Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters

Some Tea Please, Rebecca

Rebecca rolled over, reaching out for Jax sleeping next to her. Trying to feel his warmth back around her. To get the feeling of being safe, [as safe as you could feel with Jax.] back. But that was the thing, exactly how safe was she with him?

Only now, in her half asleep state, did she start to think of things a little more rationally. Jax was an extremely HIGH risk patient. Sure she believed that his mother had done that to him. [It was Gotham.] But you don’t just end up as a high risk in one night. He had attacked multiple patients and doctors during his time there. And even attacked her! But maybe something could of changed. [Something had to of.] After their ‘fight’ that ended up with him in the corner yelling at her to go away, he hadn’t hurt her sense.

She remembered back in the woods, running with him. Even back to the halls of Arkham when they were escaping. He never let go of her, and even pushed himself in front of her if he ever felt that something was wrong. And when they had jumped over that cliff, he secured her tightly to his body. Even carried her all the way back to shore, and up a hill, JUST to keep her safe! She didn’t want to sound like a silly little girl with a crush, but it couldn’t be too far fetched to assume, he wasn’t going to hurt her. And she liked that comfort. She felt it was genuine with him. Not fake and ignorant like the other teenage boys who went to her school. Only wanting her for her looks, body, or money.

Jax had practically risked his life to get out of Arkham with Rebecca, and that was before he knew she had money, or what she looked like with normal clothes on, and without being covered in dirt. Now her body she had no clue of. Sense he had no reaction to walking in on her naked last night, she assumed, that wasn’t a reason why he liked her so much.

Thinking back on his words, how he had said that she saved him and was there for him like no one else had been, maybe that was a big factor to why he liked her so much. She smiled. Not sure exactly why she liked Jax so much. Oh yeah, maybe for the fact he was absolutely adorable, extremely strong, and good at keeping her safe.

Rebecca, really liked Jax. She knew it was not a mistake letting him come stay with her and she was happy to have his company. And now have him as a boyfriend. Liking him was nothing she’d ever regret and she knew it.

Wanting his arms back around her, Rebecca reached out her hand, only to have her palms meet the warm blankets and pillows Jax had been laying on, just a few short moments ago.

Rebecca slowly opened her eyes and found there was no Jax beside her. She frowned, and wondered what had happened to him.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning as she pulled the covers off herself. Observing the much brighter light that now seeped into the room from the windows, it was clear it was almost noon. Rebecca slid from the bed and walked out of the room.

The house was eerily silent as she walked down the hall. [To silent.] She even thought to call out his name. But as she entered the living room she quickly spotted him, and saw that he was on her computer, eating her favorite cereal Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

“Good Morning Jax.” Rebecca said cheery, walking over to the computer desk.

“Morning.” Jax replied, not looking up at her. She felt ignored. What was so important?

“Whacha lookin at?” Rebecca asked as she tried to look at the screen. Jax’s head shot up inhumanly fast, [it scared the hell out of her - the look he had in his eyes was beyond frightening.] and he lightly pushed her back so she couldn’t see.

“Nothing.” Jax said looking like he was about to kill someone. [So much for not getting hurt by him.]

“Okay.” Rebecca said putting her hands up in defense. She didn’t like it when people invaded her privacy, so she was not going to invade his. She knew Jax had a life before Arkham, and things he would want to know about within the past 5 years of his life he had missed out on. There were many reasons he could be on the computer, so she was not going to question it further.

“Sorry.” Jax said his expression finally changing. “I’m just trying to find something.” he assured her. Which is what she had thought to begin with.

“Its okay. Can I have some cereal?” Rebecca asked pointing to the box sitting next to him on the desk. Jax grabbed it from beside him, and held it out to her.

Rebecca hesitantly took it and dug out a handful to eat from. She handed the box back to him, and he took it. His eyes never once leaving the computer screen. [What could be so important?] She decided she better not ask, but then thought that maybe he was having trouble reading the read the words.

“Can you even read?” Rebecca asked trying not to sound insulting as she walked towards the kitchen looking for something to drink.

