‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

Deal or no deal?

“Do you know how ridiculous you sound, Kamrynn?” Courtney said as she shot up off the bed and started to close the gap between them.

“At least I don’t look ridiculous walking around with another girl’s guy!” Kamrynn met her halfway so that way they were nose to nose.

Kelly ran over and shoved them a little ways apart, “You both sound ridiculous right now! Let’s just calm down and talk rationally!”

Kamrynn pulled out her wand, “How about we just duel for him? Right here, right now!”

Joy and Eva made their way into the room and saw what was going on and grabbed Kamrynn as she was just about to fling a spell straight at Courtney. Joy pried the wand out of her hand and threw it onto the closest bed.

Courtney smirked, “Kamrynn, you know that I don’t like Ronald like that. You just can’t stand to see him with another girl.”

“You are so jealous, Kam,” Maeve giggled from her bed; she hadn’t moved the entire time.

Kamrynn narrowed her eyes at Courtney, “You’re lying. I can see it in your eyes! Now that you’re free of Fred you can go after another Weasley!”

Courtney, Kelly, and Maeve busted out laughing. Joy and Eva were trying not to laugh, or they would’ve let Kamrynn go.

“Look, Kamrynn, I know that you’re anger is getting in the way of you thinking clearly, so I’ll tell you what, Courtney will stop hanging out with Ron for a whole day,” Kelly offered as a peace bargain.

“What?” Courtney looked oddly at Kelly.

“She won’t do it. Our friendship is not important to her!” Kamrynn yelled and strugged with the two girls on both her sides.

Courtney rolled her eyes, “Our friendship is important to me, so I will give up a whole day with Ron.”

“It has to be tomorrow too,” Kelly added quickly.

“What?!” Courtney yelled.

“Deal or no deal?” Kamrynn smirked.

Courtney sighed, “Deal.”

Eva and Joy then let Kamrynn go, and she picked up her wand and silently made her way over to her bed. Courtney slowly turned and went back over to Maeve’s bed. They all sat in silence for a little while until Kelly started throwing pillows at Kamrynn, which started a pillowfight.

The next day, Courtney thought, was going to be hard. Ron hunted for her now. At first, she was just being a good friend sitting with him because no one else would. He would be so crushed, as would she. They were beginning to become close. Kelly promised to stay with her the whole day to make sure she didn’t slip up.

“We just have to meet Cedric really quick. I can’t go all day without seeing him!” Kelly said excitedly as she lead the way out to the grounds and down by the lake.

Courtney sighed, “As long as it’s not for long, I don’t want to be the third wheel, Kel.”

“Oh, don’t worry. It won’t be long at all, fifteen minutes tops.”

And twenty minutes later, Courtney found herself sitting under a tree close to the lake, trying not to look at the snogging couple just a couple feet over. She sighed rather loudly just to see if they would break for air, but nothing happened. She then cleared her throat. Still, nothing happened. So, she took to looking around and spotted Ron heading straight for her.

“Kelly?” Courtney said as she got up to her feet.

“What?” Kelly said with heavy breath.

“Ron is making his way over here,” she pointed over at him as he came closer.

“Oh, crap!” Kelly said as she kissed Cedric on the cheek and grabbed Courtney’s hand, “I’ll explain later, Cedric!” she yelled as they ran for the castle.

They made their way into the Great Hall for dinner. They wear a little early, but at least they managed to dodge Ron. Courtney nudged Kelly before she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

“What?” she asked her.

“We shouldn’t sit here. I’ll be tempted to sit next to Ron.”

Kelly sighed, “Slytherin table then.”

Courtney and Kelly sat down and at once Kelly apologized for what happened out at the lake. She should’ve started snogging Cedric because Courtney definitely was singled out as the third wheel then. That’s when Draco sat next to Courtney. She looked around. He was alone for a change. No Crabbe, Goyle, or Zambini tagging along with him.

“Hey, Foxy,” he smirked at her as she rolled her eyes, “I see that you’re finally sitting at the right table. Change of heart?”

“You wish,” she sneered.

“Not too happy today are you, Foxy? Come to think of it, you haven’t seemed truly yourself in about two weeks. Who died?” He joked.

“You know, you’re not as funny as you think you are,” Kelly stated and nodded toward Courtney who was now looking at her plate with her hands in her lap.

“What happened to you, Courtney?” Draco asked in a more gentle voice and slipped his hand into hers.

She looked up at him and found his features serious and not the jokingly way he had them in just a few seconds ago. Kelly just looked from Courtney to Draco, almost like she was in shock that something like this was happening. The cocky Prince of Slytherin talk gently to someone he was just criticizing just a few moments ago? That did NOT happen.

“Fred cheated on me with Alicia Spennet,” Courtney stated after a few moments silence.

Draco pulled his hand out of hers and put his arm around her shoulders instead. Courtney was a little shocked by this, but she let it be. It just felt so nice for him to be comforting that she wanted it to last as long as it could. It reminded her of the way they were when they were little. Back when they only boy she wanted to be with was Draco. So, she let herself melt into the curves of his body and lean on him.

After dinner was over, Courtney excused herself from Draco and the other Slytherins so she could go to the loo. When she exited, her plan was to go straight to bed, but Ron thought differently. He was waiting for her when she came out.

“Ron,” she said as soon as she saw him, “I can explain about today,” she started but was cut off by him.

“You can explain on the way, I reckon,” he said as he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her towards the exit of the castle.