Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter fifteen.

I couldn’t hold in my anger any longer, what Jack had said right to Lea’s face was completely out of order, I mean does that guy have any morals? What made me laugh was that he wanted to be just like me, I mean c’mon, everyone knows I’m a fuck up, why would he need to act like me or even be me just for Lea, she would have seen what a great guy he is just by him being himself. What actually made me blow a fuse was the fact that he had the nerve to blame her, blame her for coming back to me. I mean I know he’s hurting but that wasn’t her fault jeeze.

I walked out of the hallways and into the open air, it was a relief on myself, I could calm down a little. I haven’t been that angry before, everyone’s face were in complete shock, heck I even shocked myself but I just had to say something, Jack needed to be put in his place. I settled myself on a bench just outside the school entrance, I put my head between my hands and closed my eyes, focusing on the small things such as the birds in the trees, the chattering of other students and the traffic just outside the school gates. Funny that didn’t seem to relax me.

“Alex?” a girl spoke softly beside me.

I looked up to meet Lea’s gaze, her smile was enough to take the anger a way.

“Yeah?” I asked.

She grabbed on to my hand and kissed it soft.

“Thank you” she whispered.

I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

“That’s okay baby, you didn’t deserve any of those words he said, it was all lies anyway” I muttered into her hair, which smelt like strawberries.

“Guys, we are right here, can you get a room or save it for later?” chuckled Zack.

We pulled a part and look at Rian and Zack, they were stood there awkwardly trying look everywhere but us too.

“Jealousy isn’t healthy” Lea smirked.

All four of us laughed.

“Believe me, we aren’t jealous, just creeped out” Rian spoke matter of factly causing us to all laugh again but was soon interrupted by the bell. last period.

I sighed standing up, pulling Lea with me and walking towards class with the guys. Rian and Zack had gym class now, Lea had English whilst I had algebra. Lucky me.

Rian and Zack went their ways whilst I carried on walking Lea to her class.

“Here we go, English and you’ve arrived safe and soundly” I spoke with a British accent which caused Lea to burst out laughing.

“Oh so now you’re not only my boyfriend, but you’re my body guard too? What more could I ask for?” she spoke with that cute little voice of hers.

“Yeah, well you wait and see” I said with a wink before walking off, leaving her to think about what I had just said.

Lea’s Point of View:

I stood in the doorway of English, watching Alex walk away. Thinking over what he just said, what did he mean I’d have to wait and see?

“Miss Brooke, will you please join us?” spoke Miss Potter.

“Yeah, sorry” I said as I rushed into the classroom and took my seat.

I got all my books and placed them onto my desk, when a note landed in front of me, it was the beginning of class what would have been the point? I just shrugged and opened it up.

I’m sorry

That was all that was wrote, I turned in my place to see Jack, with a miserable facial expression, he looked at me, our eyes locked it was like he was begging me to forgive him. I just shook my head and turned back around. I screwed up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket then turned my attention to class.

Finally the final bell rang, I hung back a while giving it time for the hallways to clear a bit, I was slowly putting my books into my bag when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I knew who it was so I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room quickly, not glancing back once. I saw Alex waiting at the entrance, he smiled and grabbed my hand before we both headed towards home.

“So how was last period?” Alex started.

“The highlight of my life” I spoke sarcastically.

“Oh no, sarcasm! What happened? Did Miss Potter nearly kill you will boredom?” he laughed.

This guy really knows how to make my day.

“Ha. No. but Jack tried to apologise”

Alex’s smile faltered.

“What did you say?”

“I said nothing, he tried to stop me after class but I left pretty quickly” I spoke truthfully.
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