Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters

When the day comes to an end.

Jax walked fast. [Real fast.] Practically jogging. Attempting to maneuver his way around the other fast walking people on the streets who were trying to avoid the downpour that was coming. Tiny rain drops falling every couple of minutes, warning to bring more down with them.

Pulling his gray hoodie closer around his body, to shield himself from the chilling winds that ran through the city, he tried to remember which way he had came. He was trying to get back home, and knew he only had a short amount of time before this storm finally hit Gotham.

Jax had just come from his old home. The one that burnt down the night he was taken to Arkham. He knew there was nothing left, but he needed to go. He needed to see it. [He had to.] To see where it used to stand. Why though, he wasn’t sure. Maybe it was one of those ‘pay your respects’ kinds of things, he thought. Plenty of people had died on that ground, and possibly even his entire childhood could also be buried beneath the dirt, and ashes, his house used to sit on.

Originally, after visiting the location of his former home, Jax was going to go looking for his mother. But he knew that’d be nearly impossible with the amount of people rushing about and the storm picking up. So he turned back for now, and decided he’d go back out later.

His eyes stung from the tears that threatened to fall past his eyelids. He knew in the back of his mind, he shouldn’t have gone there. Not have let all those horrible memories resurface. All that time he took to block his old life out, wasted. With the simple action of standing where his house used to be.

Jax breathed in hard, sniffling as a tear finally ran down the side of his left cheek. He quickly brushed it off with his sleeve, and kept walking, starring down at the damp sidewalk he traveled on. The rain was beginning to fall harder, and he knew he had to hurry.

He stopped dead, and starred up at the buildings around him.

Sucking in the tears and moisture in his nose, he walked towards the closest alley he could find. And wondered if he still remembered everything his mother had taught him. Hoping all the working out he had continued back in his cell, had still paid off. [Now was the perfect time to find out.]

Jax eagerly began to run towards the end of a fire escape latter, that hung off the side of the building he was standing next to, and jumped as high as he could. His hands wrapping around the metal rung of the latter, and he quickly swung himself up. Climbing up the latter in record time and finding his way to the roof of the building.

He looked around, hoping to figure out just where exactly he was, and happily, he spotted Rebecca’s apartment complex, that stood only a few more blocks away. He smiled and took off in the direction of it. Coming to the edge of the roof, he showed no hesitation, and jumped with all the momentum he had to the other edge.

Catching the edge of the building with his palms, he kicked his feet off the side of it, and climbed up onto the roof. Only to sprint to the next roof and jump, from what looked, lethal height, going into a roll as he landed on the next roof, and quickly got to his feet running again.

The next roof top was about 12 to 15 feet away. But still at the same height as the building he stood on now was. He knew he’d need more speed to jump it. Backing up as much as he could, he readied himself, and sprinted off the edge. Letting his entire body rotate, he went into a front flip, his vision loosing the sky, catching a quick glimpse of the ground below, before he found the sky again, and landed feet first onto the other roof. Then taking off again.

It was only after he had gotten across 7 rooftops, continuously jumping beyond gaps that looked impossible to jump, and heights that had death written all over them, he had run out of buildings to jump from.

He came to an edge of the last building, and found it had multiple decks with safety railings connected to them. He turned so his back was facing the edge, and swiftly stepped back, letting his body fall off the side, and sticking his hands out in the process. Grabbing onto one of the deck rails, he stopped himself from falling further. Then let go, only to grab the next one down, then the next one, and the next one, till his feet finally landed on solid ground. And he walked back onto the crowded streets of Gotham.

Jax was barely out of breath, and his heart was racing with excitement. It had been forever sense him and his mother had practiced gymnastics together. His mother was a very dedicated gymnast, and would teach him new things everyday. From the basic front flips and backhand springs, to the things he had just done to get closer, WAY faster, to Rebecca’s apartment. Only one more street to cross and he’d be there. He now thanked his mom dearly for keeping him active as a child, and teaching him to be strong and fast.

Why his mother knew these things, and why it was so important to her that they stay athletic, he wasn’t sure.

“You have to be ready for anything. Be on your toes constantly. And be able to out run even the fastest, in a moments notice.”

His mothers soft voice whispered in the back of his mind. Another memory he had failed at letting go. Jax would never let his mother go, he couldn’t. He needed to find her. He had to.

