‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

That’s what happened to us

“I can’t believe that the Irish caught the snitch,” Courtney was saying to Fred as they were making their way back to the campsite after a rather long game.

“But Bulgaria won,” he finished her thought as they continued to walk, hand-in-hand.

“I knew that my brother’s team would win,” she smirked as she elbowed him in the side.

He looked down at her with a lopsided grin on his face, “Are you saying that I shouldn’t have rooted for the Irish?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she then shrieked as he chased her all the way to the tents, where he caught her and kissed her playfully on the mouth.

“Courtney, I-“

She never got to find out what he was going to say because Kamrynn, Ron, Eva, Harry and Maeve had caught up with them, so he just decided not to finish the sentence. They decided to hang out in the Weasley’s tent for awhile before heading to bed. Ron was running around telling everyone how great Viktor Krum was while everyone laughed at him. The funny thing was he was being serious.

“He’s like a bird the way he flies,” Ron declared as he stepped onto the table to continue his rant.

Fred threw a blanket at him as he and his twin started dancing around the room and then stood up on the table with Ron.

“Viktor, I love you,” Fred started singing.

“Viktor, I do,” George continued.

“When we’re apart, my heart beats only for you!” they then chorused in unison as Ron chased them off the table.

Courtney, Maeve, Kelly, Eva, Harry, and Cedric were all holding their sides in stitches because they were laughing so hard. That’s when Courtney looked over at Maeve and Kelly. They all stood at the same time and headed for the door. They didn’t know what was going on but told the others that they would be right back after a short bathroom break. They paused outside of the tent.

“What is going on?” Maeve asked as she rubbed her thighs.

“I can’t control my feet,” Kelly then commented.

Courtney looked up into the woods just beyond the tents and saw a group of people wearing masks. They all looked up at the three as Kelly and Maeve turned in that direction as well. As soon as the figures started moving towards them, their worlds blacked out.

“Wake up!” Courtney heard a familiar male voice but her eyelids were too heavy to open, “Courtney!”

She then felt a cold sensation of water on her face, and her eyelids fluttered opened. Their was something on her face. A mask to be exact, so she took it off to see Draco bending down by her. She smiled but lost it immediately. She sprang to her feet and looked around.

“What happened? How did I get here?” she then looked over at Draco, “Where have you taken me?”

“Hold on just a second, Flint,” he said coldly and caught her fist that she was going to hit him with, “I didn’t bring you out here. You walked out here. I just followed you, so don’t go accusing the innocent.”

“What are you talking about? I fainted or something,” she said as she yanked her hand back.

Draco rolled his eyes, “Listen, I overheard my father, your father, and Voldemort talking at my Manor about spiking your tea with some kind of potion that would make you do whatever Voldemort or any high ranking deatheater needed you to do without you fighting back.”

“Draco, I don’t have time for this,” she said as she started walking away, but then turned back around, “Did you say something about spiking my tea?”

“Clean out your ears,” he huffed, “Your father concocted a particular potion that would make you do whatever dark leaders told you to.”

“Um,” Courtney’s eyes then widened, “That’s what happened to us,” she whispered to herself.

“What do you mean? Who else was with you?”

“Kelly and Maeve,” she looked down at her shoes.

Draco’s hand ran down his face as he thought, “Why were they with you?”

She slowly looked up at him, “I didn’t want to see dad alone,” she mumbled as she looked into his eyes.

His face softened when she said that, “I understand,” he said as he looked back into her eyes, “Can I ask you something?”

That certainly caught her off guard because she was expecting him to say something about her father. She didn’t look away from him though.

“What is it, Draco?”

He sighed, “Are you in love with Fred?”

Her heart had stopped for a millisecond. She didn’t know how to answer the question, so she just kept looking into his eyes, searching for the answers. Within just a few seconds, she was tearing up. He pulled her into a tight hug as she put her face into his chest.

“That’s what I thought,” he whispered into her hair as she lifted her face to look into his.

He leaned in and so did she but before their lips touched, they heard voices coming from behind them.