Status: Work In Progress

In a World Where Only Madness Matters


“Enjoying your new cell mate?” Crane asked peering over her with confidence.

Rebecca hesitated before answering. Being wise to carefully choose how she worded her response. Too much joy in her answer could result in him removing her from that cell, just in spite that she was having fun with it. Too much sad and he’d be forced to remove her, for the good of the asylum and his reputation, not to make him look too cruel.

“Interesting.” Rebecca answered with neither a smiling or frowning expression. She kept herself content, hoping not to be easily read by her emotions. Crane nodded, his ‘majestic’ smile fading.

“Well then. Don’t you think you should get moving? Sunday services just started a couple minutes ago.” Crane said reminding her.

“Oh yeah!? Will my guards take me?” she asked looking back at the two of them with a smile now.

“Yes, they will.” Crane said answering for them, almost threateningly, to warn them of the consequences if they didn’t. [Awh he cares.] “Every Sunday at 9AM sharp.” He said more to the two of them then to her.

“Well, we’ll just be on our way then.” Rebecca said smiling gracefully as she grabbed both Howard’s and Rick’s arms, heading for the elevator.

They soon pulled their arms back from hers and pulled hers behind her back. [Protocol.] Howard pressed the button for the first floor and the doors opened. They stepped inside.

“How come you didn’t complain about your cell?” Howard asked causally as they began there descend downward.

“Should I of?” Rebecca replied, pretending not to know what he was talking about.

“Well yeah, I’d think so. Its only been, what? One night? And you already have blood covering half your shirt. And something tells me its not his.”

Howard was kind of right. But she made a promise. She said she wouldn’t leave Jax. [And she’d stand by that.] But why she wondered. Why on Earth would she choose to stay in such a room with such a maniac? Well he was particularly nice to her. When he wasn’t being completely insane that is.

Thinking back on it, did he not try to save her from what he at least thought was going to hurt her? [Rick.] He did. Rebecca thought nodding to herself. Jax hadn’t meant to hurt her last night, he couldn’t help it. [She knew what that felt like.] And he seemed to punish himself for it enough. He called her pretty, and that was enough for her.

“I like his company.” Rebecca answered emotionless. But starred down at the floor secretly smiling to herself. The elevator came to a stop.

“Heh, maybe you are crazy.” Rick chuckled, as the elevator doors parted. Revealing the crowded lobby area and all the different busy people that walked in every other direction.

Rebecca frowned as she was lightly pushed out and lead to the chapel part of the asylum. She was not crazy. She wasn’t! And she didn’t like it when people called her that. She’d have to prove that she wasn’t.

But all thoughts of the subject quickly were forgotten as she was pushed into the massive chapel. She looked up, astonished. About 7 rows of pews were lined in front of her, with a walk way through the middle leading up to a massive alter. With the biggest gray cross she had ever seen before, jutting its top all the way into the high ceiling above.

Her mouth hung agape as she stumbled down the walkway, away from Rick and Howard, gazing at the stained-glass that hung from the walls. She approached the alter, kneeling and honoring her heavenly father.

She then sat back on her bottom, starring up at the cross. She looked back, over her shoulder. Rick and Howard were standing just outside the door way. Waiting for her whenever her time was up. She watched as Rick dug down into his pants pocket looking for something, and pulling out a familiar piece of paper. Just like the one Crane had gave him yesterday.

With more disgust then amazement she watched, as he pushed it against the bottom of his nose, and inhaled the white substance inside of it. Rebecca held back the urge to spit. [It was the chapel after all.] She immediately turned away and back up to the cross, tears forming in her eyes.

“O Lord, to deliver me, O Lord make haste to help me.” She whispered to herself. “Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek my soul to destroy it. Let them be driven backward, and put to shame that wish me evil.” Reciting quietly to herself, her tears began to disappear and the comforts of Gods presence filled her. Giving her strength and she lifted her head, thanking God and hoped he would help her the rest of the way.

Just as she was about to get up and head back to the door, [There was really no other reason to stay other then to get out from that room.] She was startled by the sound of a very gentle British, feminine, voice calling to her.

“Hey, hey! Hey you!” Rebecca’s head spun to the left.

