‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

I asked you to drink your tea

Dearest Courtney,

I would like for you to come and visit with me. I miss you lots. If you want, you can bring some friends with you. I wouldn’t mind at all. We do need to talk though.

Your Father

Courtney read the note again. She couldn’t believe that her dad wanted her to come visit him. She went downstairs to shoe her mum and Lupin. She found them in the sitting room, playing cards like they did every day. Her mum was smirking over her cards at him.

“I raise you this cookie,” she said as she laid a chocolate chip cookie in the middle of the table where there was a pile already started.

“You’re bluffing,” Lupin joked.

“Are you calling my hand BS?” her mum raised an eyebrow up at him.

“It is the name of the game isn’t it?”

“Say it, or I win by default.”

“Bull shit,” he smirked.

“You win,” she said showing him a two of hearts, three of diamonds, and a one of clubs.

Courtney smiled at the two. She had been imagining those two together all summer. She definitely approved of Lupin for her.

“Sweetie?” her mum noticed her standing there.

“Dad wrote me,” she said as she passed the note to her mum.

She took it, but looked horrified, “Popkin, do you want to go see your father?”

Lupin looked up at her with a shocked expression on his face, “Why would you send her to that man. He has no need to see her. You two are going through with a divorce. You separated his children from him. Don’t send her.”

Beverly looked with sad eyes at Lupin, “Remus, if she wants to go, I can’t stop her.”

He got up and went into the kitchen at that sentence. Courtney just looked down at her feet. She didn’t mean to cause tension between the two, but she did want to see her father, just not alone, which she explained to her mum, who agreed.

“I want to invite all of my friends to go with me,” she said when she was all done.

“I wouldn’t invite all five, honey,” her mum shook her head, “just about one or two okay?”

“Alright,” Courtney said as she went up to her room to think on who she would bring.

A week later, she finds herself standing outside her father’s house with Maeve and Kelly. It turned out that Kamrynn couldn’t go because of family commitments, Joy couldn’t come because she was spending the day with Dean, and Eva couldn’t come because of her mother’s birthday celebration. So, it was just Courtney, Maeve, and Kelly.

“I’m glad you could make it, honey,” her dad said when he opened the door, “and Maeve, a pleasure as always.”

“Same here, Michael,” Maeve said dully.

“I’m not sure I know you,” he said, noticing Kelly.

“Kelly Bridges, sir,” she said as she shook his hand.

“Pleasure,” he said as he motioned for them to come inside, “Courtney, you have gotten taller.”

“I believe I have,” she said, feeling uneasy all of a sudden.

He smiled down at her like he used to when she was eight, which frightened her a little. She wouldn’t let something like that happen again. He guided them into the kitchen, where he poured each of them a glass of tea. Courtney watched his hands work and saw something dark under his left sleeve. She reached for his wrist and raised the sleeve just enough to see the tip of the Dark Mark. Her father pushed her hand away.

“Dad,” she said seriously.

“Courtney,” he said briefly stopping what he was doing, “drink your tea,” he said as he slid it over to her.

“Dad,” she said again, “I know what that was,” she whispered.

“Oh, really?” he smirked, “I asked you to drink your tea,” he gave her an angry look as she did the only thing she could do, which was to take a sip of her tea. Her father then smiled again as he gave tea to the other two.