‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

I can help you

“So,” Courtney sighed as she as Hermione sat on the rock by the lake.

Hermione pulled out a piece of parchment and quill as she sighed as well, “Courtney, are you really going to talk to Ron about Kamrynn.”

“Yes,” she said slowly as she eyed her, “Why wouldn’t I? Kamrynn is one of my best friends. She just gets confused at times.”

“If she really was one of your best friends, she wouldn’t have been jealous over Ron. I mean, I know that you are not interested in Ron in that way at all.”

Courtney raised an eyebrow up at her, “Are you saying that you like Ron?”

She blushed, “Well, maybe a little. He irritates me more than anything though.”

They sat in silence for a while. Viktor Krum had jogged past them a couple times. Ron had disappeared into the castle, so Hermione got up and went in as well. Courtney decided to stay where she was. It was a little chilly, but she didn’t mind. She wanted to think, but it didn’t look like she was going to get to.


Courtney turned to see Viktor Krum sitting next to her. She got nervous all of a sudden. Did this mean that she was the one he winked at? If so, there’s something else for Hermione to be angry with her about.

“Hey,” she said after the shock.

“I vanted to know vho your friend is,” he said indication Hermione.

She smiled in relief, “Hermione Granger.”

“She is very beautiful. I feel very different when she is around. I sit in the library and watch her read. I just can’t seem to talk to her.”

Courtney smiled, “I can help you talk to her.”

He smiled as well, “You vould do that for me?” he seemed shocked.

“Of course, Viktor,” she paused, “I can call you Viktor, right?”

“Ve are friends,” he nodded, “How soon can we talk to her?”

“Let me figure that out, and I’ll get back to you,” she said as she stood up, “I’m going to go in.”

“All right, thank you,” he paused, “Vhat is your name?”

“Courtney Flint,” she waved goodbye and he did the same.

That night, Courtney made sure that Hermione was invited to their sleepover. She said she would come, but would be late. That’s just was she was hoping for. She wanted to tell Kamrynn what Ron said when she talked to him before dinner. She was kind of excited to.

“Hey, Court,” Draco called her as she was passing through the common room on her way to the Gryffindor tower, “Wait up.”

She smiled, “What is it, Draco?”

“Are you going somewhere?” he asked, looking at her overnight bag.

“Yes,” was all she replied.

“Well,” Draco started but stopped as if he was too nervous to continue.

She smirked before she kissed him. He was shocked that she had initiated the kiss but kissed back anyway. Her hands wondered up to his hair as he pulled her bag off of her arm and put his arms around her. She then pulled away and bit her lip as she stared into his eyes. Draco had a lopsided smile on his face like it was the best kiss he ever had.

“I have to go know, Drake,” she said as she gently pulled out of his grip, “I’ll catch you later.”

He didn’t reply but just kept on smiling. She smiled to herself all the way to the Gryffindor Tower, where Kelly was waiting to bring her up. She eyed her when she approached but saved her questioning for the dorm.

“Spill,” Maeve said as soon as she saw Courtney’s face.

Courtney smiled, “Spill what?” she said as she sat on Maeve’s bed.

“What you’re smiling about,” Kelly said excitedly as she took a seat on her bed with Joy.

“Well, you guys might be upset with me about it, but,” she paused, “I just kissed Draco!”

Joy groaned, “I thought you were smarter than that, Court.”

“I think that they would be the cutest couple ever!” Kamrynn squealed from her bed, where she sat alone.

Courtney looked over at Maeve. She needed her best friend in the whole wide world to say her opinion. Maeve stayed silent as everyone watched her.

“Courtney,” Maeve said, “You should do what you’re heart is telling you to do. If it says to be with Draco, then be with him.”

She raised her eyebrow up at her, “You were against us last year.”

“I’ve learned that sometimes the heart doesn’t make the wisest decisions, but it knows what you want.”

“Is this about George?” Courtney asked.

Maeve’s face turned a shade of pink, “It might be.”

“I thought we hated him?” Kelly asked.

“We do!” squealed Kamrynn.

“I know, but he seems like he’s done with playing games. He told me that I’m all he thinks about and that I’m the only one that he wants to be with,” Maeve shrugged.

“That’s how players work,” Joy started, “I wouldn’t trust what he says until he shows you that he really cares then give him another chance.”

Maeve nodded, “That’s smart.”

“Of course it is. I am in Ravenclaw,” Joy winked at her,

Eva then came in looking all flustered with a girl coming in behind her, “Sorry, I’m late,” she said as she sat down on Kamrynn’s bed, “I had detention with Moody.”

“What did you get detention for?” Courtney asked curiously.

Eva just shrugged, “You know how I can back talk.”

“Yeah,” Meave said, “You back talk as much as a mute person can speak,” which was the truth.

Eva never talked back to anyone. She never got in trouble. She was like the least Slytherin a Slytherin could get, besides her temper when she gets really angry.

“Well, anyway,” Eva said motioning to the brunette in the middle of the room, “this is Lily Harrison. She’s in hufflepuff. I met her a couple weeks ago in Herbology. She’s pretty awesome, so I thought I’d bring her by.”

“Hello,” Lily waved to everyone.