Status: New and fresh

Inaudible Melody


A car swerved violently to the left, making a sharp turn into an overflowing parking lot of a large warehouse. Numerous trailers and large buses dwarfed the car as it furiously sped down a narrow lane kicking out the small pebbles that covered the ground, and came to sudden stop right at the entrance of the warehouse's super sized double doors with a final one eighty spin. The original silence was momentarily restored as the roaring of the car came down to a purr and then complete silence as the engine was turned off. The driver took in a deep breath and released it slowly, removing gradually his harsh grasp from the steering wheel; his fingers tingled as the blood rushed to their tip, and an imprint was left on the wheel from his ring.

"Hey!" an aggravated shouted followed big loud footsteps. "You can't park here. Where is your pass." The boy in the car rolled his eyes and hoped out of the convertetable not bothering with the door, slickly removed his sun protectors and fixed the security guy with a pissed off look.

"Oh, Mr. Jonas sorry did recognize you with your car and your hat and glasses," the guard winced and moved out of the way to let the boy storm towards the entrance. The boy shot him frustrated look and grumbled "Mr. Jonas is my father." At the same time a group of people were hurrying to see what the commotion was.

"NICK?" Joe yelped form the entrance, "That was you we heard swerving like a mad man? And with my car? What if you had trashed it?"

Nick ran his hand through his hair annoyed and didn't even look at his older brother as he pushed past him. "You took mine," was his low grumble. The crowd separated to let him through afraid to get in his way. Joe called out after him a couple of times confused by what really had riyeled Nick up.

"You're way late by the way!" Joe shouted, "And why didn't you come home last night?" seeing no reaction from his brother he gave up and added "Mom's going to skin you alive for this and my car tires." Nick badly wanted to give him the finger but instead satisfied his anger by twirling his brother's car keys around his finger and then chucking them in the nearest trash can, perfectly full of food for the occasion, and continued to stalk off towards his changing room.

Joe's mouth dropped in astonishment and he made meaningless noises after his brother. "Grow up Joe," said Ashley as she gripped his arm in a patronizing way. "You know he is taking the break-up hard. You shouldn't have taken his car, you know he gets funny about it."

"Yeah but I didn't think he'd be back to notice it. And it's not like they were even dating."
"Well, that's the thing, he got rejected Joe, it hurts just as bad." Her voice was low and calm trying to get him to calm down, trying to make him understand what Nick was feeling.

"Sweetie your a girl, tell me, is he pms-ing, cause he's been real outta whack lately? Last month it was all 'How many times have you practiced Joe? Well that's nowhere near enough Joe. Are you even taking this seriously Joe, because we need to work, like really work. What do I want Joe? Success that's what I want and we'll spend all our nights trying to get it.' There was no end to it until she came along. He was seriously out of it worrying so much about his career."

"Yep," Ashley nodded patting her boyfriend's arm, "She really got him to focus on what truly mattered and got him to listen to the inaudible melodies, as she put it."

"I guess he really did think he had it in the bag, and he really did like her."
Ashley nodded, encouraging her boyfriend to widen his perspective. She had felt so sorry for Nick when after the big date he had planed for a long time he had come home looking completely abashed, his heart had taken a hard blow.

"And he did tell me he imagined he could love her," continued Joe as he watched his brother's changing room door slam shut with a shuttering bang, scarrying some of the crew around. "But come on, he's throwing a tantrum! Plus he's almost late for the shoot and completely out of it. Wait there's CAR KEYS!"

Ashely shook her heads sadly and walked off too her hands thrown up in the air exasperated. Boys! she though, Boys and boyfriends, complete nightmares! But she did cast a worried look in the direction of Nick's changing room. Inside Nick had slid slowly down to the floor and was holding a picture of a smiling girl in one hand and his cellphone opened to with the text history page. It read :

---6/5/10-23:38---I know I'm hurting you, but it's killing me.
---6/5/10-23:47---No, Nick, we can't. I can't.
---6/5/10-23:54---I did think about it. I can't I just can't.
---6/5/10-23:59---I'm sorry, so truly sorry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed it C'est Moi C:. We haven't communicated in a while...
Hope everyone else liked it to.