Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


I was there when he arrived. His hair pushed back with a bunch of hairgel. I examined him as he continued his business, not noticing me in the dark room. I was used to not being noticed so I was fine with that, but something made me want to speak, to hear his voice. He turned on the light. He jumped when he saw me. I supposed I was a scary sight to him. It appeared that I was to everyone else. They avoided me in the hallways. None of them every dared bumped shoulders with me. Was there something wrong with me?
"Oh god! You scared me" He said. One hand was lightly placed on his heart and the other held a cup of coffee. I could smell it from where I sat. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.
"It's fine though" he smiled, putting his bag down. He took a sip of coffee.
"Would it be a crime to ask for your name?" he was walking towards me, something I wasn't used to or at least not from a man of his appearance. He was wearing a black vest with a white button up shirt underneath. Three of the buttons were not buttoned and his striped tie hung loosely around his neck. He pushed up he sleeves as he sat in front of me, waiting for a reply. I shook my head.
"I guess I should introduce myself first" he smiled warmly. I was shocked at how nice he was being.
"I'm Mr. Way, the new art teacher" He lifted out his hand that had recently been placed against his chest.
"M-Melody?" It came out sounding like a question. I took his hand and he shook it. I hadn't used my voice in so long I had forgotten how to use it.
"You sure?" he said playfully. A small smile slid onto my face. I hadn't smiled in ages. I couldn't even recall the last time I had spoken to someone. The teachers didn't ever call on me. They never said a word to me about my grades, but I knew they were slipping. It was obvious that they were.
"Yes" I said, surely this time. He let go of my hand then. I was suprised he had wanted physical contact with me at all.
"Will you be in any of my classes?" He asked, turning his head to look at the drawing I had been working on.
"Of course" my voice sounded hoarse and dry. I hated it.
"Good" he said, looking away from the paper, eyebrows furrowed.
"You're here rather early though"
"I come here every morning to paint since I don't have any supplies of my own" I sighed. I dared to look up at him. His face was pale. His eyes were hazel. They were stunning. He was stunning.
"Ah" he said in understanding. He actually understood?
"Mmhm" I wanted to get back to my drawing so I could stop looking at his face, but I couldn't get myself to do it.
"Well school doesn't start for another hour" He said, breaking the awkward silence, "You're welcome here whenever" he shrugged.
"I''ve got a feeling you're gonna be my favorite student." He winked. My heart stopped. No my heart pounded. I forced myself to look away.
"Thank you" i murmured and looked down at the page, grabbing my pencil and beginning to draw again. I engulfed myself in the drawing, but something changed that day. Something good.
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I really like writting this :)