- - - - -

“Its been awfully long Matt. Aren’t you worried about him?” Rebecca asked for the twentieth time. She still stood at the windows, starring down at the streets below, hoping to find him. It had only been 20 minutes since Matt and Alice had walked in. And the rain was beginning to fall harder.

“He’s 16. He’ll be fine.” Matt stated, as he repeatedly pressed the remote down, scanning for a new channel to find.

“He’s only 15.” Rebecca stated as she turned from the windows looking back at Matt and Alice with worry.

Alice was laying against Matt’s shoulder, watching as he surfed through the channels. Matt casually sat on the couch with his arm wrapped around her, hoping he could find some sort of news or weather forecast to show Rebecca there was nothing to worry about.

“I thought you were 15.” Matt said confused, but still looking into the television with mild interest.

“No. He’s 15 and I’m 14.” Rebecca rolled her eyes, walking over to the other couch that sat on the right wall. “Though, my birthdays in a couple days.” Rebecca said saddened. She didn’t think she’d be spending her 15th birthday running from the cops as an escaped Arkham patient.

Matt and Alice exchanged quick, smiling, glances to each other, that went unnoticed by Rebecca, and instantly went back to looking at TV. Rebecca sat with her thumb in her mouth. Biting at her nail with anxiousness. She was going to get back up and return to the window to see if she could spot him. But just as she did there was a bang on the door.

Rebecca jumped from her seat and ran to the front door. She listened as the person outside struggled with opening the door.

“God damn it! Rebecca! Its me! I forget the stupid number thing.” Jax yelled banging on the door. Rebecca immediately flung the door open, and embraced Jax the moment the door opened.

“Jax! I was so worried about you. Please don’t ever leave again.” Rebecca mumbled into his chest. Jax wrapped his damp arms around her, holding her close. Still not exactly sure why she was hugging him, but not really caring either. He loved Rebecca’s hugs, and right now he could really use one. Though he was upset, he was not going to show it in front of her. So he laughed.

“I told you not to worry. I was only gone for like…”

“I don’t care. I was so scared.” Rebecca cut him off hugging him tighter. He felt bad for making her worry.

“I’m sorry.” Jax said letting go of her and finally shutting the door.

The thought of saying ‘next time you can come with me’ crossed his mind, but knew that if he happened to run into some old ‘friends’ of his, Rebecca would not be safe. And he did not want to bring her into something like that. Nor did he want her anywhere near the danger he could be faced if his father found him. Not only that but if they did need to get away from someone, he knew, [with the way Rebecca was back in the woods] she would never be able to keep up with him. She’d get killed, and he wouldn’t, HE COULDN’T, let that happen to her. She meant everything to him now. If she died… Jax knew he’d have no reason to live anymore. Just like that day back in his cell. When he was going to kill himself. And like an angel she walked in. [“She saved me.”] She was his life now. He’d do anything, and everything, to protect her.

“I’m sorry I scared you. I’ll never let that happen again.” Jax said looking down into Rebecca’s warm blue eyes. She smiled up at him as he pulled her in for another hug.

“Its okay.” Rebecca replied once she finally let go, only to let her hand slip into his.

“Hey guys. Come look at this!” Matt shouted from the living room.

Curiously, Rebecca walked back to the living area, Jax following, with his hand still tightly secured in hers, and found what Matt was looking at.

Everyone’s attention immediately turned to the television at the sight of Jax’s and Matt’s pictures appearing on the screen. Quickly, Matt turned the volume up, and caught the news report just as it started. But Jax was thoroughly uninterested. [He never did like the news.] His mind wondered around the room, vaguely hearing his name come out of the TV several times. It was only when he felt a sharp squeeze from Rebecca’s hand, that was still locked in his palm, did he think to try and listen to some of the information coming from the television. But Rebecca’s reactions were far more interesting then what was being said on the TV.

He watched as her happy, relieved, expression changed from shock and to horror. Jax wondered what could be so upsetting. Then remembered again that if he was listening he’d probably know. Sadly, Jax didn’t feel like listening. It was only when he saw tears begin to well in Rebecca’s eyes did he think to ask her what was wrong. But just as fast as her tears had appeared they vanished, and Matt turned the volume back down.

