‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

I swear that he rubs off on you

“Kamrynn?” Courtney called into the girl’s loo as she stepped inside and found her hunched over a sink, like she was going to hurl.

Kamrynn looked up into the mirror so she could look at her. Kamrynn was so pale and the twinkle that was usually in her eyes was gone. She managed to pull the same lopsided smile that they all knew and loved onto her melancholy face.

“Courtney,” she said, “What are you doing in here? Shouldn’t you be enjoying the feast?”

“How can I enjoy it whenever I see one of my best friends is crying and in the loo of all places?”

Kamrynn’s smile got broader, “Thank you for caring, but I am going to ask you to leave.”

“Won’t you join me back in the Great Hall?”

Kamrynn looked back down into the sink, “I can’t. He’s in there,” she said with a whisper.

“Kam,” Courtney started and then stopped, “What happened with Ron anyway?”

Kamrynn turned around and leaned back on the sink instead, looking down at her feet, “Ron broke up with me. He told me that he needed some space, that things were going too fast for him,” she sighed, “Well, he couldn’t break up with me because he didn’t make it official. I just spent the rest of the holiday with him is all.”

“Look,” Courtney said as she walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, “You can come and sit with me at the Slytherin table. How is that?”

“That would be so kind of you.”

“Come on,” Courtney offered her arm to her, “We’re late as it is.”

When they arrived, the sorting hat was singing some unbearable song.

And Power-hungry Slytherin
Loved those of great ambition.
While still they did divide
Their favorites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were dead and gone?
Twas Gryffindor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!
Now let me snug about your ears,
I’ve never yet been wrong,
I’ll have a look inside your mind
And tell you where you belong!

“It’s about time that stupid hat stopped,” Draco said moodily as Courtney took her seat beside him.

“Why was it singing in the first place?” Courtney asked as she motioned for Kamrynn to sit next to Blaise.

“More importantly,” Draco said as he eyed Kamrynn, “What is she doing here?”

Kamrynn looked sadly down at her plate as Blaise smiled weakly down at her. She looked up to find Blaise stille looking at her, so she managed a smile back.

“Draco,” Courtney sneered, “Have a little manners. I know your parents raised you with some.”

“It’s okay,” Blaise said as his gaze went over to Draco, “Let her sit here. At least she’s better than some of the others.”

“Yeah, at least she’s not scarhead,” Draco laughed at his joke and so did Blaise.

“Oh, shut up you two,” Courtney demanded as Dumbledore made his way up to the front of the Great Hall.

“I only have two words to say to you,” he told them, his voice echoed around the hall, “Tuck in.”

“So,” Blaise said as they ate, “What happened to you, Kamrynn?”

Courtney and Kamrynn exchanged looks. How could Blaise tell? Draco certainly couldn’t. He was off in his own little world impressing Crabbe and Goyle with every word he said. Courtney rolled her eyes at him. How could she have wanted someone like that to be her boyfriend? She then remembered that this was Draco’s public appearance. Once they were alone, he was the real him.

“What do you mean?” Kamrynn finally asked him, snapping Courtney out of her thoughts of Draco.

“Your eyes are all bloodshot, and your voice is thick. You have been crying,” Blaise said as he at a bite of his ham, “What happened?” he asked again this time looking her straight in the eyes.

“Well,” she started.

“It is none of your business, Zambini,” Courtney suddenly snapped at him.

Blaise looked angrily over at her, “I’m quite sure that I was not speaking to you, Flint.”

“And I am quite sure that Kamrynn does not wish to speak to you,” Courtney smirked.

Blaise smirked also, “I swear that he rubs off on you.”

“That who rubs off on me?”

“Draco, of course.”

“Did I hear someone say my name,” Draco asked as Courtney stared wide-eyed at Blaise.

There was in no way possible that Draco was wearing off on her. No way would she let that happen. He was an arrogant fool, even in private quarters. She was not like that at all.

“For your information,” Courtney finally found her voice, “I rub off on him.”

“What?” Draco said, looking curiously over at her.

“Except for the ego-maniac part. That he has all on his own.”

“True,” Blaise shrugged.

“What are you three going on about?” Draco asked them.

They all just chuckled. It was funnier that he did not know.