not only did he have to figure out a way to save her, he had to remember all the plans she had just previously told him.

He looked back to his watch. He had been sitting there thinking for an hour. The ways time got away from him…