Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters


Laughter erupted into the quiet apartment as Alice and Rebecca walked inside. Their hands full of different colored store bags and purses. It was practically impossible not to fall down with all the things they were carrying.

“What a day!” Alice exclaimed almost throwing her stuff onto the counter to free her arms of all the weight she had been dragging the past 7 blocks.

“I know! I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in months.” Rebecca replied setting her stuff on the floor of the kitchen and going for the refrigerator. “Water?” She offered handing a glass to Alice.

“Thanks.” Alice said taking the glass and sitting on one of the stools around the counter.

“I wish there was more to eat here.” Rebecca said as she took a sip of her water.

“Hm. We should go out!” Alice replied excited. “We could wear our dresses we bought today. Oh! and there’s this special place I know that we could go to.” Alice went on, but Rebecca shook her head.

“I don’t know… I still haven’t heard from Jax, and its getting late.” Rebecca looked over her shoulder to see the night-lit city staring back at her out the windows. “Its almost nine. What if he’s in trouble?” Rebecca asked turning back to Alice and leaning over the island-counter.

“Call him.” Alice replied finishing her glass.

“Okay.” Rebecca said pulling her phone out.

Alice couldn’t keep Rebecca from Jax any longer. She was all too familiar with the sickening feeling somebody got from not knowing where their lover was. It was nearly useless to keep her from contacting him now. Alice had spent the entire day successfully keeping Rebecca distracted from him and occupied with shopping and fooling around. [They even got their nails done.]

Luckily, Alice had saved almost all the money her and Matt had stolen for his research. Stashing it until further notice. Not knowing what to do with it, or if he would come back and need it. Though now she was sure he could always get more if he should need some, and so she was free to do what she wished with it.

Not only did she keep Rebecca’s thoughts elsewhere and busy throughout the day, she made very important phone calls and text to Matt and his former business partners. She reconnected all his old connections, and got almost all of his former ‘employees’ rehired. This of course all being accomplished when Rebecca was not in hearing range or view of Alice. So it was particularly difficult to get things of such matter done, especially in such short time. But it was Matt, and Alice would get anything done for him.

But now Rebecca would call Jax, and it would all be for nothing. Everything Alice and Matt had worked so hard to make a surprise for Rebecca, would be ruined. All by Jax’s carelessness and ability to keep a secret. Sad, it really was, but there was nothing more Alice could do. It was all over now.

“Hey Jax its Rebecca.” Rebecca said into the phone. Alice cringed, waiting for Rebecca to find everything out. “No-No… I’m fine… I was worried about you actually…” Rebecca replied with a slight hint of nervousness in her voice. “Really?”

Alice couldn’t take it anymore. It took every fiber within her to not grab the phone and hang it up before their surprise was completely blown. She could practically hear Jax spilling out every detail of the party and the gift he had gotten her over the phone.

The party was to be on the rooftop to one of the most expensive retail buildings in Gotham. A place where this towns richest could be found. Wining and dinning the night away, during one of their most exclusive reservation-only-dinner parties or fund raisers. But tonight it was theirs, and it would become a criminal-reservation-only party. Where many of the most notorious, famous, [and infamous] villains, and gang members would come from all across Gotham, to celebrate The Mad Hatters return. A time for the more, classier, of Gotham’s corrupt crowd to go for an extravagant good time.

How Matt had arranged to reserve the roof for tonight was beyond Alice. Even she could not make that happen. The gift however, she was well aware of how he and Jax had obtained that.

It was a pink diamond incrusted cross. With a platinum structure and silver chain to go around her neck. It was big too. [Kind of like the ones those famous rappers wear.] Alice knew because Matt had sent her a picture, [via text message.] It was hard to contain her smile when she had received it. Being right next to Rebecca and all. But she managed, and couldn’t wait till she’d get to see it.

Not that any of it meant anything now. Despite all the planning, and all the distracting, the surprise was over. [Done.] All their hard work, destroyed. Or so she thought…

“Okay… Alright. I’ll talk to you later then… Bye.” Rebecca hung up the phone and sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Alice said afraid to hear the answer.

