Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


I woke up in Gerard's room. I looked around and rubbed my eyes. Had it all been a dream? I tried to climb out of bed, but the pain that shot through my legs had me fall back to the floor, confirming that it had not all been a dream. Gerard came running in and helped me get back up on the bed.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I groaned and shook my head.
"Do you want anything?" he asked. There were a few way I could answer that.
"Lay with me?" I asked. He nodded and laid beside me without hesitation. He wrapped his warm arm around my waist.
"Go back to sleep" He mumbled into my hair.
"Nuh-uh" I groaned.
"Why not?"
"You...might...leave" I was falling asleep against my own will. I wanted to stay up with Gerard and just talk to him. I needed to talk to him.
"I promise I won't" he said.
"I'll wake you before I leave this bed alright?"
"C'mon, Mel" he pleaded, pulling my body closer to his. I groaned, wanting to take in this moment of closeness.
"Why?" I croaked. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he rubbed myy stomach.
"You sprained your ankles, both of them. I also think you might have the flu. You need to rest so you can get better"
"Fine" I groaned and shut my eyes, "Good night"
"Good night, my love" I wasn't sure if I had imagined him saying that or not, but by the time my brain could process it, I was asleep.


"Good morning!" he grumbled as I turned.
"How long you been up?" I asked.
"You woke me up" He said. There was a playful smile on his tired face.
"It's no big deal" he stretched and let out a big yawn, "It's saturday anyways"
"Yep" he popped the p.
"I was going to take you to the mall, but it's a little too early" he said, looking at the watch he had on his wrist. He was still in his work clothes. That meant he hadn't left the bed last night. He had kept his promise.
"I'm fine here" I said and smiled as he looked at me.
"It's nice waking up to a pretty face" he said and ran his hand down my cheek. He had called me pretty.
"I should go shower" he groaned and rolled off the bed. I laughed when I heard the loud thump. I turned onto my back and sighed happily. I wasn't sure this was going to last long, but I wanted to make the best of it. I listened as Gerard took a shower. He started singing lightly. I smiled at how beautiful his voice was. I should have known there was more to him than just drawing.
"Well shit!" Gerard growled after the water turned off.
"What?" I called out.
"There isn't a towel in here. Don't look! I'm comming out"
My heart pounded against my chest. I put my hands over my face. I was trying so hard not to peak as I heard him walk out the bathroom. He was naked in the same room was me. My own teacher was naked! I didn't look because I couldn't get myself to do it. He trusted me enough to not peak and so I didn't.
"Thanks, hun" he said, closing the bathroom door behind him. I let out a sigh of relief. It was day three of living with Gerard and I had already been in the same room as him naked. We really needed to slow down.
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Happy Ieroween everyone :D
I got on maybe 10 minutes ago to comments on THREE of my stories:
this one
Gateway To Heaven
This made me very very happy :D
I love you guys <3