Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter two.

After homeroom, I headed towards my first period with the guys, but gradually losing them as we walked the halls as they went to their own classes, it wasn’t long before I was on my own. I hated it. I never did like being anywhere on my own. Don’t ask me why, it’s just that I’ve always been like it. Since I was little. But unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it; you have to be on your own sometimes. I sighed as I walked into Geography remembering I shared this class with the one and only Alex. Luckily he hadn’t arrived yet, so I hurried towards my desk at the back of the room and got out all the essentials I would need for this lesson, just as I was about to start taking some notes, Alex walked through the door. I grunted quietly knowing that it was going to be a long day. He took his usual spot next to me, slamming his bag down on his desk, making me jump out of my skin. Alex being Alex, he laughed. I turned in my seat to face him,
“Got a problem” he asked smugly.
I would really love to just smack that boy in the face.
“Yes I do in fact have a problem” I smirked.
He laughed even more before replying
“I can see that, is being an ugly whore that problem?” he asked nastily. “Actually how could you be a whore if you’re ugly?” he laughed.
I was taken back. That stung.
Tears began swelling up in my eyes; I blinked causing some of the tears to trickle down my cheeks.
“You’re such a jerk! What the hell have I ever done to you? Hmm? What?! Nothing that’s what!” I screamed causing everyone in the class to turn in their seats to check out the entertainment of the day. Have they nothing better to do than gawk? I mean seriously. Keep you’re fucking noses out.
I looked at them with a scowl,
They all gulped before turning back around and talking to the person next to them, no doubt about me.
I brought my gaze back to Alex who looks shocked, but he was still smiling smugly.
“Do you need anger management?” he laughed holding onto his sides.
I took a deep breath before lifting my right hand, before I knew it; it had collided with the side of his face… Everyone let out shocked noises that seem to echo through my head, I can’t believe I just did that. Alex was rubbing his cheek with anger in his eyes; I had only one thing streaming my mind… I had just smacked Alex Gaskarth. I didn’t know what to say, I was shocked with myself, I knew I wanted to do it, but I didn’t think I would actually do it! I had to do something quickly… everyone was still gawking between me and Alex.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Alex shouted at the top of his lungs. I flinched back, too late to get out of there quickly. Before I could reply Mr Harris walked in, completely oblivious to what had just occurred in his classroom, taking his place at the front, his gaze landed on Alex and me.
“Is there a problem Miss Brooke, Mr Gaskarth?” he asked us both, looking through the top of his black framed glasses.
I was cut off by Alex
“Yeah, she just smacked me around the face for no reason!”
I looked at him dumbfounded, before I even had the chance to open my mouth Mr Harris spoke up,
“Well, Mr Gaskarth is that so? You’re cheek does look rather…red. Miss Brooke, Principles office now” he said calmly.
I looked at Alex and shook my head
“Prick” I muttered under my breath before grabbing my belongings and making my way down the corridor towards the principle’s office.
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I Apologise that each chapters are not long, they are fairly long on my word document, but come out less on here for some reason. lmao.