“Oh nothing. Jax was just out trying to do something I don’t know, he wasn’t very clear. But he said he got lost and he was on his way home now.” Rebecca answered.

Alice nearly split down the middle with relief and joy. Jax hadn’t told her. He really kept it a secret! That meant everything was perfectly in order. Everything was still a surprise. Everything was fine. [The plan still a go.]

“Ah well that’s a shame. You’ll have to wait a little longer to see him.”

“What! Why?” Rebecca said somewhat sad that she would still not be able to see Jax yet. Regardless of her earlier feelings of worry towards him.

“Because we’re going out silly! Now come on.” Alice exclaimed, practically jumping from her stool. “Lets go get ready!”

“Wait, what?” Rebecca barely got out before she was pulled down the hallway and pushed into her room.

Alice eagerly ran back to the kitchen. Grabbing several of the bags of stuff they had bought today, and went sprinting back to Rebecca’s room. Slamming the door shut before Rebecca could escape, and went to work. Glamour and beautifying was one more passion of Alice’s, that she happened to be very, very, good at.

Several minutes later they reemerged from Rebecca’s room looking entirely different then from when they had entered. They sparkled in brilliance under the small lights of Rebecca’s apartment. From head to toe in a glittery gloss of perfection Alice had concocted. All with a little blush, mascara, and eye shadow, she made them look like princesses. [Beyond beautiful.] But Alice couldn’t let all the credit go to her abilities with a make-up brush. No, the things that made them most stunning of all, were their dresses.

Alice's was long, silky, and green. A very classic style of formal wear, but not without losing too much of a modern touch. The fabric meshed flawlessly together with the tiny gold and white gems placed around the upper part of the dress. Its length making the tips of her toes barely visible, but flowing elegantly along her slim form as she walked. Her red hair and golden-white necklace making the outfit come together wonderfully.

Rebecca’s on the other hand, was cute. Plain, straight forward, flat out, adorable. The cutest little dress one could imagine her in. It was pink. [Of course.] With a strapless design and ruffled frame around the bottom of the skirt. It had the look of something a little kid would wear, but while still maintaining a mature sense of style. The material was shiny, and gave an omniscient glow of violet. The different shades of color complimenting each other with ease. All being topped off with a simple large black bow to go around her waist.

Each step they took resulted in a loud ’click’ from their silver heels, as they marched back through the kitchen to the door.

“Are you sure we should leave? What if Matt or Jax get back and wonder where we are?” Rebecca asked picking up one of the store bags that still sat on the floor. She pulled a small pink matching handbag out and set it on the counter, ready to leave with her when they went.

“We have phones don’t we? They can call us if they need us. Besides, they’re big boys. I think Jax can handle a few hours without you.” [Ah, but if only she really knew.]

Rebecca looked down at the phone in her hand, and then back up to Alice, who stood impatiently with her arms crossed, waiting for Rebecca to make her decision. It’d be silly to waste the past 20 minutes they had spent getting ready just to change her mind now. That, and she could use a little down time.

“You’re right.” Rebecca started, but she had no time to finish.

“Then lets go already!” Alice nearly shouted, grabbing Rebecca’s hands and heading for the door.

Cool air glided gently over their skin as they walked out the front entrance of the apartment complex. A slight rush of exhilaration being sent within the breeze, hitting them as they walked gracefully down the stairs to the street.

The city was gushing with colors. Lit up like the center of a Christmas tree. Such a delectable treat for the eyes. From the star studded sky, to store fronts, to skyscrapers and car headlights. It all radiated in the night with a white gloss complexion, saturating the dark atmosphere. Causing the city to stand tall in a magnificent glow. People could be seen walking and roaming the sidewalks and streets in every direction. Taxi cabs, cars, and SUV’s, hogging up every inch of the roadways. It was hauntingly beautiful and in every way imaginable.

Night time in Gotham was like setting the spotlight on a stage, ready for a magic show. The audience in anticipation, waiting for the performance to begin.

