‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Two
Sequel: Fox Tales: Year 4

Fox Tales: Year Three

“Flint!” yelled Draco’s voice as she was trying to hurry out of the common room, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Wait,” she said turning around, “Did you just call me Flint? You’ve never called me that, even when we ‘hated’ each other.”

“Well, finding out the girl you liked and thought liked you back, actually likes someone else can really make you angry,” he said as he sat on the sofa.

“Oh, Draco,” Courtney put her bag down and sat next to him, “I’m sorry. Its just, its just,” she couldn’t figure out how to word it right, “I didn’t think that you liked me enough because you didn’t try after that.”

“So now its my fault!” he yelled as he got up off the couch, “Its not my fault my dad dragged me to watch him work! Then, when I get back you are already betrothed!”

“Betrothed?!” she yelled as she stood up herself, “It’s not like I’m marrying him, Draco! I’m just his girlfriend! And I’m only thirteen! Why would I tie myself down like that! Are you stupid?!”

“I must be since I trusted that the girl I showed my feelings to, and she showed feelings back, would wait for me!” he then started to stomp up to the boys dorms, “Have a nice night!”

“I will!” she grabbed her bag and left the common room with Draco watching her leave with sadness in his eyes.