Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


"Why didn't you say anything when I was at Hot Topic?" I asked as we walked in the park. We had decided to leave the alleyway and go there. It was calmer there and we were less likely to get mugged.
"I don't know" he shrugged. "I wasn't sure if you wanted Gee to know it or not" He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. He lit it quickly and took a long drag.
"He doesn't know" I said. He waved the cigarette towards me and I shook my head.
"I don't smoke" He took another drag after making a face that seemed to say "Oh well your loss"
"What is Gerard to you anyways?" Frank said, the smoke swirling around his face. That was a good question.
"You should ask him that" I sighed.
"Gerard tries to hide his feelings. He doesn't want to show them because it makes him feel vulnerable"
"I remember when I felt like that" I said more to myself than to Frank.
"Yea me too" We were silent for a while. There wasn't much to be said. I searched my brain for something, anything to say or ask.
"How do you and Gerard know each other?"
"We met at a concert. We like instantly clicked and became really good friends. Plus we were in the same circle, we just hadn't met each other until that day"
"That's nice I guess"
"Have you met his brother?"
"He has a brother?"
"Yep" he took yet another drag of his cigarette before dropping it and stepping on it.
"There's probably a lot that you don't know about him" Frank smiled.
"Would you tell me if I asked you to?"
"Maybe...I might have to charge you"
"What exactly would you charge me?"
"I don't know, I'd have to think about it"
"You do that" We sat down on a bench and I sighed.
"So how was your day?"
"'s my birthday"
"What's so horrible about that?"
"My dad broke out of prision..."
"Oh..." We sat there again in silence. He was fidgeting with his fingers.
"How old are you now?"
"Then you're legal" He smiled. His smile was actually quite dazziling.
"Would you go out to eat with me tonight or something?" I hadn't expected that.
"You don't have to if you don't want to"
"I'd love to go!" I smiled. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled.
"You want me to walk you home? You live with Gerard right?"
"Yea that'd be nice" I smiled. We got off the bench and walked all the way to Gerard's house. When we got to the doorstep, we stood there for a moment.
"I'll pick you up around sevenish"
"Oh and one more thing" he smirked.
"Yea?" He pressed his lips against mine for a brief moment.
"Happy Birthday"
♠ ♠ ♠
UH OH! Love triangle...or!
Haha! So I realize that most of my readers are from the UK
that's epic! It's a tragedy that I am in the USA! I live on the East Coast. North Carolina to be exact. Just to let you guys know a little about me as well as why my updates come when some of you are at school or asleep. I'm maybe four hours behind most of you?
Anyways, This story has reached 30 subscribers! MY NEW RECORD! Yes I feel so epic! Also do you guys know if it looks right if you try to update from your phone or ipod? I'd be updating ALOT more if it's a yes.
Also It has over 100 reads :D