“Should we take a taxi? Or the subway?” Rebecca asked leaning off the edge of the side walk, on the toe of her heels, peering down each side of the street. Alice smirked.

“I’ve got something better.” And on que, as if Alice could make things happen just by the command of her voice, a mysterious shiny black car pulled up. As though waiting for them, and only them, to climb in.

Rebecca cautiously stepped back from the curb, confused to why Alice would let anyone know where they were, and why she would have a car called. But Alice quickly reassured her.

“Well come on silly. If it were the cops you’d be arrested by now.” Alice yanked the backseat door open and ushered Rebecca to get in. “Trust me.” Alice smiled. But Rebecca was still weary, and for a small moment, lost track of what she was doing. Her mind racing with thoughts of everything that could happen to her and what she should do.

“Hey, it’ll be okay.” Jax’s voice resounded inside her brain as she remembered the night back in the elevator. He brought his hand to Rebecca’s cheek, his sticky palm brushing against her soft skin, doing his best to comfort her. She looked into his eyes, searching for the worry, but there was none to be found. The only thing in sight, buried deep within the brown pools of his eyes, was hope. Hope and faith. “I promise.”

“Rebecca?” Alice went to reach out for her, but before she could touch Rebecca, her head shook off whatever thought was holding her down, and she hopped in the car. Alice shrugged, and jumped inside along with her. Becoming even more eager for tonight’s event as the car pulled off and into the heavy traffic.

As the belly of the city began to flow by outside their windows, all with the same tempting and gorgeous lights from when they had first walked out of the apartment building, Rebecca took the moment to ask Alice, just how in fact she was able to get her own escort to… well, whatever restaurant Rebecca believed they were going to.

“Oh Rebecca, don’t be silly. You’re a friend of Matt’s now.” Alice chuckled, as if Rebecca didn’t understand the liberties of befriended him. “Now that The Mad Hatters back in town, all his little workers will be at our beck and call. That’s just how his business goes.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes before sending a very disapproving glance to Alice out of her peripheral. Rebecca wasn’t an idiot. Every part of what Alice said sounded illegal. ‘Business.’ ‘Workers.’ How Rebecca managed to get involved with these people she had no idea. But there was nothing she could do about it now. She might as well accept their friendship and association, because she wouldn’t have anyone else for awhile. At least not till she cleared her name.

Alice took notice to the distained expression on Rebecca’s face. Though she tried to hide it, by pretending to stare out the car window, Alice could see it. [She saw everything.]

“Hey, whatever you’re thinking about, don’t. Tonight is going to be a stress free night. No worrying, no thinking, no apprehensions. Just relaxing, alright? We’re just going out for some dinner. We’ll be back in no time.” Alice lied, her smile covering her fib like foundation on a blemish.

“Okay.” Rebecca nodded, “I don’t know why I get so stressed out about things. Its not like I don’t have all the time in the world to worry now.”

“Exactly.” Alice agreed, happy she was finally getting through to her and making her feel more comfortable.

“Its just one night out.” Rebecca stated, attempting to reassure herself, “Everything will be fine...”

In a flash they had arrived at their destination. The car pulling up to an unknown location, and stopping, next to a very high class looking sky scraper.

“We’re here!” Alice cheered clapping her hands merrily.

Rebecca smiled, feeling somewhat anxious now due to Alice’s own excitement rubbing off on her. Which was strange, it was only dinner. Must be a pretty dang good restaurant if Alice was this excited about eating here.

Before Rebecca could even reach for the door handle [the curb being on her side now] the door was pulled open. A very handsome looking older man, now standing outside their car holding the door open for the two of them.

“Ladies.” He nodded.

Rebecca, having been somewhat startled to the fact they just had a doorman open the car door for them, forgot to get out. Alice pushed her from behind and climbed out after her.

“Thank you.” Alice smiled at the doorman as she stood, brushing her dress off.

“The bag you requested.” He said referring to the dark green, almost black, looking handbag he had under his arm, pulling it out and handing it to Alice.

