Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter twelve.

Her face was full of fury, I mean fuck, she even scared me! I swear steam was escaping from here ears…


By this time, Alex and I had stopped skating. Maisy was skating over dramatically before skidding to stop, right in front of us, making loose ice fly up and over us.
“What do you want Maisy?” I asked her through gritted teeth.
She waved her hand in my face, obviously wanting me to shut up. I scowled at her.
“I’ve come to speak to Alex, so if you don’t mind” she said pushing me out the way and grabbing onto Alex’s arm.
“Maisy, stop…get off me alright. I’m here with Lea, so can you just back off and leave us alone?” Alex spoke forwardly.
“Not before I’ve done this” she stated before grabbing my hair and throwing me to the floor.
“WHAT THE FUCK” Alex yelled , as I fell and my knee collided with solid ice. I couldn’t help the tears that fell from my eyes.
“Aw, she’s crying. Don’t be such a baby, Alex doesn’t like girls that cry” she smirked.
Alex was now bending now next to me, he looked furious. He placed his arms around my back and under my legs lifting me off the ice and into is embrace. I was shocked he was still standing with me in his arms and with the slippery ice under his skates.
“Do us a favour Maisy, bugger off. No-one wants you here, I don’t want you here, I don’t love you, so back the hell off” he snarled.
She looked taken back, before retreating back where she first came onto the ice to sulk I presume.
Alex looked down at me in his arms,
“Are you okay, baby?” he asked with concern.
I shook my head, no before snuggling my head into the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry this happened, Lea” he sighed “Let’s just get you off the ice and back home”
He skated slowly back to the entrance on the ice rink, before climbing out and placing me on a bench just to the side. He took his skates off before removing mine, he walked off to trade our shoes back before shortly returning to me.
“What hurts?” he asked as he tied the laces of his converse.
“My knee, I think it’s damaged pretty bad, it’s swollen up” I cringed.


I helped Lea with her shoes, before picking her up again wedding style. I feel so guilty that she got hurt, it was my fault. I should have stopped Maisy. I just froze when it happened. I’m such a jerk, who would let that happen to their girlfriend?
As I placed Lea into the car, I walked around to the other side and climbed it, starting the ignition.
“It’s not you’re fault Alex, stop blaming yourself” she whispered whilst grabbing my hand.
“But it is though, I could have stopped her from hurting you, but I didn’t. I froze. I fucked up” he spoke softly.
She sighed heavily, because of the pain or because she was fed up, I didn’t know which. Instead of asking I just put the car into drive and headed towards home. Today had started off shite, got a whole lot better in the middle and ended shite again. It’s like I’m not allowed to be happy. It really pissed me off.
I really do love Lea, I know she doesn’t feel the way I feel for her yet, but I hope in time she will. I don’t want to rush her into things when she’s not ready. I don’t want to make that mistake of losing her again. She’s just too darn precious.
I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she was facing out of the window gazing at the street lights that passed and people walking amongst the streets. She looked so beautiful, I just wanted to kiss her all the time. I’ve never felt this way in such a long time. I smiled. She was mine all mine.


Gazing out the window I could feel Alex staring at me, I know he felt bad, but it really wasn’t his fault. I just wish he could understand that.
It’s just amazing how today I started out hating him but at the blink of an eye I was in his arms, I was his. I smiled at that thought. I’ve wanted to be with Alex since the moment I met him.
I don’t think Maisy will give up on getting Alex back, but this time I’m going to fight for him, I’m not going to lose him to her twice. I’d have to die first.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it took me ages to update, not been well and had loads of school work to do and of course not to mention a bad case of writers block.

This is just a filler really, nothing too exciting happened, i know i said there would be, but i kinda lost the passion in that idea. I would LOVE people's ideas to help me along, really would be appreciated and i would love it if someone could tell me how to put pictures on? i've tried the url thing and it doesn't work! I'm getting really frustrated with it.

Anyways; i hope you guys like this chapter(: subscribe or do whatever.
Thanks again to all my readers(: