Status: Active <3

Touch-A Touch Me


I stood close to him, our song was over, and I didn't want to leave. He looked down at me, I'm only a few inches shorter than him, and I was gazing into his eyes.

"That sounded really good, Belle." He smiled, and I melted.

"You sounded good too Sam." I gazed up at the blonde boy.

"Belle, I sang two words."

"Well they were good words." I laughed, and then it happened. His lips crashed up against mine, and my brain was spinning.

--Two Weeks Earlier--

I walked into the chorale room where the glee club met.

"Mr. Schue?" I asked, nervously, when I spotted him, "I was wondering if I could.. Could join the Glee Club." He smiled, and laughed a little, standing up from his desk.

"Well that depends, Ms. Cooper. Can you sing?" I nodded, and began to sing one of my favorite songs, I'll be, covered by the Goo Goo Dolls. I made it to the second chorus before he stopped me.

"Welcome to Glee Club Ms. Cooper. We'll be meeting at three today."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the short intro. :)