Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


"Good Morning, Class" Mr. Way smiled. There weren't many people here so I felt comfortable with saying a good morning back. The few people who were in here looked confused. It didn't matter though. My eyes were on Mr. Way and Mr. Way only.
"Today I want you all to draw a picture of the perfect person. Now I know you probably won't be able to get every single tiny detail right, but I'm curious to what you all think is 'perfect'" I was already drawing on a piece of paper.
"Seems as if Melody already has her idea" He smiled, "Now the rest of you go! Don't take forever" He sat down at his desk and took a sip of coffee. It was his third cup today. Was it bad that I was counting?
I continued to draw the perfect person. I was working on the outline of the jacket he was going to wear. When I was done with that I started drawing the eyes. They looked like Mr. Way's. When I finished his eyes I made his mouth. They also looked like Mr's Way's. When I was done I realized I was drawing Mr. Way. I blushed red as he walked around, checking what everyone was doing. I freaked. He couldn't know that I had been drawing him! By the time he got over I was too late. He looked over at my picture and smiled.
"Good job" he said simply, rubbing my shoulder and then walking off. My heart jumped as he walked away. I breathed in a sigh. He was so beautiful as he walked away his hips swished ever so slightly. It was hot if you asked me. His pants were loose though. If only he were in skinny jeans. I bit my lip as the bell rang.
"See you tomorrow" he yelled to the people rushing out. I didn't want to leave, but I got up anyways.
"Have a good day, Melody" he smiled and began writting on the board.
"Thanks" I mumbled and walked out into the crowded hallways. I walked to my next class and did my work quietly once it was given. When that class finally ended I rushed to Mr. Way's class. I was hoping to spend lunch with him. I ran into him just as he was walking out. I fell back onto the floor.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" He reached out to help me up instead of reaching for his papers that had fallen from his hands. His eyes met mine as he pulled me up.
"I'm f-fine" I stuttered.
"You sure?"
"Mmhm" I rubbed the back of my head. There was a possiblity that I could have a concussion, but that didn't matter.
"Let me help you" I said, bending over to pick up some of the papers. When I stood back up he was bitting his lip.
"Thanks" he said.
"Where were you heading anyways?" he asked.
"I was actually wondering if um I could spend lunch with you?"
"Yea that'd be nice. I just need to drop off these papers and we can chat" he smiled and walked off. I wanted to follow, but that might creep him out. I went into the classroom and sat down in a desk. I sighed nervously. I was going to be alone with Mr. Way again. He came back a few minutes later with a cup of coffee.
"Hey" he smiled.
"Hi" I returned his smile. He placed the coffee on his desk after taking a sip.
"How has your day been thus far?"
"Actually pretty good" I was suprised at myself. The days usually were horriable.
"You say that as if you don't ever have a good day"
"I don't"
"And why not?" he placed his hands on his hips with a playfully serious face on.
"It's complicated" I sighed.
"I'm good at figuring things out" He said. The playfulness out of his tone. Did he really want to understand me? Did he really want to get to know me?
"I don't think you'd want to figure me out" I said honestly. He furrowed his eyebrows.
"I highly doubt that" he said and pulling his rolling chair to my desk and sitting in front of me. He looked me dead in the eyes.
"Why?" I asked. He turned his head to the side.
"I see you perfectly" he whispered, "I see what others don't see"
"What do you see?" I whispered.
"A girl" he said, smiling ever so slightly.
"A girl with hopes and dreams just like any other person" I was stunned by his answer. Was I really that easy to read? Did he seriously see right through me like that?
"A mirror never lies" he whispered, "They know, everybody knows. A mirror never lies, I see what they see"
"Alesana?" I asked. He nodded. He rolled away from me and back to his desk. He took a huge sip of coffee. For the remainder of the time I sat there in silence I didn't know what else to say to him. What else could be said between us?
I wasn't sure I wanted to know.
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I like this like alot, but like it has no subscribers :(