‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

You’ll be the first to know if it rains

Courtney, Maeve, Kamrynn, Kelly, and Eva took in all the sights. There were people everywhere. Some even had little sheds open and were selling things such as hats and shirts. Harry found this man who was selling omnoculars; these weird looking binoculars that could zoom in and out, pause, and show in slow motion. He bought Ron, Hermione, and Courtney each one. She blushed as Harry handed her the extra one, and Fred didn’t look too pleased either.

“I thought it was over between you too?” Fred whispered into her ear.

She looked up at him, “Of course it is. We’re just friends,” she explained and then playfully hit him in the chest.

“Got it,” he said as he took her hand in his.

When all eleven of them got back to the campsite, the adults had already gotten up both of the tents. Amos and Beverly were standing outside of a slightly smaller tent as the Weasley kids tramped into the bigger on beside of it.

“We will be staying in this tent with the Diggorys,” Beverly told Courtney, Maeve, and Kelly.

Kamynn squealed with excitement as she high-fived each of them and then pulled them into the tent, along with Eva. Courtney gasped because as the tent was way bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. There was a kitchen, bathroom, sitting room, and a few bedrooms. It was a miniature house.

“I love magic,” Courtney smirked to herself as Kamrynn pulled her into the first bedroom, which had a single bed and two bunk beds.

“This is where us girls will be staying,” she squealed as she set her bag on the bottom bunk of the first set of beds as Eva climbed on the top.

Courtney and Maeve exchanged a look as the both ran to the second set of bunk beds with lots of shoving to get the top bunk. Maeve eventually won when she hit Courtney in the face with a pillow. Maeve just smirked as Courtney looked at her in shock.

“That hurts, you weirdo!” she said as she set her bag on the bottom bunk.

Cedric then came into the room, and Kelly blushed as she scrambled to put her bag on the single bed but ended up dropping it on the floor with its contents being spilled everywhere. Cedric rushed to help her as the four other girls giggled.

“You don’t have to help me,” Kelly said to Cedric when he picked up an undergarment that she did not want him to see.

“It’s not a problem,” he smirked at her as she snatched it away from him.

“But, you see,” her face was growing red as she waved her panties around, “it really is a problem.”

The other girls were laughing really hard by this time, but Cedric didn’t mind. He just got back up and started to walk out of the room but then turned around and directed his talk to all of them.

“Dad and Beverly said that it is time to head over so we can get to our seats easily,” he said then grinned at Kelly, “You want to sit together?”

She nodded frantically, “Of course!”

He then took her hand and escorted her out of the room, leaving the four girls alone to just look around at each other and giggle.

Well, their seats were all the way at the top of the stadium. They huffed all the way up, tiring themselves. On the way, they ran into Lucius and Draco, who were also making their way up. Courtney weakly smiled at Draco, who returned it. She looked him up and down in the process. He had lost almost all of his baby fat that he had from the previous years. She had to admit that he was looking…well, hotter. She blushed as she nit her lip and looked away.

“Hello,” he nodded to her.

“Hi, Draco,” she said, her voice quivered as she said it too.

Kamrynn looked back at the two since she was the one that was right in front of them. Fred was up in the front, leading the way up. Courtney glanced at her. Kamrynn had an eyebrow raised at her and then at Draco, who then looked down at his shoes.

“You’ll be the first to know if it rains,” Lucious taunted the group.

Draco then looked up but at Harry and Ron this time, “Father got us seats in the Minister’s box,” he was then hit in the chest with his father’s walking stick.

“Draco,” he said coldly, “what have I told you about bragging?”

Draco then looked back down at his shoes. Courtney felt sorry for him. She knew what it was like for him to live with a father who didn’t appreciate him.

“Let’s go,” Arthur said as he grabbed Harry and Ron by the shoulder’s and guided them away from a situation that had to potential to get worse.

When they finally made it to their seats, the Irish had come onto the field in a blast of green. The Bulgarians came out in a mixture of maroon and gold with Marcus flying right behind Viktor Krum.