Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


I sat in Gerard's class, tapping my pencil against the sketchpad. I had already finished my assignment and so I was rather bored. I began tapping my foot along with my pencil until there was a knock on the door. Gerard swiftly opened it and to my horror it was the police.
"Is there a Melody in here?" the officer asked. His eyes met mine. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay here where I was safe.
"Yes..." His voice trailed off. He obviously had no idea what to say or do.
"Where?" the annoyed officer asked. I raised my hand. I didn't want him feeling bad about snitching out on me.
"Here" I said an octave higher than I had intended my voice to be. The man looked at me and waved me over.
"We are going to take you into questioning. Your father was arrested this morning for killing your brother and mother"
"I know. I saw you there this morning" The man pulled on my arm. Gerard looked frustrated and deep in thought. He was searching for the right words to say I guess, but nothing came out of his lips as they pulled me away. Nothing came out when they dragged me out of the school and away from the man I called my savior. The police, the law, and the government were pulling me back into the life I had hoped to escape. My eyes watered up as I hopelessly reached out to him, to the building. My heart tore to pieces. The colors slowly washed away with my tears and Gerard stood there, watching his masterpiece collapse.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys thought this shit was going to be all happy? Oh hecks no! Lol!
Thanks to the awesome commenters thus far:
Atomic Baby (She's epic we are planning out a story together. Big things are going to happen with us around!)
rivals are insane
untitledusername (epic username if I may add lol)
Gary's Girl
I love you all! You guys have gotten me so pumped with writting this which is why I have updated like crazy today. See the results of commenting? Haha