Jax then realized there was girl sitting next to Matt. A girl that looked familiar. But he couldn’t have met her… he didn’t know her. Did he?

Jax starred down at her hard. Trying to figure out who she was. Where he had seen her before. Not even noticing that she also was now starring daggers in his direction. He was too busy thinking of where he had seen her, and why he felt that he did not like her.

Alice was starring back with just as much intensity as he was. But neither Matt or Rebecca noticed. Both too in shock with the news that had just been on. Matt was going to be the first to break the silence. Thinking that everyone was just too worried to say anything. [But in reality neither Jax or Alice had been listening to the report.] However, before he could say anything, Rebecca quickly pulled Jax by his hand back to her room. [Or is it their room now?] shutting and locking the door in record time.

“What’s wrong Rebecca?” Jax asked confused. Rebecca dropped his hand and turned to face him. Her left hand scratching at her temple.

Rebecca was worried. Really freakin worried. Mandatory curfew? Issued by the mayor!? Possible terrorism intentions?! She wanted to scream! For God sakes, she was little teenage girl! And Jax just another kid! With the exception of killing, evidently 6 Arkham Staff members during his stay at the institute! [Which Rebecca was completely unaware of till now!] And Matt! The Mad Hatter!? A Terrorist!

“You’ve killed people!?” Rebecca blurted out not believing the boy she had confided in for the past week was a cold blooded killer.

“Not on purpose!” Jax yelled back.

“I can’t believe this.” Rebecca turned away from him, sitting on the edge of her bed, putting her head in her hands. She was ready to cry.

She knew there was seriousness to what she had done, escaping and all, but she did not know the seriousness of how dangerous the people she had escaped with were. She knew Jax had attacked a lot of people, but she didn’t know he had actually killed people. Rebecca had thought she had understood him, but there must be levels to his anger. She had thought she’d seen him angry, but never could she picture, her sweet, innocent, adorable Jax killing somebody.

Jax stood completely confused. He didn’t know why Rebecca was so upset. Sure he hadn’t told her he had killed a few of the nurses at Arkham, but he didn’t think it really mattered. They pissed him off, he expressed his anger, end of story. Jax didn’t think much of it. He actually found it kind of cool his picture was all over the news. [Just like his parents.] Though, at the thought of his father, there was no doubt in his mind now, his dad knew where he was, and would be looking for him soon.

But that didn’t matter right now. Jax knew for a fact his father would never look here, and they had not showed Rebecca’s picture. Mainly because she was not one of the authorities major concerns. Only his, and Matt’s picture and description were released. Jax also found it interesting Matt was the Mad Hatter. He didn’t take him for the criminal type. [“He was just so, boring.”] But at the same time, he didn’t really think it mattered. Matt wouldn’t dare put Rebecca in danger. Or he’d end up as just another result from expressed anger. Jax doubted Matt would really get them in trouble though. Matt was smart enough. Jax did not care about the Mad Hatter. All he cared about was Rebecca.

Her soft whimpers, and cries, pulled Jax from his thoughts, and he swiftly went to her side wrapping his arms around her. Jax was not sure what to do, but just the way she had been there for him back in their cell, he had to be there for her.

“Please don’t cry Rebecca.” Jax said pulling her into his arms. She only shook her head, breathing in another small sob.

Jax didn’t know how to make her happy. All he wanted was for her to be happy.

“Look, I’m really fast. Even if someone sees me, you heard what they said. No ones supposed to apprehend me by themselves. [So maybe Jax hears more then he leads on.] I can get away before they even call the cops. And Matt… well who really cares about him anyways? I mean you have me and…”

“What if someone shoots you?” Rebecca interrupted, making a point that it didn’t matter how fast he was.

“Uh, good point. Well…” Jax paused, “I’ve always wanted to learn how to dodge a bullet.” he smiled.

“This isn’t funny Jax.”

“I didn’t say it was.” He replied seriously. He rolled his eyes, and grabbed Rebecca by the shoulders. “Rebecca, nothing bad will happen. Okay? Pray to that God-guy or something like you do. I don’t want you to be upset. It makes me sad when your upset and you’re getting sad for no reason. Everything will work out. No one will get caught, and I won’t get shot. I promise.” Jax finished, starring deep into her eyes, trying to get through to her that everything would be okay.

