‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

Snape gave me detention

“Kelly!” Courtney ran across the courtyard to where Kelly was sitting with Cedric and his fans. Ron was trying to keep up with Courtney.

Kelly smiled as Courtney and Ron approached them, “Hey, Court! What have you been up to?”

“Nothing really,” Courtney smiled back, “I haven’t seen you all week! We should really hang out soon. I miss you.”

Kelly stood and gave her a hug, “Sleepover tonight. I’ll tell the others!”

“Great,” Courtney said and then saw a badge that she was wearing on her shirt.

I read: Support Cedric Diggory – The REAL Hogwarts Champion! It then flashed to a different saying: Potter Stinks.

“Oh,” Kelly said, moving her hand over the pin, “I’m just wearing it. Malfoy made them for Cedric.”

Courtney grimaced, “That explains it.”

“Courtney, we better go,” Ron said as he tugged on the back of her shirt.

“See you tonight, Kelly,” she said after she rolled her eyes and followed Ron towards the castle.

“Like them Potter?” Malfoy’s voice swam through her ears and she turned to see Draco getting in Harry’s and Hermione’s faces with the pins.

“Oh, very funny,” Hermione rolled her eyes.

“Want one, Granger? I’ve got loads, just don’t touch my hand. I don’t want your mudblood germs to slime up my hands.”

“Draco!” Courtney found herself yelling and walking over to him.

“Hey, Foxy,” Draco looked her up and down, “What are you doing with Weasel?”

“That is none of your business,” she glared at him, “jus leave them alone.”

Harry pulled out his wand and gently shoved Courtney out of the way as he pointed his wand at Draco.

“Go on then, Potter. Do it, if you dare.”

They looked into each other’s eyes for a few moments and then acted at the same time.

“Furninculus!” Harry yelled.

“Densaugeo!” Draco screamed.

Jets of lights shot from both wands and hit each other in mid air. The spells bounced off walls and angles. Harry’s hit Goyle right in the face, and Draco’s hit Hermione. Courtney couldn’t help but giggle at how giant, ugly boils sprouted on Goyle’s face.

“Hermione!” Ron yelled and ran to her.

She was holding her face and her eyes were wide in panic. Courtney ran over to her as well and tried to pry her hand from her mouth, but she failed. Ron eventually got her to show them that her teeth were elongated, much like a beaver’s. Hermione covered her mouth once more.

“And what is all this noise about?” Snape asked as he made his way through the crowd.

Draco was the first to speak, “Potter attacked me, sir.”

Courtney shot a disgusted look at him, which he smirked at. Harry then found his voice.

“We attacked each other at the same time!”

“And he hit Goyle, look,” Draco continued and pointed at Goyle.

Snape took a few moments to examine Goyle, which started to look like it sprouted fungus, and instructed him to the hospital wing.

“Malfoy hit Hermione!” Ron said as he forced Hermione to show him her teeth.

Pansy Parkinson and her bunch of Slytherin girls were giggling way to hard. Courtney decided to get her back later. Snape quickly looked at Hermione before brushing it off.

“I see no difference,” he said, “Let’s see, fifty points from Gryffindor and detention for Potter and Weasley. Now, get inside or it will be a week’s worth of detentions.”

Once Snape had disappeared, Courtney made her way over to Pansy with her wand out. Pansy’s eyes got huge as she noticed her coming over.

“What do you want?” she asked in a trembling voice.

Courtney pointed her wand at Pasny’s mouth, “I saw you laughing at Granger,” she smirked, “Maybe you wouldn’t laugh if the same thing was done to you.”

“What? You wouldn’t do that to me. We’re friends, Flint.”

Courtney chuckled, “Since when were we friends? Densaugeo!”

After dinner, Courtney was approached by Snape, who didn’t look pleased with her. He motioned her into an empty classroom and shut the door behind him. Courtney put a hand on her hip and slung her overnight bag over her shoulder.

“Yes, Professor?” she asked sweetly.

“Is it true that you performed the same spell on Pansy that was performed on Miss. Granger earlier?”

Courtney smirked, “I did. She deserved it for laughing at Hermione.”

“You do know what this means don’t you?” he asked her as he pulled a slip of paper out of his robes, “You are the first Slytherin in about ten years that I have given detention to.”

Courtney took the paper as it was handed to her, “But Professor, why don’t you also punish Draco? He produced that spell as well. I saw it with my own eyes.”

“I know that, but you know what his father would do to me if he found out? He is one of the governors of the school. My job is at stake,” he said sadly.

Courtney looked at the floor, “I understand,” she said as he dismissed her.

“Why the long face?” Maeve asked her when she entered the dorm.

She sighed, “Snape gave me detention.”

“But he never gives Slytherins detention,” Kelly said as she sat on her bed and looked over at the two on Maeve’s bed.

“He said that I was the first in ten years.”

“What are you in for?” Maeve elbowed her.

Courtney smirked, “I gave Pansy beaver teeth.”

“Amazing!” Kelly shrieked.

“Why thank you, thank you very much.”

“You!” Kamrynn yelled when she came into the room as saw Courtney, “What are you doing her in my dorm?”

“It’s okay, Kam. I invited her,” Kelly said as she stood up slowly.

“You backstabber! You,” Kamrynn paused for a moment, “man stealer!”