Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters

Mad Man

Matt’s dreams of Alice, and his life before Arkham, were quickly leaving. Completely vanishing and all too soon for his taste. He was waking up. He didn’t want to wake up. [Not from this dream.] Not yet. He would’ve done anything to stay subdued in his subconscious for just a little while longer. [Anything.] Sadly, that had been one part of the brain, he could not successfully control. And all at once, he inhaled sharply as his senses awoke.

Reality pulled him from his fantasy world of fun, laughter, sex, and explosions. And he released a soft satisfying groan as he rolled to his side stretching. His hat falling from his face, letting the blinding sunlight it had been shielding now make him sightless, and he quickly squeezed his eyes shut. Turning onto his other side, away from the windows he had forgotten about.

Almost not wanting to admit it, he had thought, if not for more then a second, he was back in Arkham. But he quickly remembered where he was once he had turned away from the curtainless windows of Rebecca’s apartment, and saw that he was laying in an amazingly comfy leather sofa.

He laughed at himself, [for thinking he was back in his cell] and also out of joy. He laughed hard turning on his back and stretching his arms above his head. Ending with a yawn and a giant smile across his face.

It was his first day out. The first day to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted to. He’d of never thought freedom could feel or taste so good before. Oh how great a day it was going to be. [But first things first. Shower.] He could practically smell himself.

Matt slowly sat up, letting his legs fall off the side, and looked forward to the massive big screen TV that sat across from the couch. He smiled wider. Almost feeling compelled to hug Rebecca. Had he gone home, he’d never be living with such luxuries. His old house didn’t even have a television, just a radio. Which reminded him, he would need to go home today and get a few of his old supplies. [Lab equipment, C4, clothes, girlfriend. You know the usual.] He wondered how Alice had been doing sense he had left. If she would even accept him coming back. Then rolled his eyes at himself, quickly shaking off that thought. Of course she’d accept him coming back. [Silly thought.]

He stood up, taking a good look at the morning city below from the windows. Having another thought to thank Rebecca for letting him stay in such an amazing place. He couldn’t wait to return to his favorite city. Gotham must be missing him so much. Matt was practically itching to get back out there and continue his research. To start his rein of crime and plots against the Batman.

He let out another howl of laugher as he made his way to the hallway where the bedrooms were and slowly crept down it, trying to find Rebecca and Jax. Coming to the first door on the right he quietly peeked through to see the two of them asleep. [“I better not disturb them.”] Matt silently closed the door and continued on down the hallway. Finding her dads old room at the end and walking in. It was very big, but very blank. With only a big black bed with matching pillows and a wooden dresser to the right of it. He saw a door on the other side, finding it leading to a bathroom, and eagerly approached.

Matt locked the door behind him, and instantly he found himself feeling very at home inside the large bathroom. He turned to the sink, first noticing how bad his facial hair had grown. It almost looked like he had a full beard now! He also couldn’t help but see how horrible his hair looked. Messy and wildly pointing in every direction. [“Good thing I’ve been wearing a hat the past year.”]

He pulled his tie from his neck, untying it then placing it on the sink. He unbuttoned his black dress shirt and glanced briefly at all the old scars still on his chest and stomach. With his time spent in Arkham, he’d definitely lost the abs he had once acquired before being locked up. But still held a very firm but slim form. He kicked off his Converses, not wearing socks with them, and proceeded to strip from his baggy jeans. Pulling the black belt from it first and letting them fall to his feet. He stepped out of them, turning the shower on hot, and then finally pulled his boxers off.

Stepping into the shower he found an assortment of different shampoos and body gels. He now praised Rebecca for becoming friends with him. He’d certainly have to find someway to thank her for all this.

Matt would’ve liked to enjoy the hot water and soaps he hadn’t had in the past year for longer, but knew he had things to attend to. [Business to take care of.] Washing the final soap bubbles from his body he turned off the water and stepped out onto the tile of the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth, shaved his face, and even cut his hair a little bit. He shook his head violently to dry his hair, and coming to a stop, his hair lay perfectly wind swept and at a just right length that barely passed the top of his ears. He smiled, placing his hand around his chin as he looked into the mirror. [Admiring himself.]

