‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

Its not like it matters anyway

“Hey,” Courtney said as she sat next to Hermione and across from Maeve.

“Hey,” murmured Hermione.

“Courtney, why aren’t you sitting with Draco?” Maeve asked right away.

Courtney sighed, “No hi or how are you?” she smirked.

“Hi,” Maeve said quickly, “Now, answer the question.”

“Okay, I’m not sitting over there because I am angry with him.”

“Why are you angry with him?” Kamrynn chimed in as she sat down beside Maeve.

“Because he got me detention with Moody for the next two Saturday nights,” Courtney huffed.

Maeve rolled her eyes, “What happened?”

She told them how she changed Draco’s nose to one that looked like Snape’s because he was calling her Foxy and they all shared a laugh. Courtney was glad that she had sat over there with her Griffindor friends, until Fred sat down beside Alicia, the girl on the Gryffindor quittich team, instead of her. He waved down at her, but he didn’t move to sit next to her. She sighed and went to stand.

“You know, I think I’ll go sit at the Slytherin table after all,” but she didn’t get to.

Dumbeldore had cleared his throat, “We have some very important guests arriving tonight, so just stay where you are,” he smirked over at Courtney, she was sure of it.

She slowly sat back down as he went on with his little speech about welcoming the other schools. She ate in silence, looking over at Fred every once in a while. He would be making Alicia laugh or have his arm around her, just having a merry old time. She wasn’t having a merry old time. Maeve and Kamrynn could tell too.

“It’ll be okay,” Kamrynn said to comfort her.

Courtney sighed, “That’s just it. I don’t think it will be okay. He’s older than me, so he’s at a different place in his life. He wants more out of a girlfriend. I’m fourteen and not ready to go beyond closed mouth kissing, for Merlin’s sake. If I was him, I would go for Alicia too. At least she’s his own age.”

Maeve looked down the table at George, who had his arm around Katie Bell. She sighed as well and patted Courtney on the arm in understanding. Kamrynn was lost in her own little world as she was talking to Ron about the Potions essay, which she was promising to help him with. Courtney and Maeve were alone in this because they were going through just about the same exact thing.

“It is time,” Dumbledore said as Filch opened the doors to reveal a group of nicely dressed girls in blue uniforms.

Each girl did a flip or a twirl down the aisle as they made their way to the front of the hall. Courtney then saw a flash of red hair. The only red head in the whole group, and she recognized her long lost friend, Melody.

“Hey, there’s Patience and Kaylyn!” Maeve pointed them out, a little ways behind Melody.

Courtney smiled. The friends that had moved to Beaubatox three years ago were back. Courtney wondered why they were there though. No one under the age of seventeen was allowed to partake in the tournament, and these girls were definitely only fourteen. After they were finished putting on their little show, they stepped out of the way as banging noises erupted from outside the hall. A group of young men then entered the hall with long, wooden staffs that they used to create the banging noises. After they had made their way up to the front of the hall, another young man was walking up with what looked like their professor.

“Blimey, it’s him,” Ron gaped, “It’s Viktor Krum.”

Courtney and Hermione looked at the same time, and their eyes followed him as he made his way to the from. He then caught one of their eyes and winked. Courtney smirked; Hermione gasped. They then looked at each other.

“Did you see him totally wink at me?” Hermione asked her.

Courtney rolled her eyes, “He was totally winking at me.”

“Actually, he could’ve winked at both of you; it was hard to tell who he was looking at,” Maeve informed them.

“Oh, well,” Hermione shrugged, “It’s not like it matters anyway.”