Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


"Come on birthday girl" the horrible man said in a sing song voice. Tears formed in my eyes as I heard his footsteps.
"You have to be in here, you aren't in any of the other classrooms" my heart stopped. He had been in the other classrooms.
He shot at one of the big windows. I heard the glass shatter. My breathing got ragged as Gerard held me closer, unable to finish his sentence now.
"Come to daddy" the monster growled. He started pushing desk over, causing very loud bangs to echo across the room.
"I've got to do this" I thought to myself as I pulled myself away from Gerard. He yanked on my arm as if to say "What the hell are you doing?" but I couldn't answer him. I stood up. The tears falling down my cheeks in a cascade. I was basically sacrificing myself in hopes that once he killed me, he would leave everyone else alone. I was the one he wanted.
"I'm here" I said, moving out from behind the desk. I expected him to shoot me or attack me, but he didn't.
"Happy birthday" the man sounded insane. He was more of a monster than I had remembered.
"Aren't you supposed to be in jail?" I asked.
"Why yes...yes I am" he chuckled, "But I just couldn't let myself miss my daughter's 18th birthday. You're a grown woman now" He stepped towards me. I stepped away from the desk more. Gerard's eyes were panicked. I hit his hand as to say "stay there". I was hoping that he would listen. I had this under control.
"Indeed I am" I said, "It was nice of you to come and ruin my peachy day" He laughed at my sarcasm.
"I mean well"
"Did you mean well when you called me a slut?" I growled.
"Now. Now. Don't be so bitter. I brought you a present"
"What is that?"
"I'm going to let you join your mother and brother" he said. That's when he pointed the gun at me and shot.
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Oh so short! It's epic! Haha you guys must hate me now