Wrapping a towel around his waste, he unlocked the door and walked back out into the room, heading for the dresser. Rebecca’s dad was rich. No doubt he’d have some good clothing to wear. [And boy did he.] There was a large assortment for Matt to choose from. Ties being in the top drawer, then under shirts in the next, along with jackets, and dress pants in the bottom.

Deciding on a black suit and flashy red tie to go along with it, [he wanted to look his best for Alice] he found a nice black bowler hat that fit perfectly to fit nicely with his outfit. Heading back for the bathroom for his shoes, he discovered a platinum Rolex on top of the dresser, where he had found the clothes, and decided it looked better around his wrist.

He tied his Converses back on and decided to head out for the day. Briefly stopping by Rebecca’s room to see if she and Jax were still asleep, and found that they were. Still not wanting to wake them, he remembered his cell phone and grabbed it from the couch where he had slept. Texting Rebecca he had left and would be back later.

Pushing the lobby doors open and walking outside, he found every sense of his instantly being greeted by the city. The noise from people, to cars, to airplanes filling his ears. The scents from smug to, exhaust, to fast food. The colors, the wind. All of it! Being back in the city was nothing like being trapped in Arkham, and he anxiously embraced all of it. Sucking in a big breath of air and jumping down the few stairs, Matt made his way deeper into his beloved city.

Pulling his Sidekick from his pocket, he logged onto the internet, [via wifi connection.] and continued on down the street. Bringing up the cities schematics of Gotham and going over the layouts of the city again to jog his memory of where everything was. He began to talk out loud to himself as he examined the tiny blueprints on his phone.

“Sewer lines here… Electrical there. Subway lines go through this way. Train station to the west. Mayors office to the north. The Federal Building to the east. No! No! Stay focused.” Matt softly yelled at himself. He couldn’t get too extravagant. [Not yet.]

Closing his phone, he decided he couldn’t go to Alice empty handed, [that just wouldn’t gentlemen like] and began to search for a bank.

As Matt began his hunt, he quickly become aware of which part of Gotham he was in. [Shocking.] He was in the most expensive high end neighborhood the city had to offer. And very close to its bank.

But Matt was no dumby. He knew that right now, with only a pistol and no other resources it’d be nearly impossible for him to rob an entire bank. Nor did he have the time or the energy to improvise.

Eventually though, Matt did somehow obtain a golden green diamond necklace, [he knew Alice would love it] and a good amount of cash for other things. Like not having to rob every place he goes into. Luckily he had managed to lay pretty low, and not have anybody notice him or recognize his face. Which was surprising with the amount of WANTED posters of him and Jax’s faces on it plastered all around town. Reading ESCAPED ARKHAM PATIENTS. WARRANT OUT.

Matt thought briefly on exactly how many warrants he already had over his head. And not just from authorities. As he walked down the street, like any other regular Gotham citizen, out in the open, he thought maybe, he shouldn’t have pissed so many other criminals off before being taken to Arkham.

Basically, it was safe to say there was a hefty size of money placed over Matt. From people he’s experimented on, to the parents of children he had used for his test. To other criminals he had framed for money, [all for his research of course] to labs and research centers he had blown up and stolen equipment from.

In other words, many people wanted the Mad Hatter dead. So with the few friends that he actually did have, lets just say he cherished and treated them very well. That’s when thoughts of Rebecca crossed his mind, and all the ways he could repay her for being so kind to him, and letting him stay with her. Surely he’d think of some sort of gift or present to give her for all that she’d done. Maybe even Alice could help him brainstorm something for Rebecca. Alice was very extravagant, and could definitely think of something big and out of the ordinary to do.

Walking along the different sidewalks, making his way through the inner city, and trying not to attract attention, he found himself close to the outskirts of town and proceeded to go across the bridge to the Narrows. The part of town his former home used to be in.

It was a good hiding place, an old rundown apartment complex with still a few other residences, mostly older folks, living inside. No one ever thought much of him and his girlfriend Alice. Mostly because they never saw much of them. Both Matt and Alice would sleep all day, then leave and be out all night. Always by the time the much older people who lived in the complex had already gone to bed. So they never made contact with the other people who lived there. Only the landlord ever saw Alice or Matt when they came to make their monthly rent payments. And although the complex owner had some idea of who they were, they were business, and he wasn’t going to have business kicked out. They paid and that was all he cared about.