“Yes.” Jax answered back.

“Alright. Well if you need any help just ask me okay?” she told him, as she searched for her own food, but found nothing in the fridge or freezer. [Hm. Guess grocery shopping would be the best idea.]

Just as Rebecca had started to turn to back go back to her room and get changed, she was completely caught off guard by Jax suddenly grabbing her, and pulling her into a big warm hug. She giggled.

“What’s this for?” She smiled not understanding his random hug.

“Oh, I just wanted to thank you for being so beautiful.” Jax replied holding her tight.

“Awh thanks!” Rebecca said back happily, squishing him tighter. He groaned from her squeeze and she let go of him. Only to see his adorable honey brown eyes starring down at her with joy.

She then realized that he didn’t smell all too inviting. It was mix of BO and, well Jax smell. She wasn’t really sure how to describe the certain scent that he had. But it was somewhere between the kind of smell you get from a burning camp fire, to almost a sweet fragrance. It reminded her of Koolaid. How he could possibly smell like either of those things, she wasn’t sure. But that was Jax, and that’s how he smelled to her.

“But you should really shower. You haven’t sense we left Arkham.” Rebecca said trying to be nice. Jax rolled his eyes. It was obvious he wasn’t too big on hygiene, but she understood he still had a mindset of a 10 year old. So she couldn’t blame him for that.

“Ugh, okay.” he mumbled walking back towards the computer.

Rebecca walked back to her room and opened her dresser. Picking out an average outfit she knew she’d be comfortable in and that would not make her easy to spot in a crowd. So she went with a red hoodie, light blue jeans, and pulled on her Uggs she had gotten the previous night.

Pulling out her bottom drawer in her dresser, she found sunglasses, a matching hand bag, and 36 dollars still in it, from whenever the last time she had used it was.

She grabbed her pink Sidekick from her nightstand where her clock was, and went to throw it in her bag when the words on the screen caught her attention.

1 New Text Message.

Curious as to who it could be, she opened it.

Matt - Hey, I went out for a little bit. I’ll be back later.

Rebecca eagerly texted back, [she was a teenage girl with a new cell phone, I mean come on] and replied.

- Okay. I’m going shopping so if there’s any food you like let me know :D

By the time Rebecca had finished her text she was already back out in the living room and ready to leave.

“I’m goanna go out for groceries. The stores not that far. By the way. Matt texted me. He said he went out for a bit, but he’ll be back soon okay?”

“Texted… You? Like, called you?” Jax looked up confused.

“No, text. You know like a text message?” Rebecca replied, seeing if he understood.

“What’s that?” Jax asked eating another handful of cereal. It then dawned on her that clearly texting and cell phones weren’t exactly around five years ago, and even so, a 10 year old would most likely not have a cell phone.

“Where’s your phone? I’ll show you.” Rebecca asked wanting to explain to him how it worked

“I don’t know.” Jax shrugged turning back to the computer no longer caring.

“Ugh.” Rebecca sighed. She was irritated that he had already lost his phone, but realized that it was probably nearly impossibly for him to actually keep track of something for more then an hour. “Alright well I’m leaving. Are you going to be okay without me?” Rebecca asked somewhat nervous.

It would be the first time she left Jax completely alone, besides in a cell where she knew he couldn’t leave. She wondered if she could trust him to be okay all by himself.

“I’ll be fine.” Jax smiled up at her assuringly. She smiled back.

“Okay.” Rebecca replied.

She wanted to say bye to him, but in a special way. I mean, he was her boyfriend now. He should understand what its like to feel special and loved. She couldn’t imagine how horrible it must’ve felt to not of had that for nearly half his life.

So, gracefully, she made her way over to where he was sitting and leaned down. Gently pressing her lips to his soft cheek, and kissing him. Hoping he would not flinch or think what she was doing was weird. Fortunately he did not move, and she was able to give him one of there first kisses ever. Which she enjoyed. [Even if it was just the cheek.]

She stepped back and put her big sunglasses on. She knew it would be sunny out, and she did not want anyone to recognize her.

