Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter six.

I tossed and turned all night, getting caught up in my sheets that refused to let me go. Alex was on my mind, no matter how hard I tried to get him to disappear, he just pops up again. It was like there was no escape from him. I see him everyday now I see him in my mind, my dreams all the time. What’s a girl to do? Giving up on any hope of drifting off to sleep, I managed to untangle myself out of the bed sheets before leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs to the living room, settling myself into the corner of the couch, I pulled my knees into my chest and rested my chin on the tops of my knees. The only light was from the moon, which shined through the windows, escaping from the gaps in the curtains, placing different shapes around the room. Why couldn’t things be simple as shapes, they seem so basic and easy. I mean something’s are I guess simple, but when Alex comes into the equation all hell breaks loose. My feelings for him truly have never died, by now I thought they would have, after everything, but nope. I get them butterflies in the pit of my stomach when I see him.
I don’t know how long I had been sat there, but the sun was beginning to rise. I dragged myself off the couch and up the stairs, no point in going back to bed now. I grabbed some clothes from my closet and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and got undressed, before getting into the shower. The hot water that smothered my body, waking me up in the process, I finished washing myself before grabbing a towel and getting out, wrapping it around me. I wiped the condensation off the mirror in front of me before I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair.
Before I knew it, I was the hallways yet again. Walking towards my locker, I saw Alex and Maisy, Alex’s arm placed on her shoulders, Maisy with that sparkle in her eyes. True love. Well, it looked like she was in love with him anyway. I’m happy for them, I guess. It’s about time I just accept it and move on. Simple. I carried on walking towards my locker, I twisted and turned the combo into the lock before the door swung open. I placed my bag on the top shelf and grabbed a couple of books that I need for first and second period, as I shut the door., a tall lanky kid, going by the name of Jack Barakat stood beside me with that cracking smile of his. It was near enough impossible not to smile back. He pulled me into his chest for a hug, he smelt amazing. That’s kind of weird to say, but Jack always smelt good.
He pulled back.
“Hey Lea” he spoke gently
“Hey” I smiled
Then the other guys showed up, all pulling me into hugs, I do love these guys. I don’t know what I would do without them.
As we headed to class, we yet again past Alex and Maisy. Alex looked at me with a hint of jealousy, I then noticed Jack had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back, before turning his gaze right ahead. I didn’t bother to look back at Alex, could tell he was probably scowling. He had always been like that with any guy that was interested in me before everything happened. Things have changed a lot since then.

Isn’t it funny that you’d always love someone even though you know they could never love you? I’ve loved Lea since the first day she ever walked into my life, it was like it was meant to be. I know that probably sounds cheesy, but that’s how I feel. But I could never compare to Alex, he’s had her heart from the moment they met, but the thing is what Alex had done to her was wrong, I would never treat her like that, I just want to tell her that. I want to tell her how I feel.

I saw Lea walk through the school entrance and towards her locker, I followed closely behind until she stopped, I think she was in a little world of her own since she didn’t notice me walk behind her locker door. When she shut the door, I smiled huge, she looked at me and smiled too. I couldn’t help but pull her into my chest. It just felt so right for her to be there, like two puzzle peaces.
“Hey Lea” I said after I pulled back, it took a lot to do that, I just wanted to hold her all the time.
“Hey” she replied with that flawless smile of hers.
God damn it. She is just so perfect! I really need to get my act together, however my thoughts were disrupted by the guys joining us. They each gave her a hug, it made me jealous, I just wanted her all to myself, but that would be selfish of me, I don’t want to be like that.
We all started making our way towards first period, pushing through the crowded hallways, when Alex and Maisy came into view, damn. I decided to put my arm around Lea’s shoulder, to comfort her a little. I noticed Lea gazed towards Alex a little, he smiled but she just looked up at me and smiled instead. YES. She never looked back at him. I knew I had to tell her soon…but when? And that’s when it hit me, why couldn’t I just ask her to hang round mine after school?
“Lea…” I spoke gently.
She looked up at me again, she was so beautiful.
“Yes, Jack?” she asked, her voice echoing through my mind.
“Uh… would you like to hang round my place after school?” I asked nervously.
“Sure, of course I will” she beamed before walking a head and into class.
I couldn’t help myself but danced around in the now empty corridor, well at least I thought it was until someone cleared their throat from behind me. I turned around to come face to face with the one and only Alex Gaskarth.
“What do you want?” I asked heatedly.
He chuckled to himself.
“Leander” he replied coldly.
♠ ♠ ♠
3 subscribers! thankyou! (:
and thankyou for the comments...


really appreciated(: i've now added Jack into this 'love triangle' if that's what it is, i've got a plan up my sleeve! keep reading to find out!