Status: In Progress

Determination Kills


Eryn uses a finger to lift my head to look at him. He stares into my eyes, looking for the girl that was there just a minute ago. "Jay?" He says again.
"I know I said it suddenly but really, the thought had hit me suddenly. We. Can't. Do. This. There's nothing to talk about, I know you explained it to me but I can't do this. It really kills me but-" He cuts me off before I can finish. "If it kills you to say, if we already talked about this, then stay. Please, don't go. I'm begging."
I can't look into his eyes any longer. I bow my head and start to cry silently. My hands are being grasped by Eryn's. I start to pull them away and turn towards the door. He uses my wrist to pull me close to him. Even his eyes are getting glassy from tears wanting to be escaped. He begs me while he holds his hands behind my neck. "Babe, I love you. I've loved since I saw you! I want to wake up to see the slow rise and fall of your chest as you dream peacefully. I want to be your shoulder to cry on when you get down and need someone to talk to. I want to lie in the fields with you and watch the sun go down. God, I want to go to the drive in and kiss you at the most romantic scene in the most romantic movie ever! I want to be with you! I am begging you, I will do anything to make you stay! But if you don't want to, I won't force you," He ends with the most heartbreaking eyes I've ever seen. Ever. In my life. I know that if I stay here and stare into those eyes, I will give into him. So I cry and I pull away. As I pull away it feels like he has the other side of my heart and the further away I get, the more it's ripping; breaking. I run. As I've always done, I run. I run to the door and as I'm reaching for it, I feel two arms wrap around my waist, and stop me. I cry as hard as ever have in my life! Between sobs I cry out, "Eryn...Eryn..Eryn.." I get quieter each time. I give up trying to keep reaching for the door. I turn around but can't look him in the eyes. "Why did... you stop me... Eryn?" I say taking shaking, crying breaths every few words. He puts both hands on either side of my face. He looks me in the eye and says, "My father made me promise that if a girl ever runs away from me crying, that I must run after her, I must hold her and comfort her. He also made me promise on my life that if it was the girl I loved that I would kiss away her tears." And with that he pulls me towards him and plants on last kiss onto my lips. I kiss him back with everything I have left of my soul. Put I have to pull away before I get too sucked in. I cry a little more and then say, "I'm sorry, but I love you, always remember that I love you! But I have to go, I guess this is.. goodbye?"
"Okay, I said I wouldn't force you to stay, but I only ask a few things of you. 1, that you let me pay for your taxi back because I won't let you walk back alone and I bet you don't want me to walk you back." I nod to this, not having any fight left in me. "2, you have to consider it. Please, just promise that you'll consider it? Please?" I look him dead in the eye, knowing it won't happen that often anymore. "I promise," I whisper. "Okay." He answers pulling out his wallet, and I pull out my phone looking under my contacts for the local taxi. I call for a cab and once I'm done I look up at him. He passes me the money and I realize that it's $100 in 20 dollar bills. My mouth hangs open in shock. I start to stutter and say, "E-eryn, I-I can't t-take thi-is!" He shrugs and says, "No keep it, I won't take it back." I slouch my shoulders. I'll just have to put it on his door step or something. "And don't try and give it back, I'll just send it back. Unless.." I look up at him. Oh no, what plan does he have going on in his mind now? "Unless we make a deal. If we aren't back together in 2 months, I have the right to kiss you, no matter when or where or the situation you're in. If we do get back together, then I'll take 80 bucks back if it makes you feel better." He says. I think about it. "Okay, deal." I say, then stick out my hand for him to shake. He gives a sad little laugh and shakes my hand saying, "Deal." I keep my hand holding his for a little longer than what was appropriate for just a hand shake. I can't help myself. I pull him close to my chest and kiss him hard on the lips, bursting with passion. I pull away to whisper my last words into his ear. "I love you, but I had to kiss you for old times sake. I'm going to wait for my cab, We'll see about that deal, so this is.." It pains me to say it, to truly say it. I swallow and say again, "So this is goodbye," Those are the simple words of me breaking my own heart.