‹ Prequel: Fox Tales: Year Three
Status: Active. Updated now when i have time :)

Fox Tales: Year 4

No, like an ass

“What happened?” they heard Hermione’s voice from behind the bush they were hiding in, “Lumos!”

The narrow beam of light illuminated Ron’s face. Courtney and Draco exchanged a look and decided to crawl out from behind the bush. It was just Harry, Ron, and Hermione after all.

“Just tripped over a tree root,” Ron mumbled.

“Well, with feet that size, it’s hard not to,” Draco smirked as they made their way over, and Courtney rolled her eyes.

The three looked at the two funnily as they approached them. Ron called Draco something foul that made Draco sneer and Courtney laugh. Draco playfully hit Courtney so she would stop laughing, and she did. Ron just smirked over at the two.

“Language, Weasley,” Draco managed to cough out, “Hadn’t you better be hurrying off now? You wouldn’t want them to find her, would you?” he said indicating Hermione.

“Whats that supposed to mean?” Hermione asked as Courtney nodded in agreement.

“Granger,” Draco said while grinning, “they’re after muggles.”

“Hermione is a witch,” Harry pointed out.

“Very well then, Potter. If you think they can’t spot a mudblood, then you can just stay right there.”

“Watch your mouth!” Ron yelled as his ears turned a bright shade of red.

“Nevermind, Ronald,” Hermione said as she grabbed his wrist, “Let’s go find the others,” she said as she lead them away.

“I bet his dad is one of that masked lot!” Ron accused as they walked away.

Courtney looked over at Draco, “Why do you have to act like that?”

“Like what? Myself?”

“No, like an ass.”

“Potter gets on my last nerves. Luckily for him, you were here or it would’ve been worse,” he smirked.

She rolled her eyes, “Now,” she said as she looked around as there was bursts of green light coming from the outside of the woods, “Tell me what is going on. People in masks? Muggles being killed? I don’t understand.”

He sighed, “Well, those are deatheaters out there. They managed to get the muggles from across the way and were torturing them,” he paused, “You were one of those that were torturing.”

“What?!” Courtney yelled as Draco shushed her.

“I couldn’t stand to see you doing as so. You are a much gentler person. So, I pulled you away when they weren’t looking and broke you out of your trance.”

“I can’t believe it,” she whispered.

“Well,” he jumped as the lights got closer, “it happened.”

“Is my father out there? Is he one of the ones with a mask?”

Draco looked down as his feet, “Same as my father.”

Courtney started walking to the edge of the forest with Draco at her heels. She didn’t feel safe with just Draco. She trusted him and all, but he was the same age as her. They knew the same amount of magic. She pulled her wand out of her pocket as the lights grew brighter. They found themselves walking into a sea of people. She turned around to reach for Draco, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Courtney!” she heard Fred’s voice through the crowd.

When she turned around, she was picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder. She started kicking and screaming. Tears stung her eyes. What was going on? Who was carrying her? Fear filled her whole body as they person sat her back onto her feet and she was looking into the eyes of her boyfriend, whom she pulled close to her.

“It’s okay,” he said as he stroked her hair, “Everything is going to be okay.”

“Fred, I was so scared!”

“Let’s get out of here and find our parents,” he said as he broke the hug and took her hand.