Her eyes lit up as the green little bag was placed into her hands. She opened the top clasp and peeked down into it. She gleamed with satisfaction at what she saw, only to quickly close it within the same few moments and hang it on her wrist.

“Yes. Thank you very much.” Alice replied.

Rebecca only stood dumbfoundedly staring up at the enormous building in front of them. It was black, but with crystal clear windows lining every inch of its structure. Some with the lights on, some without. It was mesmerizing. The building was so tall, that standing beneath it, made it impossible to see the roof.

“Come on.” Alice grabbed Rebecca’s arm, linking it with her own, her eyes wild with anticipation, and jogged towards the gold revolving doors of the building.

The lobby was a blur. One big shiny, magnificent, blur. With marble floors and identical walls. There was an undeniable scent of cleaning products and Pinesol in the air as they walked in. A gold colored receptionist desk to their right, and silver elevators to their left. The place appeared to have the best types of craftsmanship put into it. Only the greatest it seemed for this building. But Rebecca had no more time to inspect the place as she was briskfully pulled away and into the elevator.

Alice pressed the number for the top floor, and watched as the lifts doors smoothly closed shut in front of them, beginning its journey upward. A cheerful ding going off with each floor they began to pass.

They were on level 17 when a ringing went off. Alice jumped, with a small ‘oh!’ coming from her mouth as she reached in between her breast and pulled out her cell phone.

“I got a text.” She informed Rebecca, as she began to type away on her BlackBerry.

“From who?” Rebecca asked curious. She noticed Alice had been on her phone practically the whole day. Constantly taking ‘business calls.’ [Criminals.] She wondered who it was from now.

“Matt.” Alice answered, “I’m letting him know where we are.” Alice grinned to herself as she typed her reply into the phone, loving the fact she hadn’t lied at all to Rebecca just then.

“Oh okay good. Can you make sure he tells Jax too?”

“Of course.” Opening her dark green handbag, Alice dropped her phone in it after she was done replying, and pulled out a pink mask, handing it to Rebecca. "Here, put this on," she commanded with a bright smile on her face.

“What’s this for?” Rebecca asked confused as the small pink mask was pushed into her hands.

“You’ll see.” Alice smiled, pulling a mask of her own out and placing it around her eyes. Rebecca looked down at the mask. It was pink. Plain old girly pink, that seemed to match her dress. It went around the eyes, and nothing else. No nose, no mouth. Just an eye mask. It reminded her of something a super hero would wear to hide their identity, or perhaps like the ones in the modern day movie of Romeo and Juliet. It was simple, yet pretty at the same time. “Well go ahead, put it on.” Alice urged.

Rebecca only shook her head, not having a clue in the world what it could be for, and slid the small mask over her eyes. Shutting them in the process, then opening them to see her polished reflection in the doors of the elevator. She smiled. Though it was completely out of the blue and seemed totally unnecessary to have a mask in a restaurant, she looked cute.

With once last chime of the elevator, its doors were pulled open, and they walked out.

“Where are we going?” Rebecca asked as she was practically forced down a hallway and around a corner to god only knows where.

But Alice didn’t reply, only kept walking. Pulling Rebecca along as well as she could. Luckily they didn’t have much further, and with a grunt, Alice pushed open a door reading ‘employees only’ that looked like it led to a utility closet. But to Rebecca’s dismay it led to a set of stairs, leading up to another closed door that looked similar to the one she had come in through. Perhaps to the roof, Rebecca thought while trying her best not to trip and fall up the stairs. Her heels were tall enough as it was, and now she wasn’t able to see as well with the mask on.

As they came to the top of the stair case, and began to approach the door, Rebecca could feel Alice’s arm, that was still clinging to her own, shaking. It wasn’t much, but it scared her. Rebecca, prepared herself for whatever was behind that door, and watched, through the small little eye slits of her mask, as Alice began to push it open.

