Status: update coming very soon.

Lipgloss and Letdown

Chapter two

"No fucking way!" Cami shouted as Jason and Jeanie pulled her onto the tour bus. She had figured out Tony wasn't lying when he said she was coming along for the ride.

"Come on baby you said you wanted to see what the tour life's all about," Jason sighed.

"This ruins it for me Jason! I didn't want to be on another tour with him and you all know it."

"If it makes you feel any better none of us knew about the joint tour," Jeanie said trying to cheer Cami up.

Cami smiled slightly and allowed Jason to pull her into his bunk with him.

"Keep it down back there!" Jeanie shouted as she got back off the bus.

"You know what?" Cami asked looking over at Jason.

"What's that babe?" He asked as he lightly brushed her arm with his finger.

"These bunks are hella small."

He chuckled as she rolled over on her side facing him. She rested her head on his chest while he put one arm behind her back and started rubbing her back.

"What's so funny Mr. Berry?"

"You are Ms. Richter."

She smiled as she slowly drifted off to sleep. He smiled as well noticing that.

"I love you Cam," he whispered.


Though two weeks had already blew by, things went really slow for Cami when Tony was involved in things.

"Cami, you just need to stay away from Tony as much as possible," Mickie sighed. Her and Cami were standing behind the current venue the two bands were playing at talking.

Cami nodded as she blew smoke up towards the sky, "Believe me I've been trying this whole time Mickie. It's a lot harder than I thought though."

"How so?"

Cami sighed heavily, "It's hard to explain."

Mickie just stared at her confused, "You don't still have feelings for him do you?"

Cami choked on the last hit of her cigarette, "Hell no!"

"Then what's so hard about staying away from him?"

"The simple fact that he's around all the time," she sighed.

Mickie nodded finally seeing her point. Both girls decided to head back to the bus to see what the day's plans were. As they got closer to the bus, they heard two people arguing. Cami and Mickie stared at each other hoping it wasn't who they thought it was arguing.

"Fuck," Cami groaned as she stepped onto the bus first.

"It doesn't matter who she's with now and you know it!" Jason shouted glaring down at Tony who was sitting on the sofa glaring back up at him. "She's not on this tour to support you."

"You're just a tech dick Berry, she's not here to support you either," Tony replied.

Jason raised his fist to punch him but stopped when he noticed Cami and Mickie both staring at him in shock. "You're lucky there's witnesses on this fucking bus now Lovato." With that he walked to the back and slammed the door shut.

Cami glared at Tony as she passed him. "Don't worry doll face, everything will be better soon enough." he whispered to himself.

"What's going on now?" Cami asked as she closed the door behind her.

"What are you talking about?" Jason asked trying to play it off.

Cami glared at him, "You know what the hell I'm talking about. What's going on between you and Tony now?"

Jason sighed but didn't answer her. Cami noticed she wasn't going to get an answer from him, so she decided not to press her luck and cause a fight with him.

"Cam, I need your help setting up the merch booth," Jeanie said knocking on the door.

"Coming," Cami replied still staring down at Jason feeling a bit hurt but smiled anyways. "Wanna come with me?"

Jason nodded.

Cami waited for him to get up before opening the door.

"We'll talk about it later Cam," he sighed and pulled her into a hug.

Cami nodded and grabbed his hand as they walked to the front of the bus.

"Aww the cute couple made up," Tony said sarcastically.

Jason glared at him and started to go for him only to be stopped by Cami punching Tony in the face.

"You bitch!"

"Shoulda kept your mouth shut then Lovato," Cami muttered and stormed off the bus with Jason and Jeanie following her.

"What's gotten in to you Cam?" Jeanie asked as she and Jason had to run to catch up to her.

"Tony," Cami replied not bothering to slow down any.

"Baby slow the hell down some!" Jason laughed.

She finally stopped, turned and glared up at Jason, him towering over her caused him to laugh even more. "Just because I'm a short person and pissed off doesn't give you the right to laugh about it." She muttered.

Jeanie slapped him.

"Ow what was that for?" He asked.

"Quit laughing at her, I'd be pissed too if I had some punk was doing this to me," Jeanie said shaking her head.


"But nothing," Jeanie cut him off. "Now let's get this shit set up, my boys are about to start their show."

Cami nodded and followed her to the booth and started setting out shirts and Cd's. Little did she know what was about to happen during the current show.

written by Deathbat Cookie
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I own nobody famous.