Love Like Woe

Sure Thing, Gorgeous.


"Wow, Char, way to sound like a fucking cow," Matt said, standing in my way.

I puffed out my cheeks and began hopping. "Matty, Matty, Matty! I have to pee! Move!" I yelled. I gave him a sad look, and he made a pained look in return.

"Zacky! She's giving me the look!" Matt exclaimed, before moving and letting me zip passed him to the bathroom.

Zack laughed and shook his head. "Be a man, Matt. It's not that bad. She's just faking it."

Matt scowled and plunked down on the couch next to his buddy, Zack. "It's actually pretty ferocious, dude. Besides, she still gets you with that look, too."

"Oh, please, I get him with every look," I yelled, dramatically, returning from my bathroom trip. I bounced over to Zack and jumped in his lap and used Matt's shirt as a hand towel.

"Woman! What the fuck are you doing!?" Matt exclaimed, ripping his shirt out of my hands and moving away from us. "Now, my fucking shirt has water and Charlotte germs..."

I winked at him and cuddled into Zack's chest. "Oh, Zacky, sugar, I lurve you. Cuz you keep me warm in Matt's unimaginably cold house!"

"Oh, fuck off, Charlotte," Matt replied, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Oh, fuck a cow, Matthew."

"Go fuck Zacky or something, Charlotte."

"Go run along and listen to your shitty music, Matthew."

"Metallica is not shit!"

I giggled, and jumped out of Zacky's lap. "Gotta go, I forgot that I had to make dinner tonight." And, that was when I dashed out of the house.

"Charlotte! Get your ass back here!!"

I could hear Matt screaming from a block away.


Jimmy was outside of my house. How could I tell? It was because he was talking so god damned loud, he woke me up. I shoved on my converse and looked at myself in the mirror on the back of my door. My short, black shorts were uneven and the purple tank top I was wearing was showing my entire stomach. Don't even get me started on my hair. It was sticking up in odd ways. It looked shitty.

But, it was only Jimmy and one of the guys. So, I didn't give a shit.

I ran down the steps, skipping two at a time. I almost tripped a few times. I ripped open the door and glared at Jimmy.

"Hi, Char! How are you?!" he yelled, skipping in.

I groaned. "Jimmy, it's fucking eleven in the god damned morning!" I hissed. "I should still be sleeping!"

He scooped me up in his arms and crushed me. "But, I love you, Char-Char!"

"Love you, too, Jimmy," I replied, in a grumpy tone. He grinned and dropped me to the ground. Only then did I notice that his friend Brian was outside. I stood up and smiled at him. "Hi, Brian!"

"Hey, Charlotte," he replied. "Mind if I come in?"

"Oh, no, come on in. Make yourself at home," I said.

Okay, maybe I thought Brian was hot.

Maybe, that was an understatement.

"Hey, Char, you look terrible," Jimmy said, in an innocent tone. I glared at him.

"Then, I'll go get a shower and change. Don't wreck my house, Jimmy."

I glared, before running back up the stairs. Don't get me wrong, I love Jimmy.

He's just crazy as fuck.

I ran into my room and almost tripped over my junk that littered the floor. I looked out my window to see Zacky sitting on his bed. He saw me and smiled, before grabbing his notebook and a marker, and writing:

Jimmy and Bri at your house? This early?

I held up a finger, signally for him to hold on. I pushed around mounds of clothes, searching for my sketch pad and a sharpie. I found one and replied:

YES. Come and make sure Jimmy doesn't burn down my house! I need a shower!

He grinned and wrote:

Sure thing, gorgeous. Be there in a few.

Thank god for Zacky. He was my hero sometimes.
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Comments cause faster updates? ;)
Zacky is so sweet :D