All at once, from every direction she could see, Rebecca’s sense’s were on overload. Nothing could’ve prepared her for the dazzling party scene that was revealed right before her eyes. It seemed as if dozens of people had been waiting for her arrival, all with their attention positioned towards the door. And with a unified ‘Surprise!’ erupting from the crowds of people around her and Alice, she gasped. Her mouth agape in shock and eyes wide as if she were suddenly disoriented. [Trapped in a state of astonishment.]

People began to clap, and others cheered, giving a light hearted chuckle to Rebecca’s puzzled expression. But none of them looked familiar. An endless sea of masks were gathered on the roof top. Each one sparkling and gleaming in its own original colors and designs. All being the same style as Rebecca’s though, only covering their eyes. With no ones identity being distinguishable, she felt lost, almost as if she had walked into someone else’s surprise party by accident.

She stepped back, somewhat frightened. But as a familiar [also masked] body form emerged from the crowd, the hat giving away just who he was, she felt safer.

“Happy Birthday Rebecca!” Matt nearly shouted running up to her and Alice. A drink in one of his hands, and a black box in the other.

Rebecca was caught off guard as Matt pulled her and Alice in for a hug. She giggled as he squeezed her.

“This… is all for me?” She barely managed to get out, still being somewhat overwhelmed.

“Of course it is silly! You didn’t think we’d just let your birthday go unnoticed, did you?” Alice said gushing with happiness as Matt let go of the two of them.

When Rebecca had been released from Matt’s grip, she unexpectedly saw how undeniably handsome he had looked tonight. Having missed it when he had first ran up to them.

He was wearing a black suit, with a matching tie, that fit his tall structure perfectly. He looked very classy, especially with what looked like a bowler hat, only with a flat rim, on his head. His gorgeous blue eyes blazed from behind the small eye holes of his all black mask, similar to the one Rebecca had on. It was plain, yet added just the littlest of something Rebecca couldn’t seem to put her finger on. But whatever it was, made the look awesome.

Matt went to speak again, but whatever he was about to say, Rebecca wouldn’t have heard. Because when the sight of Jax hit her line of sight, she was starstruck.

He was the only one in the party not wearing a mask, which made him so incredibly easy to find, and yet stood out so adorably, and not just because his face was the only one that was visible. He was wearing a black suit looking jacket with matching black pants, nothing special about that. Seemed to fit him fine. But it was his under shirt and shoes that made him so diverse from all the crowds of people around them. They were yellow. BRIGHT yellow, and his shirt was even more visible with his jacket being unbuttoned. He had a pair of bright yellow converses on and had no tie. Yet he pulled it off exceptionally well. She couldn’t imagine how long it must’ve taken Matt to get Jax to wear the outfit. But she’d have to thank him later for it, because he just looked too cute - no. Too hott, would be the correct term.

Jax was stunned. More then he had ever been by Rebecca’s beauty before. And he happily embraced her as she came, practically running, into his arms. He held her tight.

“Jax!!” She squealed wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. They hadn’t seen each other all day. It was safe to say that they really, really, missed each other.

“Hi Rebecca.” Jax smiled as they pulled back from their hug.

“Did you help plan all this?” She beamed.

“Uh, well, I…”

“He did.” Matt answered appearing beside the two of them, Alice now linked to his left arm. “Jax helped a lot. He even picked out this, wonderful, gift we got for you.” Matt said handing the black box he had been holding to Rebecca.

Her eyes widened even wider, [if it were even humanly possible] and she politely accepted the gift as it was slid into her hands. With her smile as wide as her eyes, she pulled the lid off, and was once again, amazed by what she saw.

Rebecca nearly dropped the enormous jewel when she saw it. It was a huge pink diamond cross, with a matching silver chain to go around the neck. It was so large, yet so beautiful, she hadn’t a clue what to say.

“Th-thank you.” She breathed out, almost not believing the past minute of her life could be real.

“Well put it on. Lets see how it looks.” Matt encouraged taking a sip of his drink.

Alice could smell the alcohol on him, and she was not happy with it. As Rebecca went to retrieve the massive cross from its box, all the guests attention still being on her, Alice took the moment to address Matt.

