Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter three.

As I sat there waiting to be dragged into the office, to be moaned out for something that I admit was defiantly true, I did hit him, but I had a reason for god’s sake. He’s done nothing but cause trouble for me for the past six years!
“Miss Brooke, please come in” said a voice. I looked up to see Principle Walter’s stood in the doorway.
I gulped before heading in the office, sitting down in front of her desk. She shut the door behind me and sat at her desk opposite me.
“So Miss Brookes, you know why you’re here, so tell me why you would hit Mr Gaskarth?” she asked.
I looked up from my lap to look at her. I sighed.
“I didn’t mean to, it’s just that he’s been giving me trouble for the last six years and when he said something to me today, I finally snapped. I didn’t want to do it, It just happened.” I muttered with a couple of tears slowly sliding down my cheeks.
She shook her head disapprovingly.
“Miss Brookes, I’m not going to punish you for this little incident, as I can see you are sorry for what you’ve done, though I’m sure you will have to apologise to Mr Gaskarth. I don’t want to see you here again with the same reasons Miss Brookes” she replied confidently “You can go now”
I nodded to what she had to say, and got up from my seat, but before I could open the door she spoke again,
“Miss Brookes are you aware that maybe Mr Gaskarth has feelings for you? When I was you’re age I had the same problem, so just think about it ok?” she informed with a smile.
I nodded at what she had to say, and smiled.
“Believe me Miss, he doesn’t. He’s too in love with himself to care about anyone” I answered finally before making my way out the door and back into the hallways, just in time for second period. I met Jack on the way seeing as we both had English next, which was great because I now had someone to talk to, though I expect with a school like this one, he already knows what occurred in first period. As we both sat down in our desks, Jack didn’t hesitate to ask the entire possible question’s he could think of,
“Did you actually punch him in the face? Did you have a reason? What did he…” Jack began without taking any breathes before I cut him off.
“Wow, calm down dude, enough with all the questions, I can only answer one at a time,
“No, I didn’t punch him. I smacked him. Yes I did have a reason, he called me an ugly whore, I just snapped.” I said calmly.
Jack just blinked at me, saying nothing at all until he let out a loud laugh, nearly giving me a heart attack and making people turn in their seats. Again. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying, whilst he was speaking though his laughing fits. I just shook my head disapprovingly and turned to the front, waiting for Miss Miller to arrive. Jack eventually got himself together as she walked into the room, I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was wearing a huge grin on his face, and it was hard not to smile. Throughout that period I couldn’t concentrate, I felt so guilty for doing that to Alex, I thought it would have maybe made me felt a little better, but it didn’t it only made me feel worse. I wish I could take back what I’d done, but I can’t. It’s impossible.
The bell finally rang, bringing me out of my thoughts, learning nothing from that lesson. I walked out with Jack close behind only to have him walk into me when I was stopped by Maisy in my way.
She looked pretty pissed, the next thing I knew, I felt a sting on the side of my face as her hand smashed into it. I tumbled back, to luckily be caught by Jack.
“That’s what you get for smacking Alex, you little whore” she spat at me.
“You wanna shut up slag? You’re the only whore here” Jack yelled from behind me “and for you’re information Alex deserved it”
She looked at us down her nose, before scowling even more.
“Girl, scowling just makes you uglier” I laughed
She just made a pathetic little ‘humph’ noise before turning on her heal and walking down the corridor.
I turned to Jack.
“Thanks for that” I smiled
“That’s okay Lea” he smiled too before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and heading towards next period. Lea was his nickname for me, Alex’s too but we won’t go into that one