‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

Mad like Moody

“Good afternoon, Foxy,” Draco said as he sat next to her the next day in D.A.D.A.

Courtney groaned, “Not that again,” she said, remembering their first year.

“Not what?” he smirked as Crabbe and Goyle sat down on the other side of him.

“You know what, Malfoy,” she said, inching away.

“Oh, right,” he turned towards her, “Foxy.”

She rolled her eyes, “You think you’re so clever.”

“That’s because I am. You know you like it,” he said as he inched his hand towards hers.

She jerked away quickly and crossed her arms as the new professor came into class, who went up to the front of the room and wrote ‘Moody’ up on the board and turned toward the class.

“Alastor Moody, auror,” his head then jerked towards Draco and Courtney, “I can already tell that there is some tension in the room. Isn’t that right? Malfoy? Flint?”

Courtney blushed as Draco slid his chair away from her. She felt relieved but terribly embarrassed at how the class was looking at them. She covered her face with her hands and scooted down in her chair. Moody cleared his throat as he smiled.

“There are three unforgivable curses,” he said as he walked back up to the front of the room, “What are they? Weasley?” he said to Ron, whom everyone was surprised at.

“My dad told me that the imperious curse gave the ministry some trouble before.”

“Correct,” Moody said as he took a spider-looking creature out of a jar and placed it on his desk, “with the Imperious curse, you can make people do whatever you ask of them. Imperio,” and the creature was jumping on people’s heads, even on Draco’s face which made Courtney laugh, “What should I make her do next? Jump out the window? Drown herself?” he asked as he dangled her over a pail of water then brought her back to him, “Next one.”

Neville shyly raised his hand and Moody brought him up to the front, “Crusiatus,” he mumbled and then Moody demonstrated that one as well.

Neville was definitely uncomfortable. Courtney couldn’t stand that Moody was doing that to the poor boy so she stood up, “Stop it! Can’t you see what it’s doing to him?” but that was not her. It was Hermione.

Moody stopped and picked the creature up as Courtney sat back down. He laid the creature in front of Hermione, who looked like she was going to cry.

“The last one, Miss. Granger,” Moody said softly.

She shook her head. She definitely did not want to see anymore, as the rest of the class agreed with her.

“Adva kadavra,” he murmured as a flash of green light killed the creature, “The killing curse.”

Courtney slowly made her way out of the classroom with Eva on her right side. She jumped as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to see Draco, who pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged him back as well. She couldn’t help it after what they had just saw.

“What he pulled back there should be illegal,” Eva murmured to no one in particular.
“I’m going to tell my father what he did,” Draco said as he let go of Courtney and starting walking with his arm around her.

Courtney didn’t mind. Her mind wasn’t really on what Draco was doing at that point in time. All she could think about was the look in Neville’s face. She really hoped that Moody would make things right with him.

“How was class?” they all heard a rather deep voice from behind them.

“It was just awful,” Courtney recognized Kelly’s voice instantly.

“What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“That’s okay,” there was a throat being cleared, “Do you want to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend? I’m sure I can find a way for us to get there.”

“That sound wonderful, Cedric.”

Courtney smiled to herself as she looked over at Eva, who was also smiling about it, but was farther away than before. She shrugged Draco’s arm off her and put her arm through Eva’s. They smirked at each other as they started running to the Great Hall, where they found Kamrynn and Ron.

“I don’t know, Ron,” Kamrynn was saying.

“Oh, come on, Kam,” Ron made a puppy face, “It’ll be loads of fun.”

“Hey, guys,” Courtney said to announce their presence, “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Kamrynn said as she picked her books up and walked out of the hall with Eva on her heels.

Courtney looked at Ron with an eyebrow up, “What happened, Ronald?”

“I was trying to cheer her up by taking her on a walk, but she doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

“I wouldn’t want anything to do with you either, if you broke my heart,” Courtney then stood up as Ron did the same.

“I broke her heart, how?”

Courtney sighed, “I don’t know. How did you break her heart, Ronald?”

She then started out of the hall but was caught by Draco, who was by himself, which surprised her. She shrugged it off though and started again. He just walked beside her.

“Hey, Foxy.”

She stopped walking, “You’re really asking for it, Malfoy.”

“Asking for what?” he smirked.

“This,” she said as she took her wand out and pointed it at his face.

He took a step back, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“We did learn some new spells today, if I do recall,” she smirked this time.

“You’re not mad like Moody.”

She then changed his nose into one that looked like Snape’s, “Bye, Malfoy.”

“Where do you think you’re going, Flint,” Moody’s voice sounded in her ears.