“Be careful Jax.” Rebecca said taking one final look at him. Praying to God that he would be okay without her there. But Jax just starred at her oddly and amused. She took it as her que to leave, and she headed for the door. Taking the knob in her hand, and quietly shutting the door behind her.

Once she got down to the lobby she heard her phone vibrate in her purse and she happily pulled it out. All while pushing the front doors opening and walking out into the city.

Matt - Food! Yes! Um, can you get some tea?

Rebecca giggled. Matt didn’t seem like the tea drinking type. But hey, why not. She kind of liked tea too.

- Sure. Sweetened or unsweetened? She replied back before dropping her phone back into her purse.

Rebecca looked around. She had blindly marched down the street, her feet automatically taking her to the closest store she knew of, and to her surprise, only had one more block to go.

The sun was out. The sky was blue. It was a beautiful day. She loved being outside, and feeling at peace with nature and God. She thanked him for such a wonderful day and prayed that he would keep her safe, and unnoticed from anyone in the city while she went shopping.

Once inside the small corner street market, she picked up a grocery basket and began to walk the isles. Going first for the fruit section. Rebecca loved fruits, and they were very healthy, which was always a plus. She grabbed 4 apples, a thing of bananas, and a small box of strawberries. Placing them all neatly in her basket and moving on.

She got 8 different boxes of frozen dinners and one loaf of bread. [There was only so much Rebecca really knew how to cook.] Not sure what else to get she remembered to check her phone and found that Matt had texted her back.

Matt - Sweetened please. =] And hey, I have a friend I want you to meet.

Rebecca then headed for the tea, and began typing away at her phones mini keyboard.

- Oh? Who is it? She replied curious.

She found a big bottle of Arizona Tea and had almost picked it up when she realized, she would not be able to carry it all the way back with her.

“Darn it! I wish Jax had come.” she mumbled to herself irritated.

She then headed for the bagged tea items and placed a box of tea-bags in her basket. Matt would have to add the sugar himself. Which reminded her that she should probably get a bag of sugar sense they had none. So Rebecca found the sugar, and put one of the smaller bags of it in her basket.

By now she knew she wouldn’t be able to carry anymore things and wasn’t all too sure if she’d have enough money for anything else. So she headed to the check out counter and paid.

Luckily, everything fit in two big brown bags, and she was able to carry them all the way back down the two blocks she had walked, and get them up to their apartment safe.

She punched in her access code, and pushed the door open with her back because of her full hands.

“Jax!? I’m back!” She yelled walking to the kitchen and setting the bags on the island counter.

Rebecca pulled off her sunglasses and set her purse down. She looked around and found Jax no where in the living room. But when she looked down she found a note written on a tiny torn piece of paper. The writing in blue crayon. She picked it up and held it close, trying REALLY hard to read what was actually written.

The hand writing was awful. She couldn’t decide if it was more chicken scratch and just written quickly, or if in fact a 2 year old had written it. It looked like baby hand writing. But after glancing it over several times she was able to decipher the scribbled letters.

I had to go look for something important. Please don’t worry about me. I promise I will be back soon.
- Jax

Rebecca sighed putting the piece of paper back down on the counter. Worriedly she thought to call him, but remembered he didn’t know where his cell phone was. So, doing the only thing she could right now, she put the groceries in the fridge and threw away the bags she carried them in.

When she had finished putting everything away, she thought to go looking for him. She had only been gone 20 minutes so she didn’t think he’d get very far. Would he even know or remember his way around town?

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted as the sound of the front door opening could be heard. She hoped it was Jax, but to her surprise she was greeted by a laughing, and very happy looking, Matt. Who was accompanied by a very strange, but pretty looking girl.

“Um, hello.” Rebecca stated leaning over the counter to get there attention.

“Oh hey Rebecca. Alice, this is Rebecca the girl I was telling you about.” Matt directed to the woman he was with. Rebecca turned to the red haired woman, and quickly took in her appearance.