Rebecca nodded back. Remembering his promise back in the elevator, and how he had kept it. Remembering the commitment she had made to no longer lead her pervious life style. To live and not care about the consequences. At the moment, with the way things were, that was just something she’d have to not worry about anymore.

There was just some thing’s she’d have to except with her escaping and choosing her new boyfriend. Jax wasn’t going to hurt her, she understood that, but she didn’t want him hurting other people. That was really the only thing that upset her. The other things she’d get over. All 3 of them had been able to blindly walk around town today, without even knowing people could being searching for them, and safely made it back to the house unnoticed.

“Okay.” Rebecca replied. She trusted him and the promises he made. “But please, try not to kill anyone anymore. Alright? That’s really bad Jax.” Rebecca frowned.

“I wont.” Jax smiled and Rebecca smiled back with him. “So no more being sad?” Jax asked hopefully. Rebecca laughed.

“No I won’t be sad anymore Jax. You don’t have to worry.”

“Good because I’m like really hungry. You went shopping right?” Jax asked wide eyed with excitement at the thought of food.

“Yes.” Rebecca chuckled. “Come on. I’ll make you, uh, something…” Rebecca replied uneasy. She didn’t know how to cook AT ALL. But she didn’t want Jax to be hungry, so she was going to have to try.

Rebecca and Jax walked back out into the living room to find Alice and Matt already in the kitchen. And Alice… cooking? To Rebecca’s surprise.

“Everything alright?” Matt said taking a bite out of one of the apples Rebecca had bought today.

“Oh yeah. Everything’s fine.” Rebecca assured them as she took as seat next to Matt on one of the bar stools around the kitchen-counter island. She couldn’t help but notice Alice already had several pots boiling on the stove, and something in the oven. She could tell she was a regular cook. It was funny. She reminded her of her mother.

“You didn’t have to cook Alice. I was going to make something, I mean I don’t really think there’s really that much…”

“Oh its totally fine! I LOVE to cook. And sure there was! I just took out the microwave dinners you got and mixed the peas and rice from 4 of them and put them in this pan to boil. Then I took the chicken and steak out. I’m just going to fry them up on the pan and add a little oregano. It should come out great. I was thinking of taking out some of the sliced potatoes from the dinners but I didn’t want you to get mad.” Alice finished all in nearly one breath.

Rebecca and Jax starred at each other in confusion, having almost no clue to what she had said. Jax thought to ask if she did meth, for how fast she talked, but Matt quickly started to explain.

“She said she didn’t want you to get mad for taking all the food from the dinners, and that its not much but it should come out great. Oh, and that she loves to cook.” Matt stated, chomping down on his apple.

“Oh, well no I’m not mad. Its great actually cause I have no clue how to cook.” Rebecca replied back to Alice. Rebecca felt as if she was speaking through a translator to understand what Alice was saying, but caught on pretty quick. Jax on the other hand was not listening nor did he care about what the woman had to say. He was focused on other things.

“Yeah, so um, you mind telling me who you are?” Jax asked, sitting next to Rebecca on the only other stool that was left.

“Oh, Jax sorry I forgot. This is Alice, she’s Matt’s girlfriend. She’s going to be staying with us for awhile.” Rebecca informed him.

“I see.“ Jax eyed the girl suspiciously as she moved quickly around the kitchen preparing food. But as fast as she was moving, Jax was able to catch the repeated off putting glares she would throw at him, before quickly turning in a different direction. And Jax glared right back at her. This woman was annoying. He felt like he knew this woman. That there was a reason why he did not like her. And it was clear to him, that she did not like him either. But she did a much better job of hiding it then he did.

Rebecca noticed the tension and swiftly pulled Jax into the living room to not fill the room with any more negative feelings.

“Lets go watch some TV Jax.” Rebecca said cheery as she pulled him over to the living room. Jax was pulled into the living room and she sat him down on the couch.

“What’s wrong?” Rebecca asked confused sitting down next to him, turning on the television to make it look like they actually were watching it.

“I don’t like her.” Jax stated bluntly. “I think I know her…”

“From where?”

“I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

“Well, are you going to be okay?”

