Status: In Progress

Determination Kills


My name is Jayne Fortorn and I am grieving over my best friends death. More specifically, her murder. Amanda Shorin was killed two weeks ago and I'm sitting at the back corner of the classroom, next to her boyfriend, Eryn. She was raped in an alley by her house then shot in the head. She wouldn't walk alone at night. Her greatest fear was death. There was dust marks, as if someone was running away, so they know for sure she didn't kill herself. And the note. She wrote a note and put it in her pocket. Hasty words cover the page,
He's following me, I knew him so well, I can't believe he would do this! I think he has a gun. Whoever finds this, I can't tell you who raped me, because if he reads it, he definitely will take it. But I can tell you that I've known him well, and I have known him for quiet a while. Help me if you can, if it's not too late, please! Jayne, you can love him, it's okay!
I got to see it after she died; ripped, crinkled, blood stained and pleads of help all over it. Her boyfriend can't seem to stop thinking about her too. It's not surprising as to how much they were in love, even if they were only dating for two and a half weeks. His eyes and cheeks are no longer red and puffy from the hot tears that have been trickling down so much. No one would ever think to see him cry. He has eye length brown hair, electric blue eyes, tall, hot and strong. Every girl in the Tatiana High School has a crush on him. Except me. I could never think for even half a second, to find him anything more than a friend. He is still obviously in love with Amanda and I could never, ever think that if she loved him so much! So we sit in class, I try to comfort him and he lets me, so every once in a while I'll comfort him again. He seems to be loosening up. The whole class is talking, waiting for the bell to dismiss us. I lean over to him, as I had fifteen minutes ago, and give him a light pat on the shoulder, murmuring,
"Don't worry, Amanda is happy wherever she is and I bet she'll always be with us somehow, okay?"
His head had been hunched over the whole class but now he finally looks up at me. The most shocking is that he gives me a weak smile, replying,
"Jayne, you are the greatest friend Amanda, and even I could ever have. Thank you so much for keeping me from going insane." This makes me smile, while I feel happy, shocked and a little relieved that he's getting a lot better.
"No problem, Eryn. We're all shaken by it and I hate seeing people grieving too much. I understand everyone is going to grieve but Amanda won't want us to be caught up in this." I smile and hunch back in my chair. The class talks louder as the bell announces us to our lunch break. I hear Eryn laugh as we both stand up. I look over at him and he it seems he just full of surprises because he grabs my arms and pulls me into a quick hug. He pulls back and says, while playfully hitting my arm,
"Like I said, you're one of the greatest friends ever. You are right about Amanda, she's never liked seeing anyone being unhappy so I'm sure she will hate to see us all so sad, especially if it is over her. Now let's get to lunch, I'm starving!" I smile and laugh a little bit as I walk out of the class, saying to Eryn,
"Well, it's great to have you back!"


We get to our regular lunch table and I take a small bite of my salad. I haven't much appetite because I keep thinking about who the murderer was. It would've had to have been someone she knew because of the note she left and since she was so close to home. I have a small salad and a can of Coke A Cola for lunch but I don't really want to eat, while thinking about Amanda's murder. I've finished my salad and Eryn looks at me once he's finished his monstrous bite of a tuna sandwich. He stares at me until I have to look down at my salad, and say,
"Oh, umm... uh.." He stutters a moment, "That's all you're eating? You have to eat more than that, you're going to starve yourself!"
"You're so over dramatic, Eryn. I'll be fine."
"No, you have to have some of this sandwich at least."
"No, I can't take your food, that's for you to eat."
"You're so much like Amanda." He says staring into my eyes as if he can see a glimpse of her there. I don't want to look away but I do as I take half of his sandwich, take a small bite, swallow and answer,
"Happy now?"
"Nope. Do I have to be like a parent and tell you No, you have to have three more bites!" He says this while imitating a father shaking a finger at his child, with a stern look on his face. We both laugh and I pick up the sandwich, saying,
"Fine, I'll have some if you stop bothering me,"
I roll my eyes and take another bite. Eryn laughs and I look up to see whats so funny,
"I swear, you're just like Amanda. She'll refuse to let anyone do anything for her then she'll give in and roll her eyes. No wonder you're best friends, you're probably long lost twins." I laugh at this and smile. Only now I notice the color of his eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown, as I stare into them again. I mentally shake myself from the thought. I laugh and finish my lunch, answering,
"Maybe we are..."