Love Like Woe

See You Soon, Sugar.

I pulled the black tank top over my head and checked my hair one more time, before walking out of my room. I tried to think of an entrance to try and impress Brian, but I couldn't. I smiled as I walked downstairs to see Zacky and Jimmy wrestling on my floor and Brian sitting on my couch, looking bored.

I walked over to the couch and sat next to Brian. Zacky and Jimmy hadn't even noticed. "Why are they fighting?"

Brian stopped staring at them and looked over to me. "I'm not exactly sure. Zacky said something, Jimmy replied with a 'Do you want to go?' in a British accent, Zacky stared at him, said, 'Do we gotta take this outside?' Jimmy didn't want to go outside, so they just started fighting right here."

I laughed. How could I not? Those two were idiots. "I bet I can get them to stop."

Brian looked over at me and scoffed. "Really? I've been trying for about twenty minutes now."

I sent him a flirtatious smile, and yelled, "Zacky James!" Zacky immediately let go of Jimmy and looked at me.


"I love you. Stop hurting Jimmy. Kay?" I gave him the cutest smile ever. He replied with a grin and walked over to me. He sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

Jimmy pouted, and plunked down next to Brian. His arms were crossed and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Okay, princess."


Do you want to go to a party with me tonight?

I stared at the paper that was taped up to his window. I grabbed a marker and wrote;

When, where, who's going?

I taped it up to my window and started digging through my closet for something to wear. After five minutes, I returned from my closet, unsuccessful. Zacky was sitting there, in front of the window, holding up;

In order? At 9. One of my baseball teammate's place. Me and the rest of the guys. And you?

I smiled and replied;

Count me in, babe.

Good. I'll see you soon, sugar.