‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

I did warn you

The next Saturday, Courtney was sitting with Fred, George, and Maeve in an empty classroom. The boys were huddled over a cauldron and spooning the contents into some goblets. Maeve was smirking as she leaned against the wall. Courtney was shaking her head in disapproval.

“This is such a bad idea,” Courtney said for the tenth time.

“Stop saying that,” Maeve groaned.

“I can’t help it. Dumbledore has probably already thought about an aging potion, and that ring will prevent you from entering.”

Fred stood up and walked over to Courtney with a smirk on his face, “Everything will be alright, Court,” he said as he put his free arm around her waist.

“No, it won’t be,” she whispered as she looked into his eyes.
He smirked, “Kiss for good luck?”

She nodded, and they kissed. George started making play gagging noises, and Maeve was giggling at him. Courtney stuck her tongue out at the two. George then stopped and looked over at Maeve. She wasn’t paying much attention until he had moved right in front of her.

“George, what are you doing?” she stated calmly.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting my good luck kiss,” he smirked as he leaned in, but she pushed his face away.

“No, you’re not,” she said as she walked to the doorway, “Drink up, boys. We’ve got to get you to the Goblet.”

Courtney walked hand in hand with Fred after the twins had drunk their potions. She kept looking over at him. He seemed kind of distant. He was also not walking very close to her. Then she put her attention on what laid ahead of them, and it was Alicia. Her face brightened when she saw Fred, who automatically dropped Courtney’s hand, whose hope was drained.

“Did you do it?” Alicia asked the twins.

“We did, on our way there now,” Fred said as he winked at her.

“Good luck!” she called after them, for they had passed her.

As soon as she was out of sight, Fred reached for Courtney’s hand once more, but she moved it out of his reach. He looked at her and tried to catch her eye, but Courtney just looked straight ahead. If she looked at him, she was afraid that she was going to cry.

“Hey,” Harry said as he, Ron, and Hermione caught up with them.

“Hey,” Courtney smiled over at him, but he could tell something was wrong, “I’ll tell you later,” she added in a whisper.

They all entered the great hall. There was the Goblet up on its pedestal. Courtney, Maeve, Harry, and Hermione took some seats at the tables that were close enough to the Goblet so they could watch Fred and George try their luck.

“Ready?” Fred asked George.

“Ready,” his twin replied.

Everyone held their breath as the two stepped over the line. Nothing happened, so everyone, but Courtney and Maeve cheered. They placed their pieces of parchments in the fire. The fire glowed a strange color of red, which was originally blue, and spit the papers back out at them, each hitting each boy in the chest and flinging them backwards into the air. When they got up, there was a loud popping noise and both of them sprouted identical long, white beards.

“I did warn you,” Dumbledore said in an amused voice, “I suggest you both go up to Madame Pomfrey. She’s already tending to two girls who wanted to age up as well. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything as fine as yours.”
Fred looked over at Courtney, “Are you coming, then?” he asked as he reached his hand out toward her.

She backed up a few steps, “No, Fred.”

He looked a little hurt but turned and walked out anyway. Maeve had grabbed George’s hand and practically dragged him out of the Hall. Courtney sat back down beside Harry, who put his arm around her and she buried her face into his shoulder.

“Courtney!” a familiar voice filled her ears, “What’s wrong?”

Courtney looked up to see Melody and Kaylyn Hartman standing in front of her and Harry. Patience Stuart, their step sister, was standing behind them. She smiled at the three and got up and hugged each of them.

“It has been such a long time!” Kaylyn said after they were done hugging.

“I know,” Courtney said, “What are you guys doing here anyway? I thought that only seventeen year olds could sign up for the tournament?”

“Oh, that,” Melody smirked.

“There were open spots, so they offered them to fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years. We jumped at the chance to see our old school,” Patience explained.

“We missed it and you!” Melody chimed.

“We’ll have to catch up then,” Kaylyn said.

At dinner that night, the students were restless. The Goblet was ready to tell them the contestants. Dumbledore promised that they would be announced after dinner. Courtney was sitting over at the Slytherin table with Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Kaylyn, Melody, and Patience. They were talking about the old times and laughing.

“When the champions are called, I would ask them to please come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through to the next chamber,” Dumbledore announced as the Goblet turned red and a charred piece of paper fluttered out, “The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum.”

There was cheering at the name. Courtney couldn’t help but the cheer along with everyone. The Goblet then turned red again and another piece of parchment fluttered into Dumbledore’s hand.

“The champion for Beauxbatons will be Fleur Delacour!”

Melody, Kaylyn, and Patience cheered loudly. They explained that she was the top in her year at their school and was perfect for the tournament. The Goblet grew red for the last time.

“The champion for Hogwarts is Cedric Diggory!”

Several people cheered, but the three loudest were Kamyrnn, Kelly, and Cho. Courtney looked perplexed in Cho’s direction. What was going on? Did Cho have a crush on Cedric or something?

“Excellent, well, we have our three champions, so,” Dumbledore stopped talking because the Goblet had grown red yet again and another paper fluttered from the flames, “Harry Potter?”

Courtney exchanged glances with Draco. Did she hear Dumbledore right? Did he just say Harry was in the tournament?