Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


"You, me, tonight, movies. Are you down?" Greg asked as I made my way to my next class from lunch. I rolled my eyes. He was trying too hard. He had begged me the past half-hour of lunch for me to consider going on a date with him.
"Aw c'mon! Give a poor guy a chance. You haven't given any of these guys here even a second look! We aren't all jackasses"
"But ones like you are" I turned away and walked into my class. I couldn't believe a guy like him was hitting on me. I wasn't the prettiest thing out there. I was aware of that. So what was it that made him want to be around me so bad?
"Good afternoon" the teacher smiled. My mind began to go elsewhere. If I started dating Greg what would Gerard's reaction be? I wasn't even sure if he felt the same way I did. I knew he cared about me in a more then teacher/student way, but then how did Gerard Way really see me?
As a friend?
As a roomate?
As a, dare I say it, daughter?
Or maybe a...sister?
I didn't see him as a father figure and I definitely didn't see him as a big brother. I would put him under the tiny little list called "Unidentified".
It had been a week already and I still wasn't sure about my feelings for Gerard. I was well aware that there was a slight physical attraction and that there was a huge possiblity that if he teased me long enough I would have to strap him to a bed while he's sleep and rape the shit out of him. No joke.
The bell pulled me out of my thoughts and I was greeted by Greg. Had the guy even went to class?!
"Have you thought about it?"
"Ugh fine" I said, giving in to the lucious boy before me.
"Pick me up at seven" I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down Gerard's address. I handed it to him and then walked off, trying so hard to force down a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you guys like wanna kill me now for adding Greg. HAHAHA
Anyways, almost 20 subscribers! I wanna know who you all are. I think I know maybe 7 or 8 of you. It'd be nice to know you all though.
Anyways, did you all have an awesome Ieroween? I stayed at home, but I had this dream about going trick or treating. Odd right?