“Have you been drinking?” She whispered into his right ear, looking as if she were only holding him closer to her.

“What? Nah.” Matt replied the Scotch on his breath being even more prominent then when she had first embraced him. She elbowed him in the side for lying. “Ow! Well just a little bit.” he rolled his eyes at Alice. He knew she didn’t like him drinking, because of the things it did to him, but it was a celebration after all!

“Matt, you know you shouldn’t be drinking. Especially around our guest.” She whispered back, her anger being easily heard through clenched teeth.

She looked around at all the other masks in the room. To anyone else they would all just look like mask. But with Alice, she could pick out each individual person, knowing exactly who all of them were. That’s when she noticed Sal and his boys weren’t here. These were the Romans. The Falcone Family. Figures. Matt and his persuadable ways. Seems when he left Gotham the Maroni’s wanted him dead, [probably for stealing from them] but now the Falcones are working with him. [Just what have you gotten yourself into Matt?]

By the time Alice and Matt had finished having their little quarrel, Jax had already helped Rebecca put the necklace around her neck and was now watching as she took multiple compliments from the guest around her.

“Thanks so much guys.” Rebecca smiled at Matt and Jax.

“You’re welcome.” Jax replied loving how great the cross looked on her. He was glad he had managed to convince Matt to get that one.

“Now,” Matt started loudly, getting the attention of the other guest. “If I may propose a toast, to our guest of honor.” The crowd around them raised their glasses with Matt, and Alice quickly went to retrieve a glass for Rebecca and herself.

Alice and Matt were adults. Or at least close enough. As for the rest of the guest, none were under the age of 21. It had never crossed the minds of Matt or Alice to get any other drinks then alcohol. That was how they partied, and although Rebecca and [somewhat Jax] were mature for their age, they were not adults.

Alice pushed what looked like a cup of regular old soda into Rebecca’s hand, and Matt had previously given Jax, what he had assumed was a cup of plain old lemon-aid. Their bartender must’ve been good, because neither Jax or Rebecca had sensed the slightest bit of alcohol in their drinks. Not that Jax would have known what it tasted like anyways.

“To Rebecca.” Matt shouted, with the rest of the guest echoing him. “Have a wonderful birthday, and we all wish you many more to come.” He smiled down at her. “Cheers.” He raised his glass, the other guest following suit, and tipped it back. Swallowing all the contents that had been in his cup. Alice tried to ignore him and took a sip from her own drink, an alcoholic strawberry daiquiri. Watching as the other guest drank from their own. Rebecca and Jax doing the same. She just loved the way Jax seemed to have no clue what was going on, yet played along so he wouldn’t look like he didn’t know what he was doing.

And with one last cheer for the guest of honor, the party commenced. Music began to play, from what felt like all around them, its beat seemingly to come from an unknown location. [Perhaps flitering down from the clouds.] People began to laugh, talking and enjoying themselves on whatever available recliners and couches were around. Others danced on the large space around the crystal clear pool that was positioned in the center of the roof. While others talked business around the bar and in the other few tables around it.

Jax and Rebecca quickly linked together. Not wanting to get lost within the groups of people. And went off to a more secluded area to talk. Jax told her all about his day and that he had originally gone out to look for his mother this morning. Then ended up having to help Matt and Alice for all this. [Remembering not to let slip about earlier this morning.] She laughed as he told her about when Matt tried to call him, explaining to her that she would have to teach him how to use his phone correctly. Then Rebecca went on about what she had done that whole day, telling him about how she had found some police reports about her case. Both of them unknowingly sipping away at their drinks while they talked.

Rebecca couldn’t help but think how happy Jax looked for once. He usually always looked pissed off, or displeased with something that was going on. But now he seemed to be actually having fun for once. She liked this. It was nice to see him in a more lighthearted mood.

Not only was she glad to see Jax looking somewhat happy, but she thought that maybe, she had miss judged Matt and Alice.

“Well, what do you mean?” Jax asked, taking another sip from his cup as he listened to Rebecca.