“Huh?” She looked up confused.

“Yes, You! What are you doing here!?” A woman yelled rushing towards her. Rebecca stood up quickly. Remembering to not make the same mistake of forgetting to look at the wrist band [like last time] and glanced in the direction of the ladies arm.

LOW RISK PATIENT. Rebecca read to herself slightly relieved. But she should’ve realized this. No way would they ever let anyone of high risk, down to asylum services.

“I come to honor my Lord.” Rebecca said confidently. “Is there something wrong with this?” She added noticing the woman’s distress.

Rebecca’s smile changed to dismay and she tilted to her head to the right, looking at woman. She was very skinny, and no more then maybe an inch taller then her. She looked old, but no older then 40. She had black, messy, hair. That hung clean, but seemed to have different webs of tangles throughout it. Her eyes were a glowing green, with puffy bags of restlessness underneath. Her lips were severely chapped and looked as if they had multiple bite marks all over them and below her bottom lip. She looked crazy. [HAHA]

“No, no sweetie. Of course not!” The woman spoke quietly, taking Rebecca’s arm, and walking over to the first rows of pews to sit down with her. “What’s your name dear?” The woman asked.

“Rebecca.” she answered giving a smile.

“It’s nice to meet you Rebecca. Heck its nice to meet anyone around here who wants to worship God. I’m Loretta by the way.” She said offering her hand to Rebecca. She shook it happily.

“Well its nice to meet you too, Loretta. Where’s everyone else?” Rebecca said looking around at the empty chapel.

“See, that’s exactly why I asked you why you were here. No one comes in here anymore. Nope, no one. I’m the only one, have been for 7 years. Yep, just me. I’m the only one who comes.” Loretta answered, her British accent not once being forgotten in her words. “That’s why, I saw you and, what are you doing here? No one ever comes in here.”

“Oh, well, you see. I’m new to this… institution. I just arrived here yesterday morning.”

“Oooh. I do see. And why are you in here?” Loretta asked now eyeing Rebecca’s own wrist band.

“To be honest, I’m not exactly sure.” Rebecca answered shrugging her shoulders.

“Hm, planning on staying long?” Loretta seemed to whisper, glancing at the guards at the back of the chapel.

“Um, I don’t wish to. Why?” Rebecca asked leaning in closer to hear what the woman had to say.

“Well, I’ll have you know. I’ve been here for 7 long years, Seven! And I don’t plan on spending another minute. I have kid’s at home ya know. Mhm. They need me. Poor babies. I have to get out. I have a plan.”

“Really?!” Rebecca asked almost breaking her whisper.

“Shh!” The woman said lightly grabbing Rebecca’s arm to pull her closer.

“Really? Because, I might be able to help. Its only been a day but I’m getting to know my way around very quickly. My guards, they take me everywhere, because my doctor put me in the wrong holding cells. I’ve been all through the high security sections of the building.”

“You have?!” Loretta’s face gleamed. “And I know the low security sections like the back of my hand.” This statement only made Rebecca’s smile grow wider.

She could get out! She could be free! Free to prove that she wasn’t crazy. There was hope! She could escape! But only with the help of this woman.

“Here’s the plan…” Loretta spoke.

“Times up Rebecca.” She herd Howard’s familiar voice call from the door. Her smile plummeted. But she stayed faithful.

“Meet back here next week?” she asked the woman. Loretta nodded, smiling.

“Take care Rebecca.”

And with that she was dragged away. Back out into the lobby. Rick behind her, and Howard to the her left, as usual.

“You sure make friends fast don’t you.” Rick asked.

“Sure do.” Rebecca answered back.

“We just gotta make a quick stop.” Howard said taking her right arm and leading them in the direction of the pharmacy. This worried Rebecca. She didn’t like the thought of being drugged, nor did she need them. Because she wasn’t crazy.

Rick let go of her arms and walked in front of her, leaning over the counter to talk with the pharmacist

Rebecca took the time to look around and found more patient-request fill outs in a plastic container on the wall. Hanging next to a bunch of different pamphlets and books.