She was wearing a knee length white and yellow sundress. With small strands of the material still hanging off the edges of the skirt. She had a very firm face and wild green eyes. Her smile was perfect with luscious pink lips that formed elegantly around white teeth, and had a small silver lip ring just below the right side of her lower lip.

And upon hearing Rebecca’s name the woman, who Matt referred to as Alice, lit up like a lightening bolt, and rushed to embrace Rebecca.

“OH MY GOD! MATTS TOLD ME LIKE ALLLLLL ABOUT YOU!! HE THINKS YOU’RE TOTALLY AWESOME! I’M SO HAPPY TO GET TO MEET YOU! I’M ALICE!!” She finished squealing and finally letting go of the death hug she had Rebecca in.

Rebecca was wide eyed in shock. This woman was insanely hyper. [To hyper.]

“Um, hi.” Rebecca managed to get out. Not all to sure of everything the girl had said. She spoke way to fast to understand and she kept on talking too. Thankfully, Matt had told her to be quiet and let him talk to Rebecca. The girl, Alice, frowned and crossed her arms.

“Fine.” She sighed.

Rebecca just continued to stare at Matt. With a look like ‘Who the heck is this and why have you brought them to my house?!’

“Rebecca, this is Alice. She’s my old girlfriend I told you about. Look please don’t worry. She used to be my accomplice.”

“Accomplice?” Rebecca questioned

Matt froze in his words. Realizing he had not explained to Rebecca that he was a criminal. Well now was as good as any time.

“Yes accomplice. I was in Arkham Rebecca, come on.” He said hoping she wouldn’t get mad. I mean he did meet her in an insane asylum. What did she really expect? “Look I won’t get you in trouble or anything. Seriously don’t worry about it. But um yeah, you wouldn’t mind if Alice stayed with us would you? She’s harmless, really. I love her, and I don’t want to leave her alone anymore. Is it okay by you?” Matt asked trying to explain himself. And with the look on Rebecca’s face, he wasn’t winning her over.

“Let me get this straight. You want your now, apparently, CRIMINAL girlfriend and you to stay here with me and Jax and hope that you two don’t get us caught?” Rebecca asked raising her voice. She was trying to contain her anger. She didn’t want to be mean. But it was hard when she was faced with situations like this.

“Yes.” Matt nodded agreeing.

Rebecca huffed out an air of anger. She did not like this idea. It did not sound good at all. Jax had already gone missing and she did not need two criminals living with her. So Rebecca went to God for help, and thought quickly of the upside to the situation.

Alice did seem nice, and why now should she not trust Matt? He had gotten her and Jax safely out of Arkham, and never once threatened or even showed signs of hostility towards them. He had been very nice since the day she had met him, and knew by now if his plans were to kill her, he could’ve so many times already.

She realized Matt wasn’t asking for much. She was going to let him stay anyways. And they did have plenty of room for another person. She tried to see things in their perspective and thought of how Matt said he loved her. Rebecca wasn’t even sure if she loved Jax, but she’d never want to have to be somewhere without him.

“Okay. Fine.” Rebecca said defeated.

“Really!?” Matt asked excited.

“Yeah, whatever.”

Matt ran over to her, picking her up off her feet and hugging her while spinning around.

“Thank you so so so so so much Rebecca! You have no idea what it means to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Rebecca couldn’t help but laugh as he spun them around in circles.

“Haha! Okay, okay! Put me down!” She giggled. Matt instantly stopped.

“Oh, yeah.” he said putting her down. “Sorry.” he said a tad embarrassed.

Rebecca looked at Alice. Finding she had made herself plenty comfortable on the couch, biting at her finger nails. Rebecca then turned her attention to the outside, wondering where Jax could have gone, and looked to the windows. She crept up to the glass, and looked down at the city with anguish.

How the sun could have come and gone so fast she wasn’t sure. But nothing except gray clouds encompassed the sky, with darker ones on the horizon. It was going to storm. And this only made the ball of worry in her gut grow larger.

“Jax,” She whispered placing her hand on the window. “Where are you?”