Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


I walked into the house feeling slightly dizzy. I couldn't believe Greg had kissed me. Gerard was sitting on the couch, watching some movie. I plopped down beside him with a smile.
"I'm guessing you had fun" he said.
"That's good" awkward silence.
"I guess I'll be going to bed then" I said, getting up. He was acting different. I didn't like it, not one bit.


I woke up the next morning after rolling out of the bed. I hit my head on the floor and let out a groan of pain. Gerard didn't come flying to my side like he usually did. I rubbed the back of my head, wondering if Gerard was even going to check on me. He walked in the room with his regular outfit on. One of his many vest with the button up shirts.
"Are you going to get up off the floor?" he asked. He didn't reach out his hand like he normally would have. I was shocked at how...bitter he seemed.
"Um yea. Thanks for the reminder" I got up and went to go get dressed. When I was done, Gerard was sitting by his car, tapping his foot impatiently.
"You take too long" he said, rolling his eyes. Really Gerard? Really?!
"Sorry" I didn't want to start any shit. It was way too early for that. He didn't open the door for me. He just climbed in and started the ignition. I stood there for a second. He rolled his eyes and rolled the window down.
"Are you coming or not?"
"Yea...sorry" I opened the door and climbed in. The whole ride was silent. That wasn't normal. When we got to the school, he got out and walked away without saying anything to me. I had a feeling I was going to hate being in his class today.


"Hey" Greg said when I met him in the hallway. He placed a small peck on my cheek.
"Did you have fun last night?"
"Yea" I smiled. I felt a blush coming on as I remembered the kiss. He tangled his fingers into mine.
"Good" he kissed my nose and began to walk me to class.
"You have art right?"
"Yep" I popped the p, just like Gerard liked to do.
"Mr. Way is kind of creepy" he said as he pushed me against a locker a few feet away from Gerard's classroom.
"I think he's nice" I tried not to let any of my feelings show.
"Nice my ass. He walked pass me and gave me like the mega death glare! I don't even have his class!" The bell rang.
"Don't get all worked up about it" I said, waving it off. He rolled his eyes and kissed my lips lightly just as Gerard walked pass by. He didn't even look at us. His fist were clenched pretty tightly though.
"I'll see you next block" Greg smiled and then walked off. I walked into his class just as the late bell rang.
"You're late"
"No" I argued, "I walked in right when the bell rang"
"Talking back isn't going to make your detention any less horrible"
"Just take your seat" I didn't get it. Why was Gerard treating me like just a student again? Was he really that pissed off about the Greg thing? I sighed and took my seat. Gerard went up to the board and began a lecture on color tones. I silently took my notes, but he was more tense than usual. He avoided eye contact with me and his fist were always clenched. When he sent us off the do an assignment, it gave me time to think as I drew. I hated seeing Gerard like this. He seemed frustrated and slightly hurt. I just hoped he'd suck it up for my birthday in four days and if not, I was going to have one hell of a sweet eighteen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gerard is now acting like a complete dick! Still like him?
No really it pained me to make Gerard such a jerk, but it had to be done.