Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter seven.

I looked at him, dumbfounded.
“You have Maisy for god’s sake!” I yelled but not loud enough to cause any unwanted attention.
He looked at me, not knowing what to say, I would guess.
“I know…” he sighed.
I wasn’t sure if he was trying to make me feel sorry for him, but heck why should I? he had his chance with Lea and just as I’m about to tell her everything, he decides he wants her. Typical.
“Look man, you had your chance with her, you lost it. Now I think it’ll be better if you just backed off and let her live her life without you” I spoke confidently.
Alex’s head shot up, he had anger in his eyes, if looks could kill, I’d be 6 feet under.
“I love her, though! I know I was stupid. I made a mistake. If I could take it all back I would, but I can’t” he spoke loudly.
I shook my head.
“I love her too y’know. I was there to pick up the pieces that were destroyed and left by you, I brought her back to life. I fell in love…” I began but was interrupted by a gasp.
I turned to see Lea standing in the classroom doorway, watching Alex and I having a bitch session. Her face was of a mixed expression, between shocked and confused.


I just stood there, unable to speak a word. Alex and Jack both loved me? This is going to give me a headache. I gazed up at both of them, both sets of guys stuck on me, it made me feel out of place and awkward. I shifted where I stood. Not knowing what to do. If it’d going to cause trouble I don’t want to date either one of them, I mean Jack’s my best friend and always will be, I wouldn’t want to ruin that. I just don’t want to hurt him and with Alex well, I don’t think there ever will be an ‘us’ he completely destroyed me, but why I still love him I’ll never know and neither will he. I took a deep breath before meeting them both in the eye.
“Look guys, Jack you’re my best friend, I never want to lose you and I think being in a relationship would ruin that. I don’t want to ruin what we have. You mean to much for me to lose. I wouldn’t be able to cope without you. You brought me back to life. As for you Alex, you know I stopped loving you, the day you broke my heart. There never will be an ‘us’. You should have thought carefully back then before you did what you did. I’m not no ones second best. Ever. I’m much happier being on my own for now, no one can hurt you that way. Alex just go, leave me alone from now on, don’t you think you’ve done enough?” I opened up, unknown tears falling from my eyes.
Jack pulled me into a hug, he didn’t have to say anything, I knew he accepted what I said. He would be my best friend forever. Alex on the other hand didn’t take it quite so well. I looked up from where my head was nestled amongst Jack’s neck to look over his shoulder. Alex Gaskarth was crying. I made him cry. He hasn’t cried since…Daniel passed. I pulled back from Jack, and reached my arm out to Alex who just flinched back, he had anger in his eyes, his hands were balled up into fists. He turned around and punched a locker, hard.
This was my fault.
I ran to Alex’s side making sure he was ok. He just shoved me a way and walked off, holding his hand to his chest.

I can’t believe what just happened, I couldn’t control my tears. It was just too much for me to handle. That girl means more to me than I thought, and I will not stop until she’s mine again. I’m just glad that her and Jack aren’t together, that she’d rather have been friends, but heck, that’s a lot better than what she said to me, she hates me. I don’t blame her. I just need to accept that, but I refuse to. The pain in my hand was teeth gripping, it hurt like fuck. I walked out of the school entrance, out by the parking lot where I got into my car, not knowing where to go. I just needed to cool down. I started the ignition but jumped when someone opened the passenger door, I looked up to see Maisy. My face fell from disappointment, I wanted it to be Leander. Maisy smiled and climbed in beside me.
“Hey baby, I saw you heading out this way, you looked upset so I followed you. What’s up?” she asked as if she cared.
I looked at her, I mean properly looked at her.
She had platinum blonde hair, tall skinny frame, a hefty load of make up and well you get the picture. Not that she was that stereotypical slut, but she was heading that way. She was complete opposite to Leander. I don’t know what I see in Maisy at all. I made a huge mistake.
I brought myself back and looked her in the eyes.
“Don’t pretend you care Maisy. I can see through you and your fake ways. I don’t want this to be nasty but it’s the truth. I never did love you. I can see what we both done to Maisy was way out of proportion. You ruined what Leander and I could have had. Just because you were jealous” I spoke as softly as I could, hoping the message would get across to her.
She didn’t say anything for a while, just sat there gob smacked, until she came in to realisation to what I had just said.
“YOU BASTARD! I knew that little skank would does something like this. I’m going to fucking ruin her. How could you Alex? Why the fuck are you giving the best thing that ever happened to you up? Ha. Jealous? Of that whore. She would never have got you, especially when I wanted you. I always get what I want Alex, you remember that” she yelled back, in that little bitchy irritating voice of hers as she got out the car slamming it shut before flipping me off as she headed back into school.
I sighed heavily, resting my head on the steering wheel. That went better than I thought it would go, but who knows what she will do now, but I tell you one thing, she lays one finger on Leander, I will hit the roof.
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Roz; x