“Yeah I’ll be fine. I just don’t like her is all.” Jax replied, assuring Rebecca that he wasn’t going to choke a bitch.

“Okay. Cause I mean she seems really nice. She is cooking for us and all…” Rebecca stated, watching as Jax picked up the remote and observed it for several seconds before figuring out which button to press. [Cute.]

“I guess so.” Jax was no longer paying attention to Rebecca, and was eager to see what kind of shows were on now that he was out. “Do you know any good shows that are on now? I don’t think the ones I used to watch are on anymore.” Jax said a bit saddened.

“Sure. Let me see the remote.” Rebecca asked taking the remote and going through the various cartoon channels that she loved. She wasn’t sure if he liked cartoons, but it came as no surprise when she found out that he did. “This is Adventure Time, its kind of silly but I love it.” She said stopping on the first cartoon channel she found.

Jax took a few seconds to look at it, then shook his head.

“No that looks weird.” He answered.

“Okay…” Rebecca paused going to another channel. “Total Drama Island is pretty cool, their on this game show.”

“No.” Jax didn’t like the way the cartoons looked. Why did so much have to change while he away!?

“Star Wars The Clone Wars?” Rebecca asked clicking to another channel. Jax’s eyes instantly lit up with joy. He loved Star Wars.

“I didn’t know they made a show out of it!” He said excited. Rebecca laughed.

“Yeah its about…”

“Shh!” Jax shushed her, grabbing the remote and turning up the volume. He quickly pulled his feet up onto the couch, wrapping his arms around his knees, and watched with enthusiasm. Rebecca smiled. He was just like a little kid sometimes.

“Dinners ready!” Alice called, as she walked into the room holding two plates for them. “Here you go!” she said handing Rebecca hers, and setting Jax’s down on the table with an obvious clang from the glass plate.

Matt walked in with his own plate joining them, as he sat on the floor, with his plate on the table and ate. Alice sat beside him on the floor, hoping everyone would enjoy her delicious food.

Rebecca was pleasantly surprised with how amazing Alice’s cooking was. Especially for just tv-dinner things. They were great! Jax on the other hand, wasn’t paying the slightest attention to Alice or her food. He was so mesmerized by the television show to even pick up a knife or a fork. He only held the plate to his chin, and shoved the food in. Tearing too big pieces apart with his teeth, and swallowing them all in the same second. Rebecca could only stare with utter amusement, almost loosing her appetite several times, as she watched him finish his entire plate in less then 3 minutes.

Neither Matt or Alice had been looking at him. They were too busy touching each other and giggling, while feeding food to one another.

Rebecca, soon turned her attention away from Jax once he had finished, sliding his now empty plate back onto the table, and briefly thanking Alice for dinner. Alice replied with a very equal, and un-toned, ‘your welcome’ before going back to tickling Matt.

Soon Rebecca finished her own plate, and also thanked Alice for dinner.

“Oh your totally welcome! Any time you guys get hungry I’ll be more then happy to cook for you!” Alice replied in one breath. Rebecca smiled, setting her own plate beside Jax’s on the table.

Raindrops began to hit hard against the windows of their apartment, and with only the television left to light the living room, an eerie florescent glow, accumulated in the space around them. Short flashes from different lightening strikes illuminating up the room every so often, only to disappear into an echo of thunder following it.

Rebecca wasn’t sure if she was imagining things, or if indeed Jax was just this adorable, but all at once, a crack of thunder shook Gotham, and Jax jumped next to Rebecca wrapping his arms around her, and holding her close. His eyes not once leaving the television, too intrigued by the galactic space battles of Anakin Skywalker and his friend Obi Wan Kenobi.

She also couldn’t help but notice Alice find her own way into Matt’s arms, and hold him close. Rebecca smiled and pulled Jax downward, so that she could lay sideways on the couch. With Jax comfortably behind her, his arm wrapped around her waist, and head propped up, so that he could continue to watch his AMAZING tv-show.

Letting her eye lids slowly fall shut, and thoughts slip silently from her mind, Rebecca fell into a very light sleep. Resting peacefully to the soft sounds of Jax breathing, and the raindrops repeatedly throwing themselves against the clear frame of the windows. Only to slide from the glass, free falling 30 stories downward, to crash onto the abandoned streets below.