Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


When I got home, I rushed to pick out a decent looking outfit out of the wardrobe that had grown increasingly over the past week. Gerard would go somewhere and come back with a bunch of clothes. It was like he knew my style perfectly. Everything he brought home for me, I loved. I decided I would wear a red and black stripped v-neck with black skinny jeans and red converses. I put on some of those black plastic bracelets and did my makeup. Gerard was reluctant to get me makeup at first, because he didn't want me "over using it". It was silly how he thought I would just start cup-caking tons of makeup on my face if he bought me some. All I really needed was my eyeliner, but a little mascara and eyeshadow never killed a girl.
"What are you getting all dressed up for?" Gerard asked, walking into the bathroom and leaning on the door-frame.
"I have a date"
"With who?" his voice broke mid-sentence. I had been curious to what his reaction was going to be, but I didn't expect his...dislike of it to be so obvious.
"The emo kid?"
"He's punk, Gerard, not emo" I rolled my eyes.
"Same shit" he shrugged. It was silent for what seemed like forever. It was so quiet that I thought he left until he spoke up again.
"Do you really like him?" he whispered. I looked over at him. He looked hurt. I couldn't believe he was making it this obvious. Maybe it was just hard on him.
"I don't know" I replied honestly, "I'll find out tonight though" The sound of a horn honking cut Gerard off before he could say anything.
"That's my ride" I smiled and walked up to Gerard. I hugged him tightly and then found the nerve to kiss his cheek.
"See you in about an hour" I said, releasing him and running out to the front.
"Hey gorgeous!" Greg greeted me. I rolled my eyes, but let him hug me and kiss my cheek. He took my hand in his and opened the door to his car for me. I climbed in and he closed it. He then went to his side.
"Nice house you have" he added before he drove off.
"So what movie do you want to see?" he asked.
"Definitely not a chick flick" I groaned. He laughed.
"I'm glad to hear that we're on the same page then. How about a comedy?"
"That'd be sick" I cheered. He smiled as he flipped his hair out of his eye. His eyes were a light gray. It was a really pretty shade. When we got to the movies he got our tickets and then we got a popcorn. We went into our movie and sat in the far back. The theater didn't have that many people so we were pretty much alone. The movie was going to play in maybe 10 minutes or so. So we decided to talk a little.
"What's your favorite color?" I asked him.
"Mine too"
"What kind of music do you listen to?" he asked.
"Rock, screamo, etc" I said with a wave of my hand.
"Do you listen to Alesana?"
"Of course"
"Fucking epicness"
We continued like that for the next ten minutes until the lights died down and the movie began. Greg's hand held mine as we watched the movie. By the end, we were laughing so hard that we were crying. The movie was just that funny.
"I can't believe he did that!" I said as we walked out the movie theater, hand in hand.
"Me either!" he exclaimed, "He was all like" he stopped in the middle of the hallway and began popping his butt, still holding my hand as I laughed hysterically.
"Oh my god please stop!" I pleaded, wiping the tears from my eyes. He stopped and smiled.
"You're amazing" he said. I blushed as he spun me around.
"We should go dancing sometime" he said, "I can salsa. My father forced me to"
"Wait, you're Hispanic?"
"Half" he sighed.
"That's cool"
"What about you?"
"What nationality are you?"
"Oh I'm Italian and German I think"
"You think?" he laughed.
"My parents only mentioned it once" I shrugged. The thought of my parents stung my chest lightly.
"Ahh" he said, "Culture is a big thing in my family though. It's stressful"
"Isn't it like against the rules to get piercings or something like that?"
"Nah, my parents just don't approve of who I am" he rolled his eyes as we walked out of the movie theater.
"They say I rebel too much"
"Do you?"
"Sorta" there was a mischievous grin on his face.
"Too many restrictions is all it is" he sighed, "The only rule I think I haven't broken is no sex before marriage and even so I've gotten pretty close to breaking that one as well" He winked and I looked away as we reached his car. He opened the door for me and I climbed in. I couldn't believe I was actually having a good time with this guy, but I was. When he got in, he pulled out a CD.
"The emptiness?" he asked, holding up the Alesana CD.
"Yes please" I smiled. He took it out and placed it in the CD player. We blared it as we drove out of the parking lot.
"Sanity is slipping from my hands now" I sung along loudly, "I'm standing closer to the edge than I should be allowed!"
"You're crazy" Greg smiled as I shook his arm while screaming "The emptiness will haunt you".
"I love them" I said as he pulled out in front of Gerard's house. I still wasn't used to calling it mine.
"I do too" I looked at him and he looked at me. I didn't know exactly what to do.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I said and then turned to get out of the car. He grabbed my hand.
"Melody" I turned back to face him. Before I could ask what it was he wanted, his lips were pressed against mine. My first ever loving kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh I know you guys want to kill me even more now for making Greg and Mel kiss, but I think this was cute. Do you guys hate Greg? I actually kind of like him. Darn! LOL