Grabbing a pen off the counter, she marked down for daily occupational therapy, [crafts] and weekly psychical rehabilitation program, [exercise.] If she was going to break out, she’d have to know her way around the entire building. She picked them, not only because she partly wanted to do them, and possibly get other inmates in on the ‘plan’, but so she’d be lead around complete opposite sides of the building. Where each program just happened to be. Crafts was on the 2nd floor, at the south end. Exercise was on the bottom floor, outside, to the north. It was a perfect plan really.

“Can I trust you to make sure this gets to Dr. Crane?” Rebecca asked folding it in half and handing it to Howard.

“Sure can kiddo.” Howard replied smiling and putting it into his pocket, where Rick couldn’t see. Rebecca was beginning to get the feeling, Howard didn’t really like Rick either.

“Let’s go.” Rick said grabbing her by her arms again and pushing back towards the elevator. They climbed inside.

“What time is it?” Rebecca asked startlingly.

“Why’s it matter?” Rick replied back meanly.

“It’s 9:47.” Howard answered, purposely trying to tick Rick off. Rick grunted in anger.

“Why, Thank you Howard.” Rebecca smiled back at him. Howard smiled back winking secretively.

The elevator’s door opened and they were back on the 20th floor. Being lead back through the hospital like hallways, that soon turned into maximum security hallways. And in no time at all, they were back at Jax’s cell. [Well I guess it could be considered her cell now.]

The door unlocked, sending its alarm buzz with it as it slid open. Rebecca looked inside, seeing it was empty.

“Where’s Jax?” She asked somewhat hurt. She had missed him in the time she’d been gone and wanted to see him again. Not only that, but she held up her end of the promise. She had expected him to do the same. Then again, she couldn’t expect him to remember his own name for more then 20 seconds. But surely they wouldn’t just let him out.

“Probably at his therapy session. Turn around.” Rick said demandingly. Rebecca hesitantly turned to face him, but did, slowly. Before she had even gotten herself all the way around she was grabbed by the back of the neck and pulled up towards Ricks hand.

He shoved a small white pill into her mouth and covered her mouth to get it to stay in. She squirmed and screamed.

“Sorry about this kiddo.” Howard said looking defeated. Rick shook her.

“Swallow it!” Rick yelled pressing against her throat. He pulled on the back of her hair. She screamed a muffled scream again and gave up and swallowed. Tears swelling up in her eyes.

“There, all better.” Howard said attempting to pat her on the back. But she pulled back, not letting him touch her, feeling betrayed.

Instead of her usual spunky, rude, remark, she simply walked inside her cell and waited for them to close it. Which they soon did once she had stepped inside.

Immediately she gagged, quietly, and fell on her knee’s. She stuck her finger down her throat, and in no time, she spit the pill out onto the floor. In a gross puddle of slimy saliva. She coughed, and stood back up. She did not trust anything in this asylum. Never would she let them stick something in her mouth and expect her to swallow it. Who knows where that came from or what it did.

However, she did brighten up when she noticed a small package on the ground near the door. [The one from her mother.] She was thankful, that some guard had taken the time to bring it all the way up to her. And she carried it back over to the mattress. [Which was moved for some reason. Jax]

She sat down, legs hanging off onto the floor, and box in her lap. She untapped it and pulled it open. Her eyes sparkled with joy.

The box held a small amount, but with great importance of items. Deodorant [Thank the heavens!] A hair brush. A bag of home-made sugar cookies. Two of her favorite books and a hair tie. It wasn’t much, but it meant a lot to her.

She looked all the way into the bottom, just to make sure she had not missed anything, and there it was. The one thing her mother knew she could not live without. The time. A tiny wrist watch lay ticking at the bottom. She pulled it out, reading that it was 10 o’clock in the morning. The time was right, and she wished she could get on her hands and knees to thank her mother.

Not only that but Jax would probably be happy to know what the time was too.

She wrapped the watched around her tiny wrist, then put on the deodorant, quickly making herself smell better. Luckily she hadn’t sweated too much in the past day she had been there.

Pulling out the brush, she put the rest of the box aside and began brushing at her slightly tangled hair. Thinking to herself…

“I wonder what Jax’s therapy sessions are like.”