Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


(Time Lapse*Three Days*)
"Can you hang out after school?" Greg asked as I stomped down the hallway. Gerard had some nerve to act like such a prick to me. He had been like this for three days and my birthday was tomorrow.
"Can't" I growled.
"Way gave me detention again"
"Really? This is like the third time in a row"
"I know" I punched a nearby locker, instantly regretting it. That was going to leave a very big bruise.
"Nice one" Greg said sarcastically.
"Thank you" I said, holding my hand and rolling my eyes.Greg shoved his hands in his pockets as we continued our walk to second period.
"Why is Mr. Way such a dick to you? Like did you do something to him?" I shrugged and Greg sighed.
"I can talk to him if you want"
"No! Hell no! That'll only make things worse! You know that" I yelled. My fist throbbed in pain. I bit my lip.
"You okay?"
"Yea sure" We turned into our class and sat at our regular seats beside each other. I was still fuming from what Gerard had done. He gave me detention for the stupidest things and the detentions I had been to these past couple days were horrible. I was not excited about the one I would have to go to today. The sad thing was that there was no escaping it. I lived with him for fucks sakes! I couldn't move out or anything! I didn't know anybody well enough to crash with them. Not even Greg. When class ended we headed off to lunch. The day was going by slower than usual. I just wanted to get the detention over with so it could be my birthday already.
"We have to hang out tomorrow" Greg said, "Mr. Way can't possibly be so horrible that he'd give you a detention on your birthday...right?" I shrugged. I had no idea what Gerard would do. I wasn't even sure if he remembered it was my birthday tomorrow, but that was besides the point. I was determined to have the best birthday ever and Gerard was not going to ruin it.
"We'll hang tomorrow" I sighed, "Your place?"
"Nah it has to be at your place"
"My mom doesn't let me bring girls in the house" he rolled his eyes.
"Damn" I was panicing. I would have to get Gerard out of the house or something. No one could know that me and Gerard were roomates for Gerard's sake mostly. I wasn't sure if living with a student that is not a relative was against the law, but still...
"So your place?"
"Maybe" We sat there in silence for the rest of lunch. The rest of the day sped by pretty fast. When the last bell rang, I held my breath. It was time for detention with Gerard.
"Time for hell" I murmured, grabbing my things and walking to Gerard's classroom. He was there waiting for me, but something was different.
"No detention today" he growled, "Walk home. I need some time to think" I walked out without another word. When I got out to the parking lot I sighed. So much shit was going on right now. It was getting to be a very heavy load and soon it was going to jizz all over me. Let's not hope it gets in my eye.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Gerard is still an asshole.
You all still love him though even though Greg is being sooooo sweet.
I put up Gerard's character profile and Greg's so go check that ish out!