Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


"Can you walk?" Gerard asked as he slipped on a t-shirt. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. My legs still hurt a little bit, but not a lot.
"I'm not sure"
"Would you like to try?" his voice was as playful as ever as he pushed his jet black hair out of his eyes. He was perfection.
"I guess" I pushed myself off the bed only to lose balance and fall into his embrace. He tried to help me balance and when I was finally standing straight he was reluctant to let go of me.
"You good?" he asked.
"Mmhm" He let go. I fell back into his chest. He laughed.
"Liar" He picked me up swiftly and sat me back down on the bed.
"You'll be going to the mall with crutches then" he said, pushing his hair out of his eyes yet again.
"Really?" I groaned. I hated crutches.
"I don't have a wheel chair, but I could ask my friend if he has a stroller or some shit if you really want that" he smirked.
"Nah. Crutches are good" I smiled.
After he gave me the crutches I had to get used to them and once I did, I went to take a bath. Once I was done, I had to hold onto the wall. I got dressed while sitting on the toliet. (Lid down of course) and then put my hair in a loose pony tail. I grabbed my crutches and walked out. He was waiting for me on his bed.
"You ready?" he asked. I nodded and he led the way out. He opened the door for me and helped me in. He took the crutches and put them in the back. He climbed into the drivers seat and pulled out of the driveway.
"So what exactly are we going to the mall for?" I asked.
"Clothes for you, like I promised"
"Aren't teachers like...broke?" I questioned.
"Nope. Not this one anyways" he chuckled.
"I still can't believe I'm living with my teacher" I said more to myself than him.
"I still can't believe I'm this close with a student" he sighed, "I thought when I came here that it would be a bunch of hormonal teens who would back talk me whenever they pleased" I laughed lightly.
"That is highschool" I agreed, "But I'm not that type of kid"
"Kid" he repeated, "I wouldn't exactly call you a kid. You're far from a kid"
"What do you mean?"
"You're more mature. In all honesty you act like your in your early thirtys" There waas a short silence.
"How old are you?" I had just realized that I had never asked before.
"Twenty-seven" he smiled, "I know I'm old"
"Nah not really" I disagreed.
"Yea" I felt my cheeks flush red as I looked out the window. The storm was long gone and the sky was bright blue. I smiled as I saw a cloud that was shaped like a heart. He pulled into the parking lot of the mall.
"We're here" He said in a sing-song voice. He was more excited than me. It was odd.
He opened the door after getting my crutches. He helped me get steady and then we began to walk towards the mall. He didn't rush me though I swear I was going at the speed of a turtle. He was just so patient with me. I didn't understand him; Just like he didn't understand me.
"Where to?" he asked after we stopped at a map of the mall. I bit my lip as I looked at the store names.
"Hot topic?"
"Good choice. I was going to drag you in there anyways" he smirked. We made our way towards the store. He skipped in happily. Now that was something you didn't see everyday.
"Hey Gee" a guy with a weird mohawk like hairstyle said.
"Hey Frankie" he said and put his hands on his hips to examine what "Frankie" was doing. I slowly came in and stood beside him.
"Frank, this is my new roomate, Melody. Melody, this is my best buddy, Frank"
"Sup" he smiled.
"Hi" I was shy. I wasn't used to being around new people. Gerard was basically the only exception. Something about us had caused us to click instantly.
"What you looking for today?" Frank asked.
"We're getting her some new clothes" Gerard said. Frank raised an eyebrow, but simply nodded.
"What bands do you listen to?" Gerard asked as my eyes scanned the band tee section.
"Misfits, smashing pumpkins, avenged sevenfold, alesana, and all that good stuff"
"Good taste" he said and grabbed a misfits shirt. He held it up towards me.
"Too big" he went to get another size until he found the right one.
"Do you like invader zim?" he asked, showing me a Gir jacket. I gasped.
"YES!" I practically screamed. He smiled and flipped it over his shoulder. He got me a pair of jeans, some gloves, and some more band tees. Frank rung us up and gave us a discount.
"Thanks man" Gerard said and saluted the boy as we walked out. There was something familar about Frank. Something I couldn't pin point out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I suck at cliff hangers so spare me!
I freaking love writting this! It's gotten to the 14 subscribers mark and one star. Can we get it to two stars? That would be awesome. The highest I've gotten is three or four stars I think so it'd be nice to have a five star story.
I love you all just letting you know.
I only know about half of you so make yourself known. i don't bite