Matt jogged up the small staircase inside the 3 story apartment complex. Doing his best to not trip over any kid toys laying around or make much noise. As he made his way to the top floor he could hear all the different conversations and babies crying from the different rooms.

He walked down to the end of the hallway and turned, stopping at apartment number 23. He thought to knock, but knew Alice would be asleep. It also wouldn’t make his surprise very, well, surprisiy. Going for the door knob he found it unlocked, [Alice never remembered to lock the door] and quietly, he walked inside.

Matt didn’t think he’d miss his old home, but it definitely brought back some old memories. It was a small one room studio. With a tiny kitchen to the left and a bathroom adjacent to it.

Silently closing the door behind him, he walked further in. Passing Alice’s sewing machine to the right, that still had all her fabric and materials scattered over the table for the dresses she made. [Alice loved her dresses.] Besides the sewing table, the rest of the house was very clean and organized. Not there was much else in there or that could actually fit. Only a stack of newspapers in the far left corner with a radio sitting on top, and the bed to the right, in the only other corner the room had to offer.

And there she was. Looking like a beautiful little porcelain doll. She was asleep, just the way he had predicted. With her flaming red hair spread out along the one pillow that her head laid on. The covers were in a mess underneath her body. And Matt couldn’t of felt happier with what he saw.

She was wearing a pair of green lace underwear, and nothing else. The rest of her was naked, and she couldn’t have looked more hott to Matt then in that moment. Her skin was still pale, and she was still very slim, just the way he remembered. Her breast looked amazing, thought Matt. He walked closer, watching as her breast would rise and fall with each breath she took.

It had been a year and seven long months sense Matt had had any type of sexual interaction with a woman. And he was not going to waste any time now that he was out.

Carefully making his way onto the bed, placing his legs on either side of her, and both his hands on her pillow beside her head, he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers and kissed her lightly. Taking in her intoxicated sent at the same time. She smelled of cotton candy and vanilla coke. He had forgotten how amazing she smelled. Matt brought his hand to her cheek and continued to kiss her. Letting his other hand wander around her bare chest.

Alice’s vibrant green eyes shot open when she felt a hand wrap around one of her boobs. She instantly, on reflex, pushed the man off of her and sat up going to punch the man in the face, but stopped when she realized it was…

“MATT!” Alice squealed jumping on him and hugging him. He chuckled.

“Hi Alice.” He said hugging her back.

Alice pulled back away from him, grabbing at his face to make sure he was indeed real.

“OH MY GOD MATT ITS REALLY YOU!? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY BYE TO ME? HOW’D YOU GET HERE? WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU GET IN TROUBLE?” Alice kept going on, talking at the speed of light, the way she always did, so that nothing she sad was exactly clear. But Matt quickly put his hand over her mouth.

“Alice, hush.” He said pulling the necklace he had got her from his pocket and proceeding to put it around her neck.

“WOW THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL! AND GREEN! WHERE’D YOU GET IT? DID YOU STEAL IT? HOW’D YOU GET IT?” She went on, talking too fast and loud again.

“Shut up.” Matt said pushing her backwards onto the bed, a devious smile on his face. He threw his hat off to the floor and pulled at his tie. Leaning down and kissing her all at the same time.

“But… Matt…” Alice said between kisses. Not wanting to have sex at that moment.

“But I’ve missed you so much. I love you.” Matt said kissing her again.

Sadly, Alice was deeply in love with Matt also. Or at least as much as it could be put into words. But the love she held for the man currently in front of her, was far beyond just deeply in love. Alice obsessed over Matt. She’d do anything, ANYTHING for Matt. Anything he wanted, she would get him. Even if it cost her, her life. Whatever Matt wanted, he got. And if Matt wanted sex right now, then he was going to get it. Besides, he’d been gone so long it was the least she could do to welcome him home.

“Okay…” Alice said defeated. And Matt eagerly kissed at her neck, pulling at her panties as she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off.