Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


I was angry. I wanted to punch something or someone. Either one was fine. I just needed to hit, to strangle, or anything else physical. Three whole hours of questioning. Three whole hours without Gerard. I felt alone again. I felt like shit again. They were trying to pry something out of me. They wanted me to admit that I was apart of the murder. Were they crazy? I was the victim. Why would they try to force something so stupid, so…ignorant on me?! I let out a scream of anger. It echoed in the small square room. The sound of it startled me. I hadn’t realized how angry I was getting until that moment. The detective walked in then. I wanted to punch his face in. He was driving me nuts with all the questions. He was just asking for me to hit him.
“Are you ready to admit what you did?” he asked. I stood up angrily.
“I did not do shit” I pulled up the sleeves of my jacket.
“You see these fucking scars? These are the scars I got from all of them! They abused me since the day I could remember. How I’m still alive is a fucking miracle! How can you sit here and accuse me of this bullshit?! Why can’t you all just leave me alone?”
“Calm down”
“No! You calm the fuck down!” I growled, “I want to be out of here and definitely. You can’t hold me here. I’m innocent. I wasn’t near the damn crime scene”
“Then where were you?” he yelled.
“I decided to move in with a friend yesterday” I spat back, “I’m not a monster like my family so let me leave” The man sighed in frustration. He ran his hand through his thin gray hair.
“We may have to call you back” he said.
“I am of no use to you” I huffed and walked out. No one stopped me and so I kept going. When I was finally out of the police station, I yelled out and punched one of the police cars. I then ran off, not exactly knowing where I was going. I felt lost like I had felt before Gerard had come around. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do with myself. I pushed the hair out of my eyes as it began to rain. It had been cloudy and the sky was grey so it came to me as no surprise. It was just my shit luck.
“Why can’t I be happy?!” I yelled at no one in particular as thunder crashed. I took cover in an abandoned alley. There was a guy there and I tried to ignore him as I shriveled in my little box I had for myself.
“Got caught in the rain to?” he asked. I didn’t know what to say.
“Yes” I knew I shouldn’t be talking to strangers, but things like that didn’t matter to me anymore. Nothing really mattered except for Gerard and he wasn’t there.
“Want my jacket?” the man held out a warm looking leather jacket and I shook my head.
“I should be going. Thank you, sir” I said and ran off. I had the feeling that I was being followed so I pushed my legs harder. I kept running until my knees grew weak. I sat down, breathing heavily. My chest was burning. I couldn’t tell if I was crying or if it was just the rain. Either way I wiped them off my cheeks. I sniffled as the sound of a speeding car was heard. I looked towards the sound to see a red corvette. Was it Gerard? My heart pounded as it got closer. My heart sank in my chest as it drove right pass me. Was Gerard ever going to find me?