“Oh, I don’t know. I guess I was just so wrapped up in thinking how bad they were for being criminals, and then they go and do all this for me. Its just… I don’t even know.” Rebecca smiled. Her and Jax had been sitting on the ledge of a flower bed, away from the more hectic commotion in the party. Watching as Matt and Alice went around and politely greeted all their guest.

“My dad was a criminal. So I guess I kind of get what you mean…” Jax said trying to get what she meant. Which was hard for him at the moment. He already had trouble paying attention being off his regular ADHD medications for the past couple of days, and now he seemed to be getting light headed.

Before they could really talk about anything else, Matt came up to them, insisting Rebecca come and meet the other guest. She accepted, being the polite person she was, but did not leave Jax to sit in the corner all by himself. She pulled him up with her, holding his hand as they were led around the party, being shown different things and different people.

Masks appeared, names were exchanged, hands were shaken, and kisses were brushed onto cheeks. Rebecca and Jax seemed to be continuously pulled from one place to the next. Going from the bar, to the other side of the pool, to the private cabanas off to the side, then to the lounging areas with couches and chairs. Being shoved in every direction it seemed, things getting blurrier and blurrier with each sour sip they took.

The music began to sound dreamlike, and their feet became numb. All the while they mingled with Gotham’s elite criminals. The rich, the powerful, and the perverse. Everyone’s manners and high class behavior distracting Rebecca from what they really were. Corrupt.

After awhile she and Jax managed to finally slip away from the now, wasted Matt, and stumbled back to where they had previously been sitting. Now giggling and smirking for no apparent reason.

“God! I thought he’d never stop talking!” Jax slurred taking another sip from his now raspberry tasting drink someone had given to him back at the bar.

“I know! He just went on and on forever.” Rebecca replied with a giggle.

She felt dizzy, yet extremely happy for some reason. Though she could feel her stomach begin to churn at the same time. It was a bunch of things she had never felt before. And even began to feel herself become more attracted to Jax, more so then when she had first arrived at the party.

Jax had no clue what he was feeling. He was happy, at least he was pretty sure he was. Yet felt as if he could fall over at any moment. One wrong step, and he’d be down, and possibly even fall asleep.

“Oh! I love this song!” Rebecca exclaimed as a new song began to buzz around the roof. Its bass causing the place to shake. “Lets dance.” She suggested, standing, nearly tripping over her heels in the process.

On any other day, Jax would have immediately declined. Having no clue how to dance, and not wanting to embarrass himself trying. But now, for some reason, wanted to do nothing more then dance, or at least attempt to with Rebecca.

Forgetting his earlier feelings of thinking he was going to fall over, he quickly accepted, and jumped to his feet. Taking Rebecca’s hand in his own, and headed towards the dance floor.

A slow song came on and Jax, without hesitation, pulled Rebecca close to him. Rebecca didn’t think Jax could really dance, but he had seen his parents slow dance together a few times, so he had somewhat of an idea how it went.

Rebecca wrapped her own arms around Jax’s neck and stepped in no particular step with him as they floated across the dance floor, other drunk couples dancing around them in an unordered unison.

With stars in their eyes, and their heads in the sky, they stared at each other. Jax smiling down at Rebecca, and Rebecca smiling right back up at him. His deep brown eyes full of delight as he gazed into her beautiful face. Jax pulled her closer, wanting to be as close as possible to Rebecca. She only let her body agree, having no ability to make it move elsewhere and was now right up against him.

She looked up at him, his lips seeming to glisten under all the glorious lights of the party, and suddenly felt a serge of desire form in the pit of her stomach. A thirst to have his lips. She wanted him, just as much as he wanted her, and pulled him in. Ready to kiss him for the very first time in their relationship.

Jax leaned in, never in his life having kissed a girl, hoped to god he wasn’t doing something wrong. Their lips were less then a centimeter away from touching when Alice came running up to the two of them. Her mask no longer on, and tears mixed with eyeliner streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong Alice?”