Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


I sat on the side of the road for a while. I didn't have anything to track the time, but I knew it had been a few hours. It was getting dark and the street lights were turning on. Gerard still hadn't found me and yet I was still sitting here waiting. Was there something dangerously wrong with me? I stood up in defeat. I couldn't just wait here anymore. From a distance I could see two men walking towards me on the sidewalk. I decided to walk the opposite way just as they caught sight of me.
"Hey baby" one of them slurred. I quickened my pace. I knew that talk all too well. The man was drunk and I had no idea what he wanted, but I could make a pretty good guess.
"Where you going?" the other giggled. I was almost postive that that one was high.
"We just wanna have fun" the both said as I pushed myself harder. I had to get away from these two sickos, but I had no idea where I was going.
"Hey! It's not polite to ignore people!" The drunk one yelled out to me. I could hear them starting to walk faster. I began to sprint. My heart pounding against my chest as I heard them run after me. I looked around as I ran for some form of a weapon, anything that could protect me from these men.
My breathing was ragged as I ran into someone's chest. It was the man from earlier. He caught me before I could fall onto the concrete and then pushed me behind him as he saw the approaching men.
"Leave her alone" he growled at the two. They didn't seem impressed. One flicked out a knife. The street light flickered off it, causing it to shine. My heart stopped.
"Go! Run!" he growled into my ear, "I'll deal with these guys" I couldn't believe he was going to take on both of them and for a girl he didn't even know, but I listened and I ran. I ran till it felt like my heart was about to give out. I ran till I couldn't run anymore, till I couldn't breathe.
"Melody?!" the voice was familar and I realized I was back near the police station. My eyes teared up as I looked up to see Gerard. His cheeks were stained with tears, the light reflected off them. He looked so pale.
"Gerard" I yelled and ran to him. It suprised me since I had been unable to move only seconds ago. When I reached his arms I collapsed in them, but he caught me. He pulled me to his chest as tears poured down my cheeks.
"Why didn't you call me?" he asked, brushing the wet hair off my face. I was too tired to answer and so instead fell asleep in his embrace.
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Yay! They are back together! WOOO!
Also I started a new story called "Gateway to heaven"
which is going to be a Gerard Fanfiction. Gerard is the antichrist in it *grins evilily* go check it out