‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

I think it was a vision

Michael Flint kneeled before Peter Pettigrew, who was holding the infant form of Voldemort.

“It has been done, My Lord,” Michael told Voldemort with his face raised to him, but he was still in a kneeling position.

Voldemort smiled evilly, “I am most proud of you, Michael. You shall be rewarded greatly. You may rise now,” he instructed before Michael stood, “I have a mission for you now. You will be working with two others, both will be stowed away inside Hogwarts this year. You will need to stay outside of Hogwarts, Michael, to keep an eye on things at the Ministry. I need to make sure that my plans are moving swiftly.”

“I understand.”

“You may go now,” Voldemort gave Michael permission to exit, and he did, “Wormtail,” he said to Peter, “take me to Riddle Court. I have something I need to tell my father.”

Courtney woke to Kelly and Maeve standing over her. She wiped the sweat off her face, as she sat up and the other two backed off a little. She looked around the room and realized that she was still at Grimwald Place. She sighed at the looks that her friends were giving her.

“What?” she asked tiredly.

Kelly glanced quickly at Maeve and then back at Courtney, “You were mumbling a lot in your sleep about being proud of someone and giving them a mission.”

“What was going on?” Maeve asked.

“I saw my dad, Wormtail, and Voldemort,” I started and explained everything, “I think it was a vision.”

Kelly’s eyes got wide as she realized something, “Do you think the tea had this affect on you?”

Courtney nodded, “I think so.”

“We better tell Lupin,” Kelly said as Courtney nodded in agreement.

Courtney walked downstairs with the others following her to only find Sirius sitting in the kitchen alone. He smirked up at them as they joined him at the table. The three girls look around, not seeing the person they had been looking for.

“Where’s mum and Lupin?” Courtney asked Sirius after realizing that Sirius was really was the only adult in the house.

“They went back to Little Surrey Creek to retrieve the rest of your things,” Sirius then continued when he saw the confused look on her face, “Lupin owled Dumbledore, and he wants you, your mother, and Lupin to temporarily move in here with me until he is positive that you are safe from your father.”

Courtney nodded as she understood, “I kinda don’t want to see my father ever again.”

“I don’t blame you,” Sirius stood up and made them some breakfast.

“You know,” Maeve announced after eating about half of the breakfast, “this is pretty good,” everyone looked at her because she said it without being sarcastic, “What?”

“Oh, Malone,” Sirius chuckled at her.

Courtney just prodded at her food, not hungry. She had too much on her mind to even think about food. Why would her dad do this to her? Wasn’t wait he got in all her earlier years enough? She shook her head with disgust at the thought.

“Everything is going to be alright,” Kelly assured her as she rested a hand on her arm.

“Thanks, but you can’t decide that, Kel,” she half-way smiled at her.

Maeve looked up from her plate and at Courtney, “I bet it will be,” she then suddenly gasped and looked at Kelly, “Do you think the tea had any effect on us?”

“I don’t know. I mean, we haven’t had anything peculiar happen to us like Courtney,” Kelly shrugged.

“It’s possible that Courtney’s was a different potion from yours,” Sirius intruded on their conversation, “or it’s just affecting her differently.”

“I didn’t think of that,” Kelly whispered to herself.

“Oh, Good, Beverly,” Sirius greeted Beverly as she walked into the room with Lupin and Dumbledore entered after her, “Good Morning, Professor,” he acknowledged Dumbledore.

“Well, hello, Sirius,” Dumbledore beamed at him and then his eyes traveled to Courtney, Maeve, and Kelly, “Hello to you too, girls. I hear that we have something we need to discuss,” he said and they told them everything, including the dream.

“I just don’t understand why I’m having dreams and not the other too,” Courtney said when they were all finished.

Dumbledore’s eyes glittered as he thought, “I need some time to think this over and research this abnormal behavior of your father’s,” he said to Courtney, “You three will remain here for the remainder of the holidays to ensure your safety.”

“Professor?” Beverly asked from across the room with an envelope in her hand, “Marcus’ last game of the season is next week. You know, the world tournament? Could I bring Courtney to watch her brother. She hasn’t seen any of his games this summer.”

“I don’t see why not, as long as you are with her at all times,” Dumbledore smiled as he left the room.

Courtney, Maeve, and Kelly exchanged looks. They were going to the quiditch world cup!