Status: Finished; Sequal Coming Soon <3

Wide Awake, My Mistake

chapter eight.

After watching Alex walk away down the narrow corridor, I made my way towards Lea, where she was standing, staring as he just walked away. It was obvious that she still loved him. I just want her to feel that way towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me, she spun around in my grip and wrapped her arms around my neck. This is what it should be like. I just wanted to make her feel safe, to know that I will always be there for her, no matter what. I could tell she was hurting, tears that were shedding from her eyes, dribbled onto my t-shirt. I didn’t care though. I held onto her tighter. Never wanting to let go, but just as I thought that she pulled back and smiled up at me, which was quite a distance as I was over 6ft and bless her she was just a tad over 5ft. So she was small, but beautiful in every way.
“Are you okay?” I asked her gently wiping away her tears with my thumb.
She just nodded, it broke my heart to see her this way, she didn’t deserve it. She was quite happy until Alex came and messed it all up.
I guess we are a little to late for class…
“No point in staying here, we’ve missed most of class anyway, fancy skipping?” I asked her.
And again she simply replied with a nod.
I grabbed her hand and began walking down towards the parking lot, when Maisy walked through the door, looking extremely pissed off and a tad upset. This girl had emotions? Ha. Wouldn’t have thought that. Bitch.
She looked at her, before pointing at Lea.
“YOU BITCH!” she yelled before heading towards us.
Lea grabbed onto my hand tighter. I could tell she was scared. So I got in front of her, making sure Maisy couldn’t get any closer.
“Move out the way, that bitch needs to be taught a lesson” she snarled like a dog. Which made me laugh as she called Lea a bitch, yet she herself was acting like one.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” she growled.
“It’s just the fact that you called Lea a bitch, when you’re growling like a dog. I swear you were looking in the mirror when you said bitch” I laughed loudly.
Behind me I could hear Lea laughing too.
Maisy just stood there, trying to work out what I just said…dumb or what. She just let out a pathetic ‘humph’ before turning on her heal and heading back where she came from.
I turned back around to face Lea
“That was quite interesting” I smiled at her.
She laughed…god how I loved her laugh. I loved everything about her.
“That had to be the most hilarious thing I’ve ever witnessed, you totally owned her dude…and thank you Jack. I really appreciate you sticking up for me” she said soothingly as she pulled me into a hug.
Was It just me or was I getting a load of hugs today? Gosh. I feel special. And just then I had the urge to kiss her, I knew I shouldn’t after what she said, but If I don’t do it now, I never will.
I brought my finger to her chin and gently tilted her head to face me, slowly moving my face closer to hers, feeling the heat radiating off her face, our lips connected. They felt so soft and moist better than I ever imagined. But the great feeling didn’t last, as I knew she didn’t kiss back, she pushed against my chest pushing us apart. She looked pretty pissed.

I pulled back from Jack’s embrace hurt that he would do something like this, straight after I told him I wasn’t interested.
“Why would you do that Jack? Specifically after I just told you I would rather just stay friends?” I practically yelled at him.
He just stood there, shadowing over me, I knew he regretted what he just done, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to be mad at him because I am, heck I’m actually fuming.
“ I’m so sorry Lea, I just couldn’t help myself. You’re just so beautiful and I thought that if I didn’t kiss you now, I never would” he murmured, with his head down but due to my height ‘issues’ I could still see his face.
“I don’t know what to say, I better go…” I said before heading out the exit in the direction of home.

I felt bad for leaving him there, but I didn’t know what else to do, I was angry and he just made me feel guilty for being angry at him. I just didn’t know what to do. It’s always boys that seem to cause us girls trouble. It was way too early for school to be finished so I couldn’t really go home, else I’d risk a huge bitch session with my mom. I instead decided to walk to the mall, it would be something to do and it wasn’t that far away. I’m guessing that you guys are probably thinking why don’t you drive? The truth is I can drive, I just can’t afford a care yet. It was beginning to rain, just my luck. I only had a hoody for shelter so I was pretty much fucked. The rain was getting harder every minute, I swear. It was absolutely pissing it down. No joke. I was soaked through.
I was just coming to the end of the pavement when a car drove past, quite slowly. I couldn’t make out who the driver was so I just carried on walking, picking up the pace. I know that sounds stupid, as there is no way in hell I could out walk a car. I’d have to be pretty super or something like that. It wasn’t until the car stopped that I began to panic, all these nasty things going through my head until Alex pocked his head out the door, ushering me to come over and get in. I just shook my head and carried on walking.
“C’mon Lea, it’s tipping it down just get in the car before you catch a death of cold” he yelled from the front seat.
Once he notice that I wasn’t going too, he got out the car and came running over. Taking his jacket off in the process and placed it over my shoulders. Alex turned me around to face him, that famous little smirk of his plastered over his face. I just rolled my eyes. But what surprised me was what he did next, I didn’t realise what he was doing until his lips were placed on mine, moving perfectly in time. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing back, I had waited so long for the chance for him to kiss me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to say a massive thankyou to all the subscriber, for all the comments and for all the readers.
i really appreciate you taking the time to read it. so far this is the best i've written and hope there will be sequals or something, but that all depends on you guyss.

i hope you like this chapter, it's a tad short but i wanted to update quickly.

Roz; x