Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


When we were done shopping we went to Starbucks. I wasn't suprised at the slightest since it was obvious he loved coffee and cigarettes. What a perfect combo.
"You want anything?"
"Do they have hot chocolate?"
"Get me that then" I went and took a seat at one of the small tables. There was only two seats and a flower was in the middle of it. I smiled as I examined it. After about five minutes he came and sat down with his coffee and my hot chocolate. I took a sip and tried to ignore that it burned my mouth.
"You are crazy" he said, blowing on his coffee. The smoke swirled away from his lips towards me.
"If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen" I smiled. He rolled his eyes as he took a sip of the coffee. That cup was so lucky to feel his lips. I felt pitiful for being slightly envious of a stupid cup, but I was.
"Oh whatever, Mel"
"When did you start calling me Mel?" I asked. He shrugged and pushed his hair out of his eye.
"Do you not like it?"
"No...I love it" I admitted.
"Good" We sat there in silence for awhile until we both finished our drinks.
"Do you want to go anywhere else?" He asked as we walked out of the mall. He clicked the unlock button on his keys and his car beeped.
"No. Not really" I couldn't think of anywhere else, because I didn't get out much.
"How about we go to the movies?"
We got in the car and he drove to the movies. We looked at the movieboards to see what movies were playing.
"Wanna see this one?" he pointed to the one with a bunch of zombie people on it. I rolled my eyes.
"You are such a nerd" I giggled, "Sure let's watch it" He got the tickets and then we got some popcorn. We had about 10 minutes to spare and the theatre was basically empty. He lifted up the armrest, putting it against the wall and put his arm around me. I was suprised at how straight forward he was being.
"If you get too scared you can bury your face in my side" he said. I rolled my eyes but didn't protest. I decided I was going to fake being scared just to be close to him.
When the movie started, I smiled as Gerard was instantly engulfed in it. He was stuffing his face with popcorn like a little chipmunk. When a zombie popped out of nowhere and bit the guys neck, I jumped even though I had expected it. He looked over at me. He put the popcorn to the side and took my hand in his. He squeezed it, letting me know it was alright. I laid my head against his chest, faking being afraid every once in awhile just to get a whiff of the smell